17 Process Contract Payments

This chapter contains these topics:

When you are ready to make payments, you must process your payment vouchers. You create payment groups and establish the sequence in which the system processes payments.

Payment groups are groups of vouchers that you choose and process in a batch. For example, you can create a payment group of vouchers that you want to pay on a given date. You can also create a payment group of vouchers that share a common payment instrument. The payment instrument determines the method of payment and the information that is on the payment stub.

The payment sequence determines the order in which your system will process payments. For example, for contract payments, you might configure your system to process payments by contract number.

For contract payments, you must set the following fields in the Supplier Master program (P01054):

  • Payment Instrument A/P must be set to M (Contract Checks). The Payment Instrument A/P field determines the type of payment you make to the supplier.

  • Multiple Checks (Y/N/C) must be set to C. This differentiates between a contract check and an A/P check.

17.1 Creating Payment Groups


From Subcontract Management (G44), choose Automatic Payment Processing

From Automatic Payment Processing (G0413), choose Create Payment Groups

Run the Create Payment Groups program to group together vouchers that you want to process in the same batch. For example, you can create a payment group of vouchers that you pay on a given date or that share a common payment instrument.

17.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Setting payment group processing options Set the Sequence ID processing option to Contract to sequence payments by contract number.

Set the Print Contract and Print Job information processing options to print this information on the report.

Printing progress payments You can direct the Accounts Payable system to print progress payments instead of A/P payments. The Payment Instrument A/P field determines the type of payment you make to the supplier. You can set this on the Supplier Master.

See A/P BACS Payment Processing Set Up.

Processing backcharges You should process all backcharges in a separate batch. You should process backcharges as regular A/P payments instead of progress payments.

See A/P BACS Payment Processing Set Up.

See Also:

17.1.2 Processing Options

See Section 44.12, "Create Payment Groups (P04570)"

17.1.3 Data Selection

Select the appropriate document type in the data selection to limit the payment group to progress payments.

17.2 Configuring the Payment Sequence


From Accounts Payable (G04), enter 29

From Accounts Payable Setup (G0441), choose Automatic Payment Setup

From Automatic Payment Setup (G04411), choose Sequence Review

To process your contract payments in a different order than the standard Accounts Payable processing order, you can configure a payment sequence that is specific to Subcontract Management. The payment sequence determines the order in which your system processes payments. For example, for contract payments, you might configure your system to process payments by contract number.

17.2.1 Configuring the payment sequence

  1. On Sequence Review, enter 1 in the Option field for the line item you want to change.

    Figure 17-1 Sequence Review screen

    Description of Figure 17-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 17-1 Sequence Review screen"

  2. On A/P Payment - Seq ID Update, choose Display All Data Fields.

    Figure 17-2 A/P Payment - Seq ID Update screen

    Description of Figure 17-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 17-2 A/P Payment - Seq ID Update screen"

  3. Complete the following field to create your new sequence ID:

    • Sequence ID

  4. Complete the following fields for each data field that you want to include in your sequence:

    • Seq

    • A/D

    Figure 17-3 A/P Payments - Seq ID Update screen with Completed Fields

    Description of Figure 17-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 17-3 A/P Payments - Seq ID Update screen with Completed Fields"

Field Explanation
Sequence ID The sequence ID used during A/P payment processing to determine in which order the payments should be processed.
Sequence Number This number is used to control the sequence of Processing Options, DDS Selection values and DDS Key sequences.

The sequence number is relative, meaning that the sequence need not start 001, 002, etc. A sequence of 003 and 005 sorts the report with the 003 field before the 005 field.

For Financial Reports, company MUST be sequence 001 in order to access the specific company Automatic Accounting Instruction (AAI) records. If company is not sequence 001, company 00000 AAIs are used.

A D A code to designate sorting sequence as ascending or descending. The following codes apply:

A – Ascending

D – Descending

Note: For use within OPNQRYF command to designate the UNIQUEKEY parameter. The number of key sequence fields specified with the following codes represent the number assigned to the UNIQUEKEY parameter. This parameter eliminates duplicate records for the specified keys.

U – Ascending

V – Descending

See Also: