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Using Common Attribute Framework for Student Academic Projects

The Common Attribute Framework enables you to define a common attribute and add the common attribute as a data field to any Campus Solutions page. A user can then enter a value on the page for the data field.

Use the Common Attribute Framework to create attributes for the Student Academic Projects feature. Create attributes using the Common Attribute component (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Common Attributes Setup, Common Attribute) and then use the Record Context component (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, Common Attributes Setup, Record Context) to associate attributes with a particular record.

See Defining a Common Attribute

See Associating a Common Attribute to a Record

The Student Project Management component pages are enabled for Common Attribute Framework. The Common Attribute Framework Record Name and Attribute Records for Student Project Management component are:

Common Attribute Framework Record Name

Attribute Record

How Common Attribute Framework Record is Accessed



SSR_RS_THESIS: Student Project Management, Project Management page, Additional Information link



SSR_RS_SUPRVSRS: Student Project Management, Additional Details page, Supervisors section, Additional Information link



SSR_RS_OTHRQDTL: Student Project Management, Additional Details page, Assignments section, Additional Information link

Note: These are the same Common Attribute Framework records used in the Research Management feature's Candidate Management and Thesis Management components. By default, attributes added for these records will appear in both the Student Project and Research Management areas. You can configure attributes exclusively for either the research or academic project pages using Common Attribute Framework attribute filter class (SSR_RS_RESEARCH:CAF_Filters:ResearchAttributeFilter) and work entities (ResearchManagement, AcademicProject) on the Common Attribute Framework Record Context setup page.

For information about the Student Project Management component, see Creating and Managing a Student Academic Project

The Common Attribute Framework Record Name and Attribute Record for Academic Project Topic Setup component are:

Common Attribute Framework Record Name

Attribute Record

How Common Attribute Framework Record is Accessed



Academic Project Topics, Additional Details page

For information about the Academic Project Topic Setup component, see Setting Up Academic Project Topics