10 Enter Revenue Performance Obligations (Update A9.4)

This chapter contains these topics:

10.1 Understanding Revenue Performance Obligations

A revenue performance obligation (RPO) is identified as a set of accounts that is associated with a job. You use an RPO to track specific costs and revenue for an obligation within a job.

An RPO has both master and detail information. Use the Work with RPOs program (P51202) to review and select existing RPOs. Use the Revenue Performance Obligation Master program (P5102) to create a Revenue Performance Obligation (RPO) master record in the Revenue Performance Obligation Master table (F5102), similar to a job in Job Master Revision program (P51006).

After you set up the RPO master information, you add accounts to the RPO. The system stores these account details information in the Revenue Performance Obligation Detail table (F5103.) The system validates that any account (cost code and cost type combination) entered is not associated with another RPO. You can also copy the details of an existing RPO to create a new RPO.

Also, when you delete an RPO master record from the F5102 table, the system deletes the corresponding RPO detail records from the F5103 table.

10.2 Adding a Revenue Performance Obligation to a Job


From Job Cost (G51), enter 29

From Job Cost System Setup (G5141), choose RPO Setup

From RPO Setup (G51411), choose RPO Revisions

To enter revenue performance obligations

On RPO Revisions

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • RPO

    • Description

    • Job Number

    Field Explanation
    RPO Enter an alphanumeric code that identifies a separate entity within a job for which you want to track costs independently of the entire job.

  2. Optionally complete the appropriate address number and date fields.

  3. Depending on the processing option setting, the system displays RPO Category Code Revisions and the RPO Revisions automatically.

10.3 Associating Accounts with a Revenue Performance Obligation


On RPO Revisions, access Details.

To associate accounts with a revenue performance obligation

On RPO Detail Revisions

Figure 10-1 RPO Detail Revisions screen

Surrounding text describes Figure 10-1 .
  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Cost Code

    • Cost Type

Field Explanation
Cost Code Enter a value that is the part of the account number that identifies a step, phase, or type of activity within a job, such as site work, earthwork, paving, or landscaping. The cost code is the subsidiary in a G/L account.

A subsidiary is optional for a G/L account. However, the cost code is required for each job cost account.

Cost Type Enter a value that is the part of the account number that identifies a cost category within a cost code, such as labor, materials, equipment, and subcontracts. It can further divide a cost category into subcategories, such as regular time, premium time, and burden for labor. The cost type is the object account in a G/L account.

An object account is required for cost type accounts, but you do not use it for cost code headers.

10.4 Searching for Accounts to Associate with a Revenue Performance Obligation


On RPO Details Revisions, access Select Accounts

If you do not know the values for the Cost Code or Cost Type fields, access the Account Select screen. Use this screen to select one or more accounts to return to an RPO on the RPO Detail Revisions screen.

10.5 Example: Revenue Performance Obligation and RPO AAI Setup: Review Resulting Accounts

This section provides an example of how the system determines resulting accounts when working with revenue performance obligations.

10.5.1 Example: Job Setup

Review the details of the job used in this example:

  • Job: J1

  • Job Type: JB

  • Project: 50

  • Company: 50

Review the RPO numbers listed under of the job J1:

  • RPO1

  • RPO2

  • RPO3

  • RPO4

Review the category codes used for job J1:

Category Code Number (Description) Value (Description)
1 (Division) 150 (New Construction)
2 (Region) 200 (Southwest)
3 (Group) 100 (John's Group)
4 (Branch Office) 150 (Denver)
5 (Department Type) 100 (Framing)

10.5.2 Example: Revenue Performance Obligation Setup

Review the category code values for the following four RPOs in this example.

RPO Number: RPO1

Review the following category codes for RPO1:

Category Code Number (Description) Value
1 (Territory) 250 (Rolling Hills)
2 (County) 200 (Jefferson)
3 (Facility) CA (Canton)
4 (Project Supervisor) 100 (Erik Johnson)
5 (RPO Group Code) 100 (Priority)

RPO Number: RPO2

Review the following category codes for RPO2:

Category Code Number Value
1 (Territory) 100 (Arrowhead)
2 (County) 500 (Denver)
3 (Facility) IN (Interstate)
4 (Project Supervisor) 100 (Erik Johnson)
5 (RPO Group Code) 100 (Priority)

RPO Number: RPO3

Review the following category codes for RPO3:

Category Code Number Value
1 (Territory) 450 (Highlands)
2 (County) 500 (Denver)
3 (Facility) AR (Arista)
4 (Project Supervisor) 100 (Erik Johnson)
5 (RPO Group Code) 100 (Priority)

RPO Number: RPO4

Review the following category codes for RPO4:

Category Code Number Value
1 (Territory) 250 (Rolling Hills)
2 (Country) 600 (Adams)
3 (Facility) US (Universal)
4 (Project Supervisor) 25 (Stephen Ward)
5 (RPO Group Code) 100 (Priority)

10.5.3 Example: RPO AAI Setup

Review the following RPO AAI setup:

RPO AAI Item Match Level Category Code Key Value Match Value From Cost Type From Cost Code To Cost Type To Cost Code Resulting BU Resulting Object Resulting Subsidiary
001 1   RPO1 1340   1350        
001 1   RPO1 1440   1450        
001 3   J1 1540   1550        
002 1   RPO2 1380   1390        
002 1   RPO3 1480   1490        
002 5   JB 1580   1590        
003 1   RPO1         50 1392 9999
003 2 1 100         50 1392 9800
003 3   J1         50 1392 9500
004 1   RPO2         50 6380 1000
004 3   J1         50 6380 2000
004 2 2 200         50 6380 3000
005 1   RPO3         50 4165 99999
005 6   50         50 4165 1000
005 4 1 150         50 4165 1000
006 1   RPO1         50 1320 99999
006 2 2 500         50 1320 99950
006 5   JB         50 1320 99940
007 2 3 US         50 6999 1000
007 7   50         50 6999 2000
008 1   RPO1         50 5520 1000
008 6   50         50 5520 2000
009 1   RPO1         50 6998 1000
009 8             50 6998 2000
010 1   RPO1         50 4166 1000
010 5   JB         50 4166 2500
011 5   JB         50 1371 1000
012 7   50         50 1371 99999
013 5   WB         50 4112 99999
014 1   RPO1         50 1330 99999
015 8             50 1378 99999
016 1   RPO1         50 1399 99999
017 5   JB         50 1380 99999
017 2 4 100         50 1380 99999

10.5.4 Example: Resulting Accounts

The following sections explain the resulting accounts. RPO1

Review the resulting accounts for RPO1

Cost Account Range:

From Cost Type To Cost Type
1340/1440 1350/1450

Revenue Account Range:

From Cost Type To Cost Type
1580 1590

AAI accounts derived by the system due to the setup:

RPO AAI Item (Description) Resulting Business Unit Resulting Object Resulting Subsidiary
003 (BS) 50 1392 9999
004 (IS) 50 6380 3000
005 (JCBE) 50 4165 1000
006 (JCCE) 50 1320 99999
007 (JCBOUA) 50 6999 2000
008 (JCCOUA) 50 5520’ 1000
009 (JCLOSS) 50 6998 1000
010 (BSLOSS) 50 4166 1000
011 (JCAPC) 50 1371 1000
012 (JCSMJ) 50 1371 99999
013 (JCAPO) **Not defined** **Not defined** **Not defined**
014 (JCSMI) 50 1330 99999
015 (JCPFC) 50 1378 99999
016 (JCPFP) 50 1399 99999
017 (JCPFR) 50 1380 99999 RPO2

Review the resulting accounts for RPO2

Cost Account Range:

From Cost Type To Cost Type
1540 1550

Revenue Account Range:

From Cost Type To Cost Type
1380 1390

AAI accounts derived by the system due to the setup:

RPO AAI Item (Description) Resulting Business Unit Resulting Object Resulting Subsidiary
003 (BS) 50 1392 9800
004 (IS) 50 6380 1000
005 (JCBE) 50 4165 1000
006 (JCCE) 50 1320 99950
007 (JCBOUA) 50 6999 2000
008 (JCCOUA) 50 5520 2000
009 (JCLOSS) 50 6998 2000
010 (BSLOSS) 50 4166 2500
011 (JCAPC) 50 1371 1000
012 (JCSMJ) 50 1371 99999
013 (JCAPO) **Not defined** **Not defined** **Not defined**
014 (JCSMI) **Not defined** **Not defined** **Not defined**
015 (JCPFC) 50 1378 99999
016 (JCPFP) **Not defined** **Not defined** **Not defined**
017 (JCPFR) 50 1380 99999 RPO3

Review the resulting accounts for RPO3

Cost Account Range:

From Cost Type To Cost Type
1540 1550

Revenue Account Range:

From Cost Type To Cost Type
1480 1490

AAI accounts derived by the system due to the setup:

RPO AAI Item (Description) Resulting Business Unit Resulting Object Resulting Subsidiary
003 (BS) 50 1392 9500
004 (IS) 50 6380 2000
005 (JCBE) 50 4165 99999
006 (JCCE) 50 1320 99950
007 (JCBOUA) 50 6999 2000
008 (JCCOUA) 50 5520 2000
009 (JCLOSS) 50 6998 2000
010 (BSLOSS) 50 4166 2500
011 (JCAPC) 50 1371 1000
012 (JCSMJ) 50 1371 99999
013 (JCAPO) **Not defined** **Not defined** **Not defined**
014 (JCSMI) **Not defined** **Not defined** **Not defined**
015 (JCPFC) 50 1378 99999
016 (JCPFP) **Not defined** **Not defined** **Not defined**
017 (JCPFR) 50 1380 99999 RPO4

Review the resulting accounts for RPO4

Cost Account Range:

From Cost Type To Cost Type
1540 1550

Revenue Account Range:

From Cost Type To Cost Type
1580 1590

AAI accounts derived by the system due to the setup:

RPO AAI Item (Description) Resulting Business Unit Resulting Object Resulting Subsidiary
003 (BS) 50 1392 9500
004 (IS) 50 6380 2000
005 (JCBE) 50 4165 1000
006 (JCCE) 50 1320 99940
007 (JCBOUA) 50 6999 1000
008 (JCCOUA) 50 5520’ 2000
009 (JCLOSS) 50 6998 2000
010 (BSLOSS) 50 4166 2500
011 (JCAPC) 50 1371 1000
012 (JCSMJ) 50 1371 99999
013 (JCAPO) **Not defined** **Not defined** **Not defined**
014 (JCSMI) **Not defined** **Not defined** **Not defined**
015 (JCPFC) 50 1378 99999
016 (JCPFP) **Not defined** **Not defined** **Not defined**
017 (JCPFR) 50 1380 98999