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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle TimesTen Guide

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Updated: September 2015

Example: Defining TimesTen Replication in an Active-Active Configuration

This procedure defines the TimesTen replication.

  1. Define the replicated data stores.

    On both nodes, add the following lines to the /timesten/TimesTen/info/sys.odbc.ini file.

  2. Define the datastore content, including a user with administrative permissions.
    phys-schost-1$ ttIsql active
    Command> create table 
    t1 (col1 integer not null, col2 varchar(30), primary key (col1));
    Command> CREATE REPLICATION repscheme1
    > ELEMENT complete DATASTORE
    > MASTER active on "phys-schost-2 "
    > subscriber active on "phys-schost-1";
    Command> CREATE REPLICATION repscheme2
    > ELEMENT complete DATASTORE
    > MASTER active on "phys-schost-1"
    > subscriber active on "phys-schost-2";
    Command> CALL ttRepStart;
    Command> create user repl identified by 'repl';
    Command> grant admin to repl;
  3. Duplicate the data store active to the remote node and start the replication agent.
    phys-schost-2$ ttRepAdmin -duplicate -from active \
    > -host phys-schost-1 -uid repl -pwd repl "dsn=active"
    phys-schost-2$ ttIsql -e "call ttrepstart;exit;" active
  4. Define the replication policy on all hosts.
    phys-schost-1$ ttAdmin -repPolicy always active
    phys-schost-2$ ttAdmin -repPolicy always active