9 Overview to Revenue Performance Obligations (Update A9.4)

This chapter contains the topic:

9.1 About Revenue Performance Obligations

Business processes and financial standards outline when you can recognize revenue for the amounts you bill to customers. Per accounting standards, you cannot recognize revenue for billed amounts associated with the billing amount until the performance obligation to the customer is satisfied.

When working in the JD Edwards World Job Cost system specifically, the system enables you to manage and report on performance obligations at the project, job, subledger or revenue performance obligation level for any job. A revenue performance obligation (RPO) is a record that consists of a set of accounts used to track costs and revenue associated with specific tasks within a job.

Project managers can identify multiple revenue performance obligations within a single job, associate a range of accounts with a revenue performance obligation, update related percent complete, and make revenue and cost adjustments to the revenue performance obligations (similar to single job adjustments). You can accurately recognize revenue for multiple revenue performance obligations on a single job by using the Profit Recognition process.

The following list outlines the steps of the Profit Recognition process when working with RPOs and provides links to relevant information: