51 Contract Calendars and Payroll Calculations Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

51.1 Employee Contract Calendar Setup (P08932)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Do you want the Annualized Salary to display? (0/1)

0 = No

1 = Yes (Default)


51.2 Payroll Calculation Tool (P08933)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1.Enter the Status Code to use for Termination. When processing a termination using the Payroll Calculation Tool, the program uses the value you enter in this processing option to update the Pay Status field on the Employee Master record.
2. Display Social Security Number.

0 = No (Default)

1 = Yes

Use this processing option to control whether the employee's Social Security Number displays on the Payroll Calculation Tool screen.
3. Enter the Pay Type to be used in the creation of time entry records. When you choose to include an adjustment in the next pay cycle, instead of distributing it over the remaining pay periods, the program uses the value you enter as the pay type on the time entry records that it creates when you run the calculation in final mode.
4. Do you want to create Contract Calendar records during final update?

0 = No (Default)

1 = Yes

If you use the full functionality of Contract Calendars, enter 1 for the program to create and update records in the Contract Salary Work File (F08932) when you run the calculation in final mode.

If you do not use the full functionality of Contract Calendars, enter 0 (No) in this processing option.

5. Enter the version to call for each of the following programs. If left blank the default is ZJDE0001

Employee Multiple Jobs (P060118)

HR Employee Entry (P0801)

Time Entry (P061121)

Print Payroll Calculations (P08933P)

If you want to use a custom version for any of the programs, enter the name of the version next to each program. If you do not enter a value, the system uses the default version of ZJDE0001.
6. Include all multiple jobs in the calculations.

0 = No

1 = Yes (Default)

Enter a value, to display as the default value, in the Include All jobs in calculation totals field on the Payroll Calculation Tool (Enter New Values) screen.

The value you enter in this processing option indicates whether the program includes amounts for all secondary jobs in the calculations, as well as the primary job. If you enter 0 (No), the calculations only represent the values for the primary job. If you enter 1 (Yes), the program includes amounts for all secondary jobs, as well as the primary job in the calculation for the employee's total salary.

7. Enter the method to be used when editing the Job Type and Step fields.

0 = Edit against the Data Dictionary values. (Default)

1 = Edit against the Job Information file (F08001).

Use this processing option to specify what method the program uses when validating the Job Type and Step fields.

0 = Validate Job Type/Step against UDC's and use the Data Dictionary for default values for the Job Type (JBCD) and Job Step (JBST) data items.

1 = Validate Job Type/Step against the values in the Job Data & Evaluation Points program (P08001)

51.3 Attach Calendar to Employees (P08937)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the name of the calendar to attach employee(s) to.  
2. Proof or Final Mode?

0 = Proof (Default)

1 = Final

3. Enter a '1' to retrieve Salary Paid Before Change.  
4. Enter the Change Reason  
5. Enter the number of periods left to pay for the calendar being attached.  
6. Enter the dates to be assigned to the Employee Contract Calendar record(s).

If left blank, the Date Pay Starts/ Stops on the Calendar Master will be used.

Start Date

Stop Date