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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Apache Guide

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Updated: September 2015



Apache  See Alsoindex iconHA for Apache
installing softwareindex iconInstalling and Configuring Apache
installing web serverindex iconInstalling an Apache Web Server


HA for Apacheindex iconHow to Register and Configure HA for Apache Using Oracle Solaris Cluster Command Line Interface (CLI)


extension properties
SUNW.apache resource typeindex iconHA for Apache Extension Properties


fault monitor
HA for Apacheindex iconTuning the HA for Apache Fault Monitor
RTRindex iconInformation for Registering the New Resource Type Version


HA for Apache  See Alsoindex iconApache
BindAddress directiveindex iconPlanning the Installation and Configuration
configuration, planningindex iconPlanning the Installation and Configuration
DocumentRoot directiveindex iconPlanning the Installation and Configuration
fault monitorindex iconTuning the HA for Apache Fault Monitor
httpd.conf fileindex iconPlanning the Installation and Configuration
planningindex iconPlanning the Installation and Configuration
verifyingindex iconHow to Verify Data Service Installation and Configuration
installingindex iconInstalling the HA for Apache Package
lock fileindex iconPlanning the Installation and Configuration
multiple instancesindex iconPlanning the Installation and Configuration
Port directiveindex iconPlanning the Installation and Configuration
registering and configuringindex iconHow to Register and Configure HA for Apache Using Oracle Solaris Cluster Command Line Interface (CLI)
resource type versionsindex iconInformation for Registering the New Resource Type Version
ScriptAlias directiveindex iconPlanning the Installation and Configuration
ServerName directiveindex iconPlanning the Installation and Configuration
ServerType directiveindex iconPlanning the Installation and Configuration
software package, installingindex iconInstalling the HA for Apache Package
SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource typeindex iconHow to Configure SUNW.HAStoragePlus Resource Type
task mapindex iconOverview of the Installation and Configuration Process for HA for Apache
httpd.conf file
configuringindex iconPlanning the Installation and Configuration


Apacheindex iconInstalling and Configuring Apache
HA for Apacheindex iconInstalling the HA for Apache Package


index iconInformation for Migrating Existing Instances of the Resource Type
index iconPlanning the Installation and Configuration


Oracle Solaris Cluster software
index iconHow to Install the HA for Apache Package
index iconHow to Install the HA for Apache Package


packageindex iconInstalling the HA for Apache Package
prerequisiteindex iconHow to Register and Configure HA for Apache by Using clsetup
properties  See Alsoindex iconextension properties
Monitor_Uri_Listindex iconInformation for Migrating Existing Instances of the Resource Type
Type_versionindex iconInformation for Migrating Existing Instances of the Resource Type
Proxy Server
installing and configuringindex iconInstalling and Configuring HA for Apache
Oracle Solaris Cluster software
index iconHow to Install the HA for Apache Package
index iconHow to Install the HA for Apache Package


HA for Apacheindex iconHow to Register and Configure HA for Apache Using Oracle Solaris Cluster Command Line Interface (CLI)
resource type registration (RTR) fileindex iconInformation for Registering the New Resource Type Version
RTR (resource type registration) fileindex iconInformation for Registering the New Resource Type Version


software packageindex iconInstalling the HA for Apache Package
standard properties
effect on fault monitorsindex iconTuning the HA for Apache Fault Monitor
SUNW.apache resource type
extension propertiesindex iconHA for Apache Extension Properties
SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource type
HA for Apacheindex iconHow to Configure SUNW.HAStoragePlus Resource Type


task map
HA for Apacheindex iconOverview of the Installation and Configuration Process for HA for Apache
Type_version propertyindex iconInformation for Migrating Existing Instances of the Resource Type


HA for Apache installationindex iconHow to Verify Data Service Installation and Configuration
resource typesindex iconInformation for Registering the New Resource Type Version


web server
installing Apache web serverindex iconInstalling an Apache Web Server