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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle TimesTen Guide

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Updated: September 2015

Creating and Enabling Resources for TimesTen

How to Create and Enable Resources for TimesTen in a Failover Configuration

Before You Begin

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met.

  • The TimesTen software is installed on shared storage.

  • The TimesTen data store is configured.

  • The required resource group, storage resource, and logical-hostname resource are created.

  • The resources in the failover resource group are enabled and the resource group is managed and online.

  1. Assume the root role on a node in the cluster that will host TimesTen.
  2. Register the resource type for the TimesTen server resource.
    # clresourcetype register ORCL.TimesTen_server
  3. Create the resource for the TimesTen resource group.
    # clresource create -g tt-resource-group \
    -t TimesTen_server \
    -p Base_directory=TimesTen-base-directory \
    -p Instance=TimesTen-instance-name \
    -p Datastore=TimesTen-data-store-name \
    -p Table=TimesTen-table-name \
    -p Hostname=TimesTen-logical-host-name \
    -p Resource_dependencies=logical-host-name \
    -p Resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hastorageplus-resource-name \

    Note -  The resource is created in the enabled state.
    —g resource-group

    Specifies the resource group name into which the resource is to be placed

    –t ORCL.TimesTen_server

    Specifies the resource type for the TimesTen resource

    -p Base_directory=TimesTen-base-directory

    Specifies the directory where TimesTen instances are to be installed

    -p Instance=TimesTen-instance-name

    Specifies the TimesTen instance name

    -p Datastore=TimesTen-data-store-name

    Specifies the TimesTen data-store name that will be used for server monitoring

    -p Table=TimesTen-table-name

    Specifies the table name that is about to be manipulated in the data store for monitoring purpose

    -p Hostname=TimesTen-logical-hostname

    Specifies the IP alias name of the logical-hostname resource where the hostname must point to for TimesTen failover configurations

    -p Resource_dependencies=logical-hostname

    Specifies the list of Oracle Solaris Cluster resources on which TimesTen depends

    -p Resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hastorageplus-resource-name

    Sets a resource dependency between tt-resource-group and the HAStoragePlus resource you created in Step 3

    Note -  The dependency list must include the logical-hostname resource and the storage resource for failover configurations.

How to Create and Enable Resources for TimesTen in a Multiple-Master Configuration

Before You Begin

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met.

  • The TimesTen software is installed on all participating nodes.

  • The TimesTen data store is configured.

  • The required resource group is created.

  • The resources in the failover resource group are enabled and the resource group is managed.

  1. Assume the root role on a node in the cluster that will host TimesTen.
  2. Register the resource type for the TimesTen server resource.
    # clresourcetype register ORCL.TimesTen_server
  3. Create the resource for the TimesTen resource group.
    # clresource create -g tt-resource-group \
    -t TimesTen_server \
    -p Base_directory=TimesTen-base-directory \
    -p Instance=TimesTen-instance-name \
    -p Datastore=TimesTen-data-store-name \
    -p Table=TimesTen-table-name \

    Note -  The resource is created in the enabled state.
    —g resource-group

    Specifies the resource group name into which the resource is to be placed

    –t ORCL.TimesTen_server

    Specifies the resource type for the TimesTen resource

    -p Base_directory=TimesTen-base-directory

    Specifies the directory where TimesTen instances are to be installed

    -p Instance=TimesTen-instance-name

    Specifies the TimesTen instance name

    -p Datastore=TimesTen-data-store-name

    Specifies the TimesTen data-store name that will be used for server monitoring

    -p Table=TimesTen-table-name

    Specifies the table name that is about to be manipulated in the data store for monitoring purpose

How to Create and Enable Resources for TimesTen in a Scalable Configuration

Before You Begin

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met.

  • The TimesTen software is installed on all participating nodes.

  • The TimesTen data store is configured.

  • The required TimesTen resource group, the failover resource group, and the required shared address resource are created.

  • The shared address resource in the failover resource group is enabled and all resource groups are managed.

  1. Assume the root role on a node in the cluster that will host TimesTen.
  2. Register the resource type for the TimesTen server resource.
    # clresourcetype register ORCL.TimesTen_server
  3. Create the resource for the TimesTen resource group.
    # clresource create -g tt-resource-group \
    -t TimesTen_server \
    -p Scalable=True \
    -p Port_List=TimesTen-server-port/tcp \
    -p Base_directory=TimesTen-base-directory \
    -p Instance=TimesTen-instance-name \
    -p Datastore=TimesTen-data-store-name \
    -p Table=TimesTen-table-name \
    -p Resource_dependencies=shared-address-resource-name \
    -p Resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hastorageplus-resource-name \

    Note -  The resource is created in the enabled state.
    —g resource-group

    Specifies the resource group name into which the resource is to be placed

    –t ORCL.TimesTen_server

    Specifies the resource type for the TimesTen resource

    —p Scalable=true

    Specifies that the resource is a scalable resource

    -p Port_list=TimesTen-base-directory

    Specifies the port for incoming sql connections on which the TimesTenserver listens

    -p Base_directory=TimesTen-base-directory

    Specifies the directory where TimesTen instances are to be installed

    -p Instance=TimesTen-instance-name

    Specifies the TimesTen instance name

    -p Datastore=TimesTen-data-store-name

    Specifies the TimesTen data-store name that will be used for server monitoring

    -p Table=TimesTen-table-name

    Specifies the table name that is about to be manipulated in the data store for monitoring purpose

    -p Resource_dependencies=logical-hostname

    Specifies the list of Oracle Solaris Cluster resources on which TimesTen depends

    -p Resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hastorageplus-resource-name

    Sets a resource dependency between tt-resource-group and the HAStoragePlus resource you created.

    Note -  The dependency list must include the shared-address resource.

How to Create and Enable Resources for TimesTen in an Active-Standby Configuration

Before You Begin

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met.

  • The TimesTen software is installed on all participating nodes.

  • The TimesTen data stores are configured.

  1. Assume the root role on a node in the cluster that will host TimesTen.
  2. Create the multiple-master resource group,

    This resource group contains the HA for TimesTen daemon resource together with the HA for TimesTen cluster agent and the TimesTen database monitor resources.

    # clresourcegroup create -p maximum_primaries=2 \
    -p desired_primaries=2  \
    -n nodelist \
  3. Create the failover resource group to contain the active service resource.
    # clresourcegroup create  \
    -n nodelist \

    Note -  Ensure that this node list is identical to the node list for the multiple-master resource group.
  4. Create the failover resource group to contain the standby service resource.
    # clresourcegroup create  \
    -n nodelist \

    Note -  Ensure that this node list is identical to the node list for the multiple-master resource group.
  5. Ensure that all resource groups are in the managed online state.
    # clresourcegroup online -M server-resource-group-name
    # clresourcegroup online -M active-resource-group-name
    # clresourcegroup online -M standby-resource-group-name
  6. Proceed with the TimesTen configuration, using the TimesTen utility ttCWadmin.

    Follow procedures in your TimesTen documentation.