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Oracle SuperCluster Configuration Backup Utility - Backup Guide

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Updated: August 2019

osc-config-backup.pl Usage

You run osc-config-backup in a step-by-step fashion on the first SuperCluster primary domain. The steps that are presented differ based on the SuperCluster model you are backing up.

Starting with version 1.0, run the osc-config-backup.pl script from the /opt/oracle.supercluster/osc-config-backup/bin/ directory as the root user. For example:

root@primDom# su - osccfbck
osccfbck@primDom$ osc-config-backup.pl

This table lists the command options.

Command Option
Displays help.
Displays all the steps and the result of each step. Possible results:
  • - (hyphen) – Step has not been run.

  • Exec – Step is currently running.

  • Done – Step ran and completed.

  • Intr – Step was interrupted before completion

Displays all the steps.
-s x
Runs Step x, where x is a valid step number.
Displays the current state of the tool. These are the possible states:
  • installed – The tool is installed but not yet configured.

  • discovery-complete – Step 1 Discover SuperCluster configuration, was successfully executed. The tool knows which nodes to backup.

  • networked – Step 2 Setup SSH equivalence, was successfully executed. The tool can connect to the nodes identified in Step 1 without prompting for a password. Interactive authentication - password prompt - remains active for nodes or steps that require superuser privileges.

  • service-ready – Step 3 Setup backup NFS share on ZFS-SA, was successfully executed. The NFS share used to store the backup data is mounted in the different domains. The tool is fully configured. Steps that actually generate backup data can be executed.

Displays osc-config-backup version information.