Configuring Siebel Open UI > Customizing Siebel Open UI > Configuring Manifests >

Configuring Custom Manifests

This topic describes how to configure the example described in Example of a Completed Manifest Administration. For other examples that configure the manifest to download objects for:

To configure custom manifests

  1. Make sure your custom presentation model or physical renderer uses the Define method:
    1. Use a JavaScript editor to open your custom presentation model or physical renderer.
    2. In the section where you configure Siebel Open UI to do the setup, make sure you use the Define method to identify the presentation model file or the physical renderer file.

      For an example that does this setup, see Example of How Siebel Open UI Identifies the JavaScript Files It Must Download.

  2. Configure the manifest files:
    1. Log in to a Siebel client with administrative privileges.
    2. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, and then the Manifest Files view.
    3. Verify that the Manifest Files view includes the files that Siebel Open UI must download for your custom deployment.

      For this example, verify that the Manifest Files view includes the following files:


    If the Manifest Files view does not include these files, then add them now. For more information, see Adding JavaScript Files to Manifest Administrative Screens.

  3. Configure the UI object:
    1. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, and then the Manifest Administration view.
    2. In the UI Objects list, specify the following object.



      Usage Type

      Physical Renderer


      Contact List Applet

      For information, see Fields of the UI Objects List.

  4. Configure the Grid group:

    For information about how to configure a group, see Adding Group Expressions.

    1. In the Object Expression list, add the following subexpression.

      Group Name

      Leave empty.






      Leave empty.

      Web Template Name

      Leave empty.

      For information, see Fields of the Object Expression List.

    2. Add another subexpression.

      Group Name

      Leave empty.






      Leave empty.

      Web Template Name

      Leave empty.

    3. Add another subexpression.

      Group Name

      Leave empty.






      Leave empty.

      Web Template Name

      Leave empty.

    4. Add the following group expression.

      Group Name

      Leave empty.






      Leave empty.

      Web Template Name

      Leave empty.

    5. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to arrange the subexpressions in ascending numeric order according to the value in the Level field. Make sure the Object Expression list displays all subexpressions below the group expression.
    6. Use the Indent and Outdent buttons so that Siebel Open UI displays the subexpressions below and indented from the group expression. The tree in the Inactive Flag field displays this indentation.
    7. In the UI Objects list, query the Name property for the name of the UI object that you are configuring. This query refreshes the Manifest Administration screen so that you can edit the Group Name and Operator fields of the group expression.
    8. In the Object Expressions list, expand the tree that Siebel Open UI displays in the Inactive Flag field.
    9. Set the following fields of the group expression.

      Group Name




  5. Specify the files that Siebel Open UI must download for the Grid group:
    1. Make sure the Grid group expression is chosen in the Object Expression list.
    2. In the Files list, click Add.
    3. In the Files dialog box, click Query.
    4. In the Name field, enter the path and file name of the file.

      For example, enter the following value:


    1. Click Go.

      If the Files dialog box does not return the file that your deployment requires, then you must use the Manifest Files view to add this file before you can specify it in the Files list. For more information, see Adding JavaScript Files to Manifest Administrative Screens.

    2. Click OK.
  6. Configure the Tile group:
    1. Repeat Step 4, with the following differences:
      • For the group expression, set the Group Name field to Tile and the Level field to 2.
      • For the last subexpression, set the Expression field to Tile.
    2. Repeat Step 5, except add the following file:


  7. Configure the Map group:
    1. Repeat Step 4, with the following differences:
      • For the group expression, set the Group Name field to Map and the Level field to 3.
      • Add only one subexpression with the Expression field set to Map.
    2. Repeat Step 5, except add the following file:


  8. In the Object Expression list, use the Move Up, Move Down, Indent, and Outdent buttons until the Object Expression list resembles the configuration in Figure 38.

Fields of the UI Objects List

Table 8 describes the fields of the UI Objects list.

Table 8. Fields of the UI Objects List

Inactive Flag

Set to one of the following values:

  • Y. Make the object inactive. Make sure you set the Inactive Flag to Y for any custom object that your deployment does not require.
  • N. Make the object active. Make sure you set the Inactive Flag to N for any custom object that your deployment requires.

The Inactive Flag allows you to configure more than one manifest. You can activate or deactivate each of these configurations during development. You can set the Inactive Flag in the same way for each object that the Manifest Administration view displays.


Choose one of the following values to specify the type of Siebel CRM object that you are customizing:

  • Application
  • View
  • Applet
  • Navigation
  • Toolbar
  • Menu
  • Control

For more information, see How Siebel Open UI Chooses Files If Your Custom Manifest Matches a Predefined Manifest.

Usage Type

Specify how Siebel Open UI must download files. Choose one of the following values:

  • Common. Siebel Open UI downloads the files when it initializes the Siebel application. Siebel Call Center is an example of a Siebel application.
  • Theme. Siebel Open UI downloads only the files it requires to support a theme that you customize. For an example that uses this value, see Customizing the Logo.
  • Presentation Model. Siebel Open UI downloads the files that your custom presentation model requires.
  • Physical Renderer. Siebel Open UI downloads the files that your custom physical renderer requires.
  • Web Template. Siebel Open UI downloads files according to the Name property of the web template file. You specify this web template file in the web template in Siebel Tools. For more information, see Identifying the Web Template File Name.

For more information, see How Siebel Open UI Chooses Files If Your Custom Manifest Matches a Predefined Manifest.


Enter the name of your custom object. For example, if you set the Type to Applet, then you must specify the value that Siebel Tools displays in the Name property of the applet.

Fields of the Object Expression List

Table 9 describes the fields of the Object Expression list. You can configure a simple expression, or you can configure a complex expression that includes AND or OR operators, and that can include nested levels. For an example that includes complex expressions, see Configuring Custom Manifests.

Table 9. Fields of the Object Expression List

Group Name

If the record that you are adding to the Object Expressions list is part of a group of two or more expressions, and if this record is the group expression, then enter a value in the Group Name field and leave the Expression field empty.

The Object Expressions list is a hierarchical list. You can use it to specify complex expressions that you enter as more than one record in this list.

You must add more than one record and indent at least one of them before you can enter a group name. For information about how to do this work, see Adding Group Expressions.


If the record that you are adding to the Object Expressions list is:

  • Not a group expression. Set a value in the Expression field and leave the Group Name field empty.
  • A group expression. Leave the Expression field empty and enter a value in the Group Name field.

If the Expression list does not include the expression that your deployment requires, then you must add a custom expression. For more information, see Adding Custom Manifest Expressions.


Enter a number to determine the order that Siebel Open UI uses to evaluate expressions that the Object Expression list contains. Siebel Open UI evaluates these expressions in ascending, numeric order according to the values that the Level field contains. If the Type field in the UI Objects list:

  • Is Application, then Siebel Open UI evaluates every expression. It downloads each file that the Files list specifies for each expression that it evaluates to true.
  • Is not Application, and if Siebel Open UI evaluates an expression to true, then it does the following:
    • Downloads the file that the Files list specifies for this expression
    • Does not process any expression that exists further down in the order
    • Does not download any other files


If the record that you are adding to the Object Expressions list is a group expression, then you must specify the logical operator that Siebel Open UI uses to combine the subexpressions that the group contains. You can use one of the following values:

  • AND. Specifies to combine subexpressions. If you specify AND, then Siebel Open UI downloads files only if it evaluates every subexpression in the group to true.
  • OR. Specifies to consider individually each subexpression that resides in the group. If you specify OR, then Siebel Open UI downloads files according to the first subexpression that it evaluates to true.

If the record that you are adding to the Object Expressions list is not a group expression, or if it does not reside at the top of the hierarchy, then leave the Operator field empty.

Web Template Name

If you set the Usage Type field in the UI Objects list to Web Template, then you must specify the name of the Siebel CRM web template file in the Web Template Name field. To identify this file name, see Identifying the Web Template File Name.

Adding Group Expressions

You must use the sequence that this topic describes when you add a group expression. For an example that uses this sequence, see Configuring Custom Manifests. For more information about group expressions and subexpressions, see Example of a Completed Manifest Administration.

To add group expressions

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, and then the Manifest Administration view.
  2. In the UI Objects list, locate the UI object that you must modify.
  3. In the Object Expression list, add the subexpressions.
  4. Add the group expression. Leave the Group and Operator fields empty.
  5. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to arrange the subexpressions in ascending numeric order according to the value in the Level field. Make sure the Object Expression list displays all subexpressions below the group expression.
  6. Use the Indent and Outdent buttons so that Siebel Open UI displays the subexpressions below and indented from the group expression. The tree in the Inactive Flag field displays this indentation.
  7. In the UI Objects list, query the Name property for the name of the UI object that you are configuring. This query refreshes the Manifest Administration screen so that you can edit the Group Name and Operator fields of the group expression.
  8. In the Object Expressions list, expand the tree that Siebel Open UI displays in the Inactive Flag field.
  9. Set the values for the Group Name field and the Operator field of the group expression.

How Siebel Open UI Chooses Files If Your Custom Manifest Matches a Predefined Manifest

If the values that you specify in the Type, Usage Type, and Name fields of the UI Objects list are identical to the values that a predefined UI object specifies, then Siebel Open UI uses your custom manifest. For example, Siebel Open UI comes predefined with a UI Object record with the Type set to Applet, the Usage Type set to Physical Renderer, and the Name set to Contact List Applet. To override this configuration, you must do the following work:

  • Create a new record in the UI Objects list that contains the same values in the Type, Usage Type, and Name fields that the predefined record contains.
  • Add a new record in the Object Expression list that evaluates to true.
  • Add a new record in the Files list for the object expression that evaluates to true.

The only exception to this rule occurs in the following situation:

  • You set the Type to Application.
  • You set the Usage Type to Common.
  • A winning expression exists in your customization. A winning expression is an expression that Siebel Open UI evaluates to true, and that Siebel Open UI then uses to identify the files it must download according to the configuration that the Manifest Administration view specifies.

In this situation, Siebel Open UI downloads the files that:

  • The predefined manifest configuration specifies
  • The winning expression of your custom manifest configuration specifies

Table 10 describes how Siebel Open UI chooses files if your manifest configuration matches the predefined manifest configuration for a UI object. The Configuration column describes values that the UI Objects list of the Manifest Administration screen contains.

Table 10. How Siebel Open UI Chooses Files If Your Custom Manifest Matches the Predefined Manifest
Predefined Configuration Exists
Custom Configuration Exists

Type is Application and Usage Type is Common



Siebel Open UI downloads files according to the winning predefined expressions.

Type is Application and Usage Type is Common



Siebel Open UI downloads files according to the winning predefined expression and the winning custom expressions.

Usage Type is not Common



Siebel Open UI downloads files according to the first predefined expression that it evaluates to true.

If more than one expression exists, then it uses the level to determine the sequence it uses to evaluate these expressions.

Usage Type is not Common



Siebel Open UI downloads files according to the first custom expression that it evaluates to true.

If more than one expression exists, then it uses the level to determine the sequence it uses to evaluate these expressions.

If Siebel Open UI does not evaluate any custom expression to true, then it uses a predefined expression for this object.

Identifying the Web Template File Name

This topic describes how to identify the file name that a web template uses.

To identify the web template file name

  1. Open Siebel Tools.

    For more information, see Using Siebel Tools.

  2. In the Object Explorer, click Web Template.
  3. In the Web Templates list, locate the object definition for the web template.

    For example, if you entered Applet Form Grid Layout in the Name field in the UI Objects list, then query the Name property in the Web Templates list for Applet Form Grid Layout.

  4. In the Object Explorer, expand the Web Template tree, and then click Web Template File.
  5. In the Web Template Files list, note the value that Siebel Tools displays in the Filename property.

    For example, Siebel Open UI uses the CCAppletFormGridLayout.swt file for the Applet Form Grid Layout web template.

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