Configuring Siebel Open UI > Customizing Siebel Open UI > Configuring Manifests >

Overview of Configuring Manifests

A manifest is a set of instructions that Siebel Open UI uses to identify the JavaScript files that it must download from the Siebel Server to the client so that it can render screens, views, applets, menus, controls, and other objects. For an overview of how Siebel Open UI uses this manifest, see Example of How Siebel Open UI Renders a View or Applet.

Siebel CRM versions and use an XML manifest file to identify these JavaScript files in the following situations:

  • When Siebel Open UI initializes the Siebel application. Siebel Open UI does this download only for one Siebel application at a time.
  • The first time Siebel Open UI must display an applet in a Siebel application.

Starting with Siebel CRM versions and, Siebel Open UI replaces the XML manifest file with manifest data that it stores in the Siebel Database. You cannot modify this predefined manifest data, but you can use the Manifest Administration screen in the client to configure the manifest data that your customization requires. For information about using a utility that migrates your custom manifest configurations from Siebel CRM version or to version or, see the topic that describes migrating the Siebel Open UI manifest file in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

Example of How Siebel Open UI Identifies the JavaScript Files It Must Download

Figure 37 describes an example of how Siebel Open UI uses the manifest to identify the JavaScript file it must download so that it can use the presentation model for the SIS Account List Applet. The manifest maps the recyclebinpmodel.js file that resides in the siebel/custom folder to the presentation model that it uses to display this applet. For details about this example, see Creating the Presentation Model and Configuring the Manifest for the Recycle Bin Example.

Figure 37. Example of How Siebel Open UI Identifies the JavaScript Files It Must Download
Explanation of Callouts

The example manifest administration includes the following items:

  1. The Files list specifies the siebel/custom/recyclebinpmodel.js file.
  2. The presentation model specifies siebel/custom/recyclebinpmodel when it calls the define method.

Example of a Completed Manifest Administration

Figure 38 includes an example of a completed manifest administration that configures Siebel Open UI to download JavaScript files for the Contact List Applet. For information about how to configure this example, see Configuring Custom Manifests.

Figure 38. Example Manifest Administration
Explanation of Callouts

The example manifest administration includes the following items:

  1. The Grid group uses the AND operator to group three expressions into the following group expression:

    Desktop AND EditList AND Grid

    A group expression is a type of expression that Siebel Open UI uses to arrange subexpressions into a group in the Object Expression list.

  2. Siebel Open UI uses the Level field to determine the order it uses to evaluate expressions. It uses the following sequence:
    1. It uses the Level field to determine the order it uses to evaluate group expressions. In this example, it uses the following sequence:
      • Evaluates the Grid group first.
      • Evaluates the Tile group next.
      • Evaluates the Map group last.
    2. It uses the Level field within a group to determine the order it uses to evaluate each subexpression, which is a type of expression that Siebel Open UI displays as part of a group in the Object Expressions list. It displays each subexpression in an indented position below the group expression. In this example, it uses the following sequence to evaluate subexpressions that reside in the Grid group:
      • Evaluates the Desktop expression first.
      • Evaluates the EditList expression next.
      • Evaluates the Grid expression last.

        In this example, Siebel Open UI evaluates all the expressions that reside in the Grid group, and then does one of the following according to the result of this evaluation:

    • All expressions that reside in the Grid group evaluate to true. Siebel Open UI downloads the file that the Files list specifies.
    • Any expression that resides in the Grid group evaluates to false. Siebel Open UI discards the entire Grid group, and then evaluates the Tile group.
  3. Siebel Open UI uses the Files list to identify the files it must download. In this example, it does the following evaluation:
    • If the platform is a desktop, and if the mode is EditList, and if the user chooses Grid, then it downloads the siebel/jqgridrenderer.js file.
    • If the platform is a desktop, and if the mode is EditList, and if the user chooses Tile, then it downloads the siebel/Tilescrollcontainer.js file.

      To view an example that allows the user to choose Grid or Tile, see Allowing Users to Change the Applet Visualization.

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