80 Wage and Salary Administration Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

80.1 Create Review Groups All Salaried Emp. (P082800)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the name of the Review Group to be assembled (six characters maximum).

Default of blank will be today's date in MMDDYY format.

2. Enter Global Increases in the following categories by amount or percent (%10 = ten percent). Any increases will be applied to the group but can be changed upon review (see helps):

Base Rate or Salary

Cost of Living

Local Cost of Living

Merit Increase


3. Enter an Amount Approved code for all employees.

Default of blank will add employees to the work file with a blank Amount Approved code.

4. If employee exists in review group:

a) Enter '1' to replace data with employee master values.

b) Enter '2' to replace some fields with employee master values.

Fields NOT replaced are: Pay Grade, Raise Effective Date, Date of Next Review, Job Type, Job Step, and Employment Status.

c) Blank for no changes.

5. If processing option 4 is not blank, enter a '1' to NOT replace recommended salary, % and amount increase, and other calculated fields. (See helps for complete list.)  
6. Enter the Effective Date for all raises given to this Review Group as it is created.

Default of blank will use today's date.

7. Enter a Date of Next Review for the group to represent the next time each member will be reviewed.  
8. Enter a Change Reason to be applied to every member in the Review Group being created. For example, Change Reason = 009 would be for Annual Raises.

A default of blank will give every member in the Review Group a blank Change Reason.

9. Enter a '1' to CLEAR the work file prior to building this Review Group.

Default of blank will NOT Clear the work file.


10. By default, only employees with a status of '0' to '9' will be included. To exclude a pay status value from this group, enter the values separated by a comma.  

80.2 Upcoming Salary Reviews (P082200)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to display only employees with an active Pay Status (numeric), or enter '2' to display only employees with an active Employment Status (numeric), or leave blank to display all employees . . . . . . . . . . . . .  

80.3 Review & Rank Employees - Salary Format (P08201)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to display data in the Hourly Rate format. Enter a '2' to display data in the Salary format.

Default of blank will display data in the format appropriate for each Review Group.

2. Enter a '1' to use the Job Information File (F08001) to edit Job Type and Step.

Default of blank will edit with User Defined Codes.

3. Enter a value as listed below to specify how to treat the case when an employee's Recommended Pay falls outside Pay Grade boundaries:

Blank = Ignore condition (default)

1 = Issue a warning message

2 = Issue an error message

4. Enter a '1' to display the employee's address number in the fold area.

Default of blank will display the employee's Tax ID Number.


80.4 Review and Rank Employees - Z File (P08201Z)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to skip printing the error report. If left blank, the report will print.  
2. Enter the version to be used to call the error report program (P00ZERR).

If left blank, ZJDE0001 will be used.


80.5 Update Salary Actuals - All Groups (P082810)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the name of the Review Group to be updated into the Payroll system.

A default of blank will update all Review Groups. Records from the work file will be deleted as they are processed.

2. Enter the greatest Amount Approved code to be chosen for update.

Employees with codes beyond this will not be processed.

Default of blank will process all Approved codes.

3. Enter a '1' to update NEW salary and rate. Default of blank updates CURRENT salary and rate. Contract/ Calendar and secondary jobs will always have CURRENT salary updated.

(See help instructions.)

4. For Contract/Calendar jobs, enter Remaining Periods to Pay.  
5. For Contract/Calendar jobs, enter a '1' to retrieve Salary Paid to Date from JDE Payroll.  

80.6 Delete a Review Group (P082801)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Enter the name of the Review Group to be deleted (six characters maximum).

Default of blank or invalid name will not delete any records.


80.7 Build Grade Progression Work Group. (P082005)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Name of the Work Group to be assembled (six characters max).

If left blank, today's date, in MMDDYY format, will default.

2. Enter up to a 25 character description for your Work Group.  
3. Enter a '1' to update the employee's Pay Grade/Step and Pay Rate based on the "New" Pay Grade/Step.

Enter a '2' to update the employee's Rate from the existing Grade/Step.

Default = '1'.

4. Enter the effective date for the Pay Grade/Step to be used for building the new rates. This is a required entry field (the system date will not default; a job log will be generated if the date is blank).  
5. Enter a '1' to generate a report.

A blank will not generate a report.

An exception report of records not added to the workgroup or outside the position budget is always produced.


80.8 Grade Step Progression Work Group Update (P082008)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to run in "update" mode.

A blank will run in "proof" mode and no updates will be made.

2. Enter a '1' to generate a report of updated records.

A blank will not generate a report.

An exception report will always be generated.

3. Enter the change reason to be written to the employee history and/or turnover files (F08042/F08045).  
4. Enter the effective date to be written to the employee history and/or turnover files (F08042/F08045).  
5. Enter a '1' to use Payroll History for Salary Paid Before Change.  
6. Enter the Periods Remaining to Pay.  

80.9 Pay Grade/Step WW (P082003)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a "Skip to" query name to be used when the World Writer versions list function key is pressed to call the World Writer versions list.

Blank will display the entire list for Wages and Salary World Writers, (Grp Q082).

2. Enter a '1' to allow the effective dates in the subfile to change by changing the effective date in the header of the video.  

80.10 Employee Salary Analysis by Home BU (P082400)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Bonus/Commission Information:  
1. Enter the Employee Profile Data Type for the current year's EXPECTED Bonus/Commission.  
2. Enter the Pay Type Table for those Pay Types that should be EXCLUDED from Bonus/Commission calculations.  
Bonus/Commission Information:  
3. Enter the Pay Type Tables to be used when calculating Bonus/Commissions for the "CURRENT" Year:

a. for Bonuses paid 1 year ago*

b. " " " 2 years ago

c. " " " 3 years ago

d. " " " 4 years ago

e. " " " 5 years ago

* Requires a value. Will also be used for any tables left blank.

Bonus/Commission Information:  
4. Enter the Pay Type Tables to be used when calculating Bonus/Commissions for the "PREVIOUS" Year:

a. for Bonuses paid 1 year ago*

b. " " " 2 years ago

c. " " " 3 years ago

d. " " " 4 years ago

e. " " " 5 years ago

* Requires a value. Will also be used for any tables left blank.

Other Information:  
5. Enter 1-5 to represent the number of prior years of salary history to print.

A default of blank equals 5 years.

6. Enter the category code from the Employee Master that you would like to have appear on the report.

A default of blank will use category code one (P001).