Remove Drive Groups From a Storage Domain

Remove drive groups from a Storage Domain when you need to remove drive groups of a particular Storage Class. You might also need to remove the drive groups to assign the drive groups to another Storage Domain.

Sufficient Storage Domain capacity to receive the data that is migrating from the removed drive group.

When you remove a drive group from the Storage Domain, the system migrates any volume data to the remaining drive groups in the Storage Domain, if sufficient free capacity exists on the remaining drive groups. This migration can take several hours to complete. Plan to remove the drive groups when the system is idle or when the system has minimal I⁠/O activity.

  1. Navigate to System > Storage Domains.
  2. Select all of the drive groups that you want to remove from the Storage Domain.
  3. Select Actions > Remove from Storage Domain.
  4. Select the Migration Priority for the drive group removal.
  5. Click OK.
  6. (Optional) Click Tasks from the status bar to view the detailed status of the task that is removing the drive group.

The system places the drive groups that were successfully removed into an unassigned category. You can now add the unassigned drive groups to another Storage Domain.