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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle TimesTen Guide

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Updated: September 2015

Example: Defining TimesTen Replication in a Scalable Subscriber Configuration

This procedure defines the TimesTen replication.

  1. Define the replicated data stores.

    On the master node and on both cluster nodes that host the subscriber service, add the following lines to the /timesten/TimesTen/info/sys.odbc.ini file.

  2. Define the datastore content on the node that hosts the master server, including a user with administrative permissions.
    phys-schost-1$ ttIsql replicated
    Command> create table 
    t1 (col1 integer not null, col2 varchar(30), primary key (col1));
    Command> CREATE REPLICATION repscheme
    > ELEMENT complete DATASTORE
    > MASTER replicated on "master-host"
    > subscriber replicated on "phys-schost-1"
    > subscriber replicated on "phys-schost-2";
    Command> CALL ttRepStart;
    Command> create user repl identified by 'repl';
    Command> grant admin to repl;
  3. Duplicate the data store replicated to the subscriber node and start the replication agent.
    phys-schost-1$ ttRepAdmin -duplicate -from replicated \
    > -host master-host -uid repl -pwd repl "dsn=replicated"
    phys-schost-1$ ttIsql -e "call ttrepstart;exit;" activephys-schost-2$ ttRepAdmin -duplicate -from replicated \
    > -host master-host -uid repl -pwd repl "dsn=replicated"
    phys-schost-2$ ttIsql -e "call ttrepstart;exit;" active
  4. Define the replication policy on all hosts.
    phys-schost-1$ ttAdmin -repPolicy always active
    phys-schost-2$ ttAdmin -repPolicy always active