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New User Registration and CTM

This section discusses integrating New User Registration with a CTM online transaction.

The New User Registration framework consumes CTM. Delivered with your system is the New User Registration CTM transaction called NEW_USER_REGISTRATION. Only one CTM transaction can be set up for New User Registration transaction in your system. You can modify its configuration, but do not change its name.

The New User Registration online transaction can be combined with any other CTM online transactions. In fact, performing an online transaction might be done by anybody in the world, therefore unknown by your system (unknown user or guest user), or by somebody that already has a User ID and a password (returning user).

When a user profile is created for a guest through New User Registration, an EMPLID is not associated. Once authenticated to your system, CTM allows the guest to complete a subsequent online transaction without having an ID (EMPLID) assigned. This is because the CTM transactions are keyed by Temporary ID (SCC_TEMP_ID) and not EMPLID. After the guest saves or submits the CTM online transaction, Search/Match is triggered and creates or identifies an EMPLID. When New User Registration is combined with a CTM online transaction, CTM also updates the user’s user profile with the EMPLID retrieved or created by Search/Match.

See Understanding New User Registration

Delivered with the New User Registration framework is a sample login page that can be customized for your institution security needs to allow a guest or a returning user to sign into your system. The sample login page allows the guest to create a new user ID and password and a returning user to use an existing user ID. This page is fully implemented with the CTM Transaction Code NEW_USER_REGISTRATION. Also delivered with the New User Registration framework is the concept of a New User Registration Context. In the New User Registration Context setup page, you define what should be the target page the user should be transferred to after being successfully authenticated. The target page can be the self-service online page used by your CTM online transaction. For example, if your CTM online transaction is created for Online Admission Applications, the target page defined in the context of using the New User Registration login page should be defined as your self-service online application page. That way a future applicant will not need to navigate to a specific page. He or she will be automatically transferred to the proper page.

Note: The New User Registration framework knows nothing about the subsequent online transaction (whether it is a CTM online transaction or not). They share the same constituent staging tables (if constituent information is requested at registration time) and the target page defined in the New User Registration Context ID is optional. New User Registration only facilitates the navigation orchestration of your guests or returning users wanting to perform an online transaction that requires signing into your system.

See Understanding New User Registration

Note: Once the system has authenticated the user, it is also an appropriate time for your CTM online transaction user interface to perform any initialization or setup to prepare the user for data entry into the online transaction. Such setup may include requesting for a bulk list of values data that the user interface can subsequently display to the user. Performing this activity up front may result in a general performance improvement and improved user experience. In order to do that, formulate a bulk List-Of-Values request message by submitting the request message to the SCC_GET_LOV service operation. Store the List-Of-Values results in a temporary storage area for use throughout the online transaction functioning.

SeeSetting Up List of Values.

CTM generates a New User Registration transaction when the self-service user registers to your system (guest users only).

Note: When CTM generates a New User Registration transaction, Search/Match is not triggered. It is assumed that at this time, the constituent data is not sufficient and might be invalid. Only at the time of performing a subsequent true transaction (CTM transaction not marked as New User Registration), Search/Match gets triggered.

Warning! The New User Registration process needs to occur at the initial point of entry for accessing your online user interface. Doing so allows for giving the self-service users appropriate access to the web services that will later be used. In other words, the user cannot be authenticated to your system after performing the online transaction.

See Developer Reference to Deploy New User Registration.