13 Movement Instructions

This chapter contains these topics:

13.1 Objectives

  • To create tables that determine which putaway, picking, or replenishment locations to suggest

13.2 About Movement Instructions

You define movement instructions to control which locations the system suggests for putaway, picking, and replenishment. A movement instruction table contains many parameters that you use to refine the list of potential locations to the smallest possible number.

The system creates suggestions for only the locations that match all of the movement instruction table's parameters. You can set up many different movement instruction tables for putaway, picking, and replenishment.

You determine how the system chooses locations by setting parameters, such as:

  • Whether to choose fixed locations or random locations

  • Whether to limit the search for locations to a specific zone

  • Which tiebreaker method to use to rank otherwise equally suitable locations

See Also:

13.3 Defining Movement Instructions


From Advanced Warehouse Management (G46), enter 27

From Warehouse Advanced and Technical Operations (G4631), choose Warehouse Movement Rules

From Warehouse Movement Rules (G46311), choose an option

You define movement instructions to control which locations the system suggests for putaway, picking, and replenishment. A movement instruction table contains many parameters that you use to refine the list of potential locations to the smallest possible number.

When you set up your movement instructions, you define the following information:

  • Whether to use fixed or random locations

  • Which random rule to use, if you use random locations

  • Whether to restrict the movement to a zone

  • Which zone to use for the location search, if you use zones

  • Which tiebreaker method to use to rank possible locations

  • Whether to use minimum and maximum percentages for putaway and picking

You can also define specific movement instructions.

For putaway, you can define:

  • Whether to choose empty locations or existing locations that already contain the same items as those you need to store

  • Whether to allow the system to convert larger units of measure into smaller units of measure

  • Whether to completely fill partially filled locations

  • Whether to store partial units of measure, such as half-filled pallets

For picking and replenishment movements, you can define:

  • Whether to move the oldest items in a location first, to avoid spoilage or obsolescence

  • Whether to allow the system to convert smaller units of measure into larger units of measure, such as combining 24 cases to form a pallet

You define a fixed location to use for one purpose. Conversely, a random location is any location that matches the criteria that you define, such as:

  • The location characteristic(s) specified in the random rule

  • Whether the location characteristic is required or optional

  • The priority of the optional characteristic

  • Whether the system should include or exclude the specified location characteristic for the search

When you search for locations, the system identifies many locations that match the search criteria. You can use tiebreakers to select the best location from all the eligible locations. You can also specify the process mode to use. You can choose to:

  • Maximize warehouse space

  • Maximize employee productivity

  • Use other criteria that you define

See Also:

13.4 Setting the Process Mode

Typically, warehouses have limited space, so you might use the available space as efficiently as possible. If you do not have enough employees, you might use each employee's trips through the warehouse as efficiently as possible, to move as many items as you can per trip.

You set the process mode to direct the system to a movement instruction table that:

  • Maximizes space, by filling locations to their maximum capacity and emptying partially filled locations as quickly as possible

  • Maximizes productivity, by minimizing the number of putaway, picking, and replenishment trips in the warehouse

  • Uses other criteria that you define

To set the process mode

On Putaway Instructions, Picking Instructions, or Replenishment Instructions

Figure 13-1 Putaway Instructions screen

Description of Figure 13-1 follows
Description of "Figure 13-1 Putaway Instructions screen"

Complete the following field:

  • Processing Mode

13.5 Defining Common Movement Instruction Criteria

Putaway, picking, and replenishment instructions share many of the same parameters. You set these parameters to refine the list of potential locations to the smallest possible number.

To define common movement instruction criteria

On Putaway Instructions, Picking Instructions, or Replenishment Instructions

Figure 13-2 Putaway Instructions (Common Movement) screen

Description of Figure 13-2 follows
Description of "Figure 13-2 Putaway Instructions (Common Movement) screen"

Complete the following fields:

  • Unit of Measure

  • Unit of Measure Group

  • From Quantity

  • Method Code

  • Random Rule

Field Explanation
Unit of Measure A user defined code (system 00/type UM) that identifies the unit of measurement for an amount or quantity. For example, it can represent a barrel, box, cubic yard, gallon, an hour, and so on.

Form-specific information

When the system tries to carry out a movement instruction, it compares the unit of measure from the transaction to the unit of measure in the instruction. If the unit of measure is valid for the item, the instruction is valid for the item.

  • For putaway, the system uses the instruction for the level 1 unit of measure.

  • For picking and replenishment, the system compares the unit of measure in the first instruction to the item's unit of measure structure. If the unit of measure is in the structure, the system uses that instruction. If not, the system continues to compare until it finds a match.

Group - Unit of Measure A code (system 46/type UG) that identifies a group of units of measure that you want to process as one for putaway, picking, and replenishment transactions.

You use unit of measure groups to set up movement instructions for putaway, picking, or replenishment.

Form-specific information

If different units of measure follow the same instruction, you can group the units of measure so that you only need to define one instruction for all of them.

If any valid unit of measure for an item on a transaction belongs to the specified unit of measure group, the instruction is valid for the item.

From Quantity The quantity that must exist in a location before the system considers the movement instruction.
Method Code - Movement Instructions A code that identifies the method of putaway, picking, or replenishment the system uses for this instruction.

Valid codes are:

F – Use only fixed locations. This code is valid for putaway, picking and replenishment.

R – Use only random locations. You assign characteristics to random rules and to locations. The system compares rules to locations and builds a table of locations based on the number of matching characteristics. During random processing, the system chooses locations from the random location table. This code is valid for putaway, picking and replenishment.

E – Use only empty locations. This code is valid for putaway only.

X – Use only existing locations that already have the same item stored there. This code is valid for putaway only.

Random Rule A code (system 46/type SR) that identifies a random requirements table. If you use Random, Empty, or Existing locations for the movement method, you must enter a random rule code to consider only locations whose characteristics match the random rule.

13.5.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Moving items with serial numbers Items with assigned serial numbers are tracked individually in the primary unit of measure, and you cannot group them into greater units of measure. During the putaway, picking, and replenishment processes, all movement reports and transactions for items with serial numbers display one item for each detail line.

On the movement instruction tables, you must set the From Quantity for items with serial numbers to 1 or 0. The system does not allow you to use breakdown, top off, or minimum utilization percentages with these items.

13.6 Defining Specific Movement Instruction Criteria

Putaway, picking, and replenishment each have parameters that are specific to each movement type. These parameters further refine the list of potential locations.

Complete the following tasks:

  • Define specific movement instruction criteria for putaway

  • Define specific movement instruction criteria for picking

  • Define specific movement instruction criteria for replenishment

To define specific movement instruction criteria for putaway

On Putaway Instructions

Figure 13-3 Putaway Instructions (Movement Instruction) screen

Description of Figure 13-3 follows
Description of "Figure 13-3 Putaway Instructions (Movement Instruction) screen"

Complete the following fields:

  • Putaway Zone

  • Putaway Tiebreaker Rules

  • Minimum Utilization Percentage

  • Maximum Putaway Quantity

  • Breakdown

  • Top Off

  • Allow Partial Units

Field Explanation
Putaway Zone A code (system 46/type ZN) that identifies areas in the warehouse where goods are put away or stored.

Form-specific information

Enter a code in this field if you want the system to select only locations in the specified putaway zone when it uses this rule.

Putaway Tie Breaker Rules A number that identifies the tiebreaker you want to use for this putaway rule when multiple locations satisfy the criteria. The system uses the tiebreaker to rank the tied locations. Tiebreakers are (hard coded) as follows:

1 – Sequence locations by the putaway sequence number. If you do not assign sequence numbers, and you use this tiebreaker, the system chooses between equal locations based on their alphanumeric sequence. You define sequences using Location Profile (P46020).

2 – Sequence locations by greatest available space. The system uses locations that can hold the greatest quantity of the item in the specified unit of measure and container first.

3 – Sequence locations by least available space. The system uses locations that can hold the least quantity of the item in the specified unit of measure and container first.

4 – Sequence locations by least available space, but minimize the number of locations used. This code is the same as tiebreaker 3, except the system tries to use the least number of locations.

5 – Sequence locations by proximity from the sending location (usually the receiving dock), using the closest locations first.

6 – Sequence locations by proximity to the base putaway location, using the closest locations first.

7 – Sequence locations by proximity to the base picking location, using the closest locations first.

Use Minimum Utilization % (Y/N) A code that indicates whether the system suggests a location if putaway will not fill that location to at least the minimum percentage capacity defined through Location Profile Detail (P460201).

Valid codes are:

Y – Use the minimum utilization percentage when searching for putaway locations

N – Do not use the minimum utilization percentage when searching for putaway locations

Use Maximum Quantity (Y/N) A code that indicates whether you want the system to suggest locations according to the maximum quantity of an item in the specified unit of measure that you can put away in a zone. You define maximum quantities for items in a specified unit of measure using Maximum Quantity by Zone (P46025).

Valid codes are:

Y – Yes, use the maximum quantity allowed in a zone to suggest locations, and if the quantity in a zone exceeds the maximum, suggest another location for the remaining quantity

N – No, do not use maximum quantity when suggesting locations

Breakdown (Y/N) A code that indicates whether you allow the system to break a unit of measure (such as a pallet) down into smaller units of measure (such as cases).

Valid codes are:

Y – Yes, allow breakdown into smaller units of measure

N – No, do not allow breakdown into smaller units of measure

Form-specific information

Enter Y in this field to specify that the system should attempt to break down units of measure when putting away goods. For example, if a quantity remains to be put away after processing all locations selected by an instruction, the system will check whether breakdown is allowed. If this field is set to Y, it tries to put away the remaining goods by breaking down the unit of measure to a smaller unit of measure using the same set of locations. The system can do this only if it is allowed for the item/unit of measure, which you define in through Item Unit of Measure Definition (P46011), and only if you use a unit of measure structure.

Top Off A code that indicates whether you want the system to attempt to complete an incomplete unit of measure (such as a half-filled pallet) in an existing location during putaway.

Valid codes are:

Y – Yes, search for locations with incomplete units of measure to top them off

N – No, do not search for locations with incomplete units of measure

Yes or No - Allow Partial Units A code that indicates whether you want the system put away partial units of measure. You must also specify on Unit of Measure Definition by Item (P46011) that you allow breakdown. If you set Allow Partial Units to N, you must also set Breakdown to N.

Valid codes are:

Y – Yes, put away partial units of measure

N – No, do not put away partial units of measure

To define specific movement instruction criteria for picking

On Picking Instructions

Figure 13-4 Picking Instructions screen

Description of Figure 13-4 follows
Description of "Figure 13-4 Picking Instructions screen"

Complete the following fields:

  • Picking Zone

  • Picking Tiebreaker

  • Minimum Picking Percentage

  • Maximum Picking Quantity

  • First In First Out Picking

  • Rollup

  • Allow Replenishment

  • Order Group

Field Explanation
Picking Tie Breaker Rules A number that identifies the tiebreaker you want to use for this picking rule when multiple locations satisfy the criteria. The system uses the tiebreaker to rank the tied locations. Tiebreakers are (hard coded) as follows:

1 – Sequence locations using "pick to clear" logic. The system uses the locations containing the smallest available quantity first.

2 – Sequence locations using "pick from fewest with best fit" logic. The system uses the locations that will contain the least residual quantity when the pick is complete.

3 – Sequence locations using "pick from fewest" logic. The system uses the location containing the greatest available quantity first. If there is not enough quantity to fill the request, the system suggests additional locations, but only the least number of locations that are necessary to complete the request.

4 – Sequence locations according to the picking sequence number. If you do not assign sequence numbers, and you use this tiebreaker, the system chooses between equal locations based on their alphanumeric sequence. You define sequences on Location Profile (P46020).

5 – Sequence locations according to proximity to the shipping location, using the closest locations first.

Use Minimum Pick % (Y/N) A code that indicates whether the system suggests a location if picking will not deplete that location to at least the minimum percentage capacity defined through Location Profile Detail (P460201).

Valid codes are:

Y – Yes, use the minimum utilization percentage when searching for pick locations

N – No, do not use the minimum utilization percentage when searching for pick locations

Use Maximum Picking Quantity (Y/N) A code that indicates whether you want the system to suggest locations according to the maximum quantity of an item that you can pick from a location. You use maximum picking quantity only for fixed locations, which you define through Fixed Locations (P46012).

Valid codes are:

Y – Yes, use the maximum quantity that you can pick from a location to suggest locations, and if the quantity requested exceeds the maximum pick quantity for the location, search for another location

N – No, do not use the maximum picking quantity when suggesting picking locations

FIFO Picking (Y/N) A code that indicates whether the system considers an item's receipt date when it searches for pick locations.

Valid codes are:

Y – Yes, use the oldest receipt date (First In First Out method) when searching for pick locations

N – No, do not use the oldest receipt date when searching for pick locations

Rollup (Y/N) A code that indicates whether you allow rollup during picking. Valid codes are:

Y – Allow rollup

N – Do not allow rollup

Form-specific information

Enter Y to have the system convert the pick quantity to the highest unit of measure available at the location, provided the quantity justifies the rollup.

Allow Replenishment (Y/N) A code that indicates whether you allow replenishment from a location (Location Profile (P46020) and Location Profile Detail (P460201)) or whether a picking instruction triggers replenishment (Picking Instructions (P46095)).

Form-specific information

Enter Y to trigger replenishments when there is not enough inventory to satisfy pick requests at the selected locations. This is online replenishment and works only when you pick from fixed locations. Replenishment also occurs if a pick drives a location below the minimum replenishment point defined on Fixed Picking Locations (P46012).

Order Group A code (system 46/type DT) that identifies a group of order types that you want to process as one for putaway, picking, and replenishment transactions.

You set up order group codes on User Defined Codes, and then add order types to the code on Order Groups (P46092). You specify an order group on Picking Instructions (P46095) to limit the order types that trigger replenishment after picking.

13.6.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Cross docking For all items you want to cross dock, you must set up your Picking Instructions to pick from the default receiving location first.
Selecting locations for picking While processing movement criteria for picking, the system excludes locations that do not have adequate on-hand or inbound inventory.

To define specific movement instruction criteria for replenishment

On Replenishment Instructions

Figure 13-5 Replenishment Instructions screen

Description of Figure 13-5 follows
Description of "Figure 13-5 Replenishment Instructions screen"

Complete the following fields:

  • Replenishment Zone

  • Replenishment Tiebreaker

  • Minimum Utilization Percentage

  • Maximum Replenishment Quantity

  • First In First Out Picking

  • Rollup

Field Explanation
Replenishment Zone A code (system 46/type ZN) that identifies the areas in the warehouse from which items are retrieved to replenish or refill picking locations.

Form-specific information

Enter a zone in this field to restrict the list of replenishment zones to this one zone. You define replenishment zones on Fixed Replenishment Zones (P46051).

Replenishment Tie Breaker Rules A number that identifies the tiebreaker you want to use for this replenishment rule when multiple locations satisfy the criteria. The system uses the tiebreaker to rank the tied locations. Tiebreakers are (hard coded) as follows:

1 – Sequence locations using "pick to clear" logic. The system uses the locations containing the smallest available quantity first.

2 – Sequence locations using "pick from fewest with best fit" logic. The system uses the locations that will contain the least residual quantity when the replenishment is complete.

3 – Sequence locations using "pick from fewest" logic. The system uses the location containing the smallest available quantity first. If there is not enough quantity to fill the request, the system suggests additional locations, but only the least number of locations that are necessary to complete the request.

4 – Sequence locations according to the replenishment sequence number. If you do not assign sequence numbers, and you use this tiebreaker, the system chooses between equal locations based on their alphanumeric sequence. You define sequences on Location Profile (P46020).

5 – Sequence locations according to proximity to the shipping location, using the closest locations first.

Use Minimum Pick % (Y/N) A code that indicates whether the system suggests a location if picking will not deplete that location to at least the minimum percentage capacity defined through Location Profile Detail (P460201).

Valid codes are:

Y – Yes, use the minimum utilization percentage when searching for pick locations

N – No, do not use the minimum utilization percentage when searching for pick locations

Use Maximum Picking Quantity (Y/N) A code that indicates whether you want the system to suggest locations according to the maximum quantity of an item that you can pick from a location. You use maximum picking quantity only for fixed locations, which you define through Fixed Locations (P46012).

Valid codes are:

Y – Yes, use the maximum quantity that you can pick from a location to suggest locations, and if the quantity requested exceeds the maximum pick quantity for the location, search for another location

N – No, do not use the maximum picking quantity when suggesting picking locations

FIFO Picking (Y/N) A code that indicates whether the system considers an item's receipt date when it searches for pick locations.

Valid codes are:

Y – Yes, use the oldest receipt date (First In First Out method) when searching for pick locations

N – No, do not use the oldest receipt date when searching for pick locations

Rollup (Y/N) A code that indicates whether you allow rollup during picking. Valid codes are:

Y – Allow rollup

N – Do not allow rollup

Form-specific information

Enter Y to have the system convert the pick quantity to the highest unit of measure available at the location, provided the quantity justifies the rollup.

13.6.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Selecting locations for Replenishment While processing movement criteria for replenishment, the system excludes locations that do not have adequate on-hand or inbound inventory.

13.6.3 Processing Options

See Section 25.1, "Movement Instructions (P46095)."