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Oracle SuperCluster Configuration Backup Utility - Backup Guide

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Updated: August 2019

Run osc-config-backup

  1. Use the -a option to view the steps to run.

    Note -  The steps that are presented differ based on the SuperCluster model you are backing up.

    This is an example of the steps presented for SuperCluster T5-8:

    osccfbck@primDom$ osc-config-backup.pl -a
    No. |                                                       Details | Result |
     01 |                           Discover SuperCluster configuration |      - |
     02 |                                         Setup SSH equivalence |      - |
     03 |                              Setup backup NFS share on ZFS-SA |      - |
     04 |                                   Backup Domain configuration |      - |
     05 |                                Backup Domain & Zone ZFS pools |      - |
     06 |                                      Backup Management switch |      - |
     07 |                                    Backup Infiniband switches |      - |
     08 |                             Backup SuperCluster configuration |      - |
     09 |                                  Backup  ZFS-SA configuration |      - |
     10 |                                  Backup Exadata configuration |      - |
     11 |                                      Install and run explorer |      - |
     12 |                                       Cleanup SSH equivalence |      - |
  2. Run the first step to set up the osc-config-backup.conf script, and verify the data:
    1. Run Step one.

      Note -  Your output might differ from this example.
      osccfbck@primDom$ osc-config-backup.pl -s 1
      [ ssc-bkp : v1.0.5 ] Executing step 1
      [ sct58-tvp540-a-n1-db ] create_osc-config-backup.conf.sh start
      [ sct58-tvp540-a-n1-db ] Wed Sep 16 15:54:30 BST 2015
      [ sct58-tvp540-a-n1-db ] Using data from  /var/tmp/ssc-data/config
      [ sct58-tvp540-a-n1-db ] Has the SuperCluster Management Switch been replaced by a 
                                            customer supplied switch? Yes or No: No
      ************************producing osc-config-backup.conf file********************
      export BKP_INSTALL1=sct58-tvp540-a-n1-db;
      export BKP_NODES=sct58-tvp540-a-n1-db sct58-tvp540-a-n1-s10 sct58-tvp540-a-n1-s11
                sct58-tvp540-a-n2-db sct58-tvp540-a-n2-s10 sct58-tvp540-a-n2-s11 ;
      export BKP_IB_NET_IP=;
      export BKP_IB_NET_MASK=;
      export BKP_IB_NET_CIDR=22;
      export BKP_IB_INTF=ipmpapp0;
      export BKP_ZFSHEAD1=sct58-tvp540-a-zfs1;
      export BKP_ZFSHEAD2=sct58-tvp540-a-zfs2;
      export BKP_ZFSMOUNT=sct58-storIB;
      export SSC_BKP_TOOLS_HOME=/opt/oracle.supercluster/osc-config-backup;
      export BKP_MANSW=sct58-tvp540-a-cisco;
      export BKP_IB1=sct58-tvp540-a-ib0;
      export BKP_IB2=sct58-tvp540-a-ib1;
      export BKP_IB3=sct58-tvp540-a-ib2;
      export BKP_SP=sct58-tvp540-a-n1-sp sct58-tvp540-a-n2-sp ;
      export BKP_CNAMES=sct58-tvp540-a-c1 sct58-tvp540-a-c2 sct58-tvp540-a-c3 sct58-tvp540-a-c4;
      export BKP_MANSWREPLACED=no;
      *************************** end osc-config-backup.conf file**********************
      Please check the contents of the file osc-config-backup.conf before proceeding.
      These variables are used in all the other steps.
      [ sct58-tvp540-a-n1-db ] create_osc-config-backup.conf.sh completed
      [ sct58-tvp540-a-n1-db ] Wed Sep 16 15:54:34 BST 2015
      [ ssc-bkp : v1.0.5 ] Step 1 completed
    2. Verify that the data collected is correct.

      The data was collected from a file that was created during SuperCluster installation. Some addresses or host names might have changed since the installation.

      Review the osc-config-backup.conf file and ensure that the addresses and host names are correct. If you need to correct any of the information, edit the file.

      For example:

      Note -  Your output might differ from this example.
      osccfbck@primDom$ more /opt/oracle.supercluster/osc-config-backup/conf/osc-config-backup.conf
      export BKP_INSTALL1=etc9cn01;
      export BKP_IB_NET_IP=;
      export BKP_IB_NET_MASK=;
      export BKP_IB_NET_CIDR=22;
      export BKP_IB_INTF=ipmpapp0;
      export BKP_NODES="etc9-01-mgmt etc9-02-mgmt etc9-04-mgmt etc9-05-mgmt etc9-07-mgmt 
            etc9-08-mgmt etc9-10-mgmt etc9-11-mgmt etc9cn01 etc9-03-mgmt etc9cn02 etc9-06-mgmt 
            etc9cn03 etc9-09-mgmt etc9cn04 etc9-12-mgmt";
      export BKP_ZFSHEAD1=etc9-sn1;
      export BKP_ZFSHEAD2=etc9-sn2;
      export BKP_ZFSMOUNT=ssc-storIB;
      export SSC_BKP_TOOLS_HOME=/opt/oracle.supercluster/osc-config-backup;
      export BKP_MANSW=etc9sw-ip;
      export BKP_IB1=etc9sw-ib1;
      export BKP_IB2=etc9sw-ib2;
      export BKP_IB3=etc9sw-ib3;
  3. Run the remaining steps in sequential order.

    A few steps prompt for information. Watch the output as each step runs, and reply to all prompts.

    For more details about a particular step, see Referencing osc-config-backup Step Details.

    Note -  The number of steps varies based on the platform.