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Creating Academic Items for Courses

Program Enrollment, as delivered, allows you to create academic items that point to a course ID, course offering, course topic, or course offering/topic.

Use the Course Academic Item (SSR_CRSECAT_AIR) component to create academic items for individual courses or the Create Course Academic Item (SSR_RC_CRSEAIR) component batch process to create academic items for multiple courses.

This section discusses how to:

Page Name

Definition Name



Course Academic Item


select Curriculum Management, then select Academic Item Registry, then select Course Academic Item

Create academic items for an individual course.

Course Academic Items Details


Click the Details link on the Course Academic Item page.

View course academic item details.

Create Course Academic Item


select Curriculum Management, then select Academic Item Registry, then select Create Course Academic Item

Create academic items for multiple courses.

Access the Course Academic Item page (select Curriculum Management, then select Academic Item Registry, then select Course Academic Item).

Image: Course Academic Item page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Course Academic Item page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Course Academic Item page

Click the link next to the Course ID to access the Course Catalog (CRSE_CATALOG) component.

See Creating Course Offerings

Field or Control


Effective Date

This is the maximum effective dated row (less than or equal to the system date) for the course from the Course Catalog (the Course Academic Item search page prompts are the same as those for the Course Catalog search page but only the maximum effective dated row is returned).

Course Catalog, Course Offer, Course Catalog Topic, and Course Offer Topic

Data appears based on the data in the Course Catalog – for example, if no topic exists in the Course Catalog, the Select check box is not available for edit for the Course Catalog Topic.


Use this check box to indicate that you want to create an academic item for a course, offering, topic, or offering/topic.

Item ID

This link appears if an academic item already exists in the Academic Item Registry component - click the link to access the component.

See Setting Up Academic Item Registry Entries, Item Details, and Item Security


View the description for an existing academic item. If no academic item exists, the Course Description appears here by default and you can edit it.

Note: The Description field for entries under Course Offer and Course Offer Topic is populated with the Subject and Catalog Number values for the offering as well as the Course Description, For example a course with the Description Intro Spanish, with an offering with a subject of SPAN and a Catalog Number of 100, appears as SPAN 100: Intro Spanish.

Select All and Clear All

Click these buttons to select or clear all the check boxes in the Select column.

Create Academic Item

Click this button to create academic items in the AIR component for the course, offering, topic, and offering/topic for which the Select check box is selected. When an academic item is created:

  • The Item ID link appears here on the Course Academic Item page.

  • The Course Academic Item link appears on the Offerings page in the Course Catalog component. Click the link to access the Course Academic Item page.

    See Creating Course Offerings


Click this link to access the Course Academic Item Details page and view a summary of the course academic items that have been created.

Item Attributes

Any attributes that have been defined as required for the Academic Item record context (SSR_AIR_HDR)–the Required check box is selected on the Record Context page in the Common Attribute setup–and associated with the COURSE item type entity (‘AIR Course’) will default into the Item Attributes scroll area. These attributes cannot be deleted and you must select a value in order to create an academic item.

See Setting Up Academic Item Registry Entries, Item Details, and Item Security

See Defining a Common Attribute

See Associating a Common Attribute to a Record

Access the Course Academic Item Details page (click the Details link on the Course Academic Item page).

Image: Course Academic Item Details page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Course Academic Item Details page . You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Course Academic Item Details page

Field or Control



View details of all the academic items that have been created for the course. This is not a stored message and exists for the life of the component or until the Create Academic items button is clicked again.

Access the Create Course Academic Item page (select Curriculum Management, then select Academic Item Registry, then select Create Course Academic Item).

Image: Create Course Academic Item page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create Course Academic Item page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create Course Academic Item page

Run Control Options

Field or Control


Course Catalog

This check box is selected by default. The SSR_CRSE_AIR process creates an academic item for the course for the selected institution.

Course Catalog Topic

If this check box is selected, the process creates an academic item for each course topic that exists for the course ID.

Course Offer

If this check box is selected, the process creates an academic item for each course offering that exists for the course ID.

Course Offer Topic

If this check box is selected, the process creates an academic item for each course offering and topic combination that exists for the course ID.

Population Selection

The Population Selection group box is a standard group box that appears on run control pages when the Population Selection process is available or required for the transaction. Selection tools are available based on the selection tools that your institution selected in the setup of the Population Selection process for the application process and on your user security. Fields in the group box appear based on the selection tool that you select. The fields behave the same way from within the group box on all run control pages and application processes. If your institution uses a specific delivered selection tool to identify IDs for a specific transaction, you must use it.

Select the Population Selection check box to use the Population Selection process to select the courses for which you want to create academic items. When you select this check box, the Selection Tool and Query Name fields become available.

Field or Control


Selection Tool

Select External File or PS Query.

Query Name

The following queries are delivered:

  • SSR_POP_CRSEAIR_ACADGROUP: Select courses by institution and academic group.

  • SSR_POP_CRSEAIR_ACADORG: Select courses by institution and academic organization.

  • SSR_POP_CRSEAIR_BYDATE: Select courses by creation date using institution, operator id and date/time when the course was added.

  • SSR_POP_CRSEAIR_SUBJECT: Select courses by institution and course subject.

If you create queries, you must use the bind record SSR_CRSECAT_BND.

See Understanding Population Selection

See Using the Population Selection Process

Manual Selection

Field or Control


Use Course Select

If this check box is selected, you can manually select the courses for which you want to create academic items.

Clear List

Click this button to remove all Course ID rows and clear the Course ID field.

Item Attributes

Any attributes that have been defined in the Common Attribute setup as required for the Academic Item record context (SSR_AIR_HDR) and associated with the COURSE item type entity (‘AIR Course’) default into the Item Attributes scroll area. These attributes cannot be deleted and you must select a value in order to run the process.

See Using Item Attributes to Extend AIR Data Elements

See Defining a Common AttributeAssociating a Common Attribute to a Record

Running the Create Course Academic Items Process

Field or Control



Click to run the SSR_CRSE_AIR process and create course academic items in AIR.

When an academic item is created:

  • The Item ID link appears on the Course Academic Item page.

  • The Course Academic Item link appears on the Offerings page in the Course Catalog component. Click the link to access the Course Academic Item page.

    See Creating Course Offerings