Sun Ethernet Fabric Operating System

Exit Print View

Updated: July 2015

Map Ingress Traffic to Egress Class

  1. Map ingress traffic on a defined interface (0/5 in this example).
    SEFOS# configure terminal 
    SEFOS(config)# queue-map CLASS 3000 interface extreme-ethernet 0/5 queue-id 3 
    SEFOS(config)# queue-map CLASS 3001 interface extreme-ethernet 0/5 queue-id 4 
    SEFOS(config)# queue-map CLASS 3002 interface extreme-ethernet 0/5 queue-id 5 
    SEFOS(config)# queue-map CLASS 3003 interface extreme-ethernet 0/5 queue-id 6 
    SEFOS(config)# queue-map CLASS 3004 interface extreme-ethernet 0/5 queue-id 7 
    SEFOS(config)# exit 
  2. Review the queue map entries.
    SEFOS# show queue-map interface extreme-ethernet 0/5
    QoS Queue Map Entries 
    IfIndex  CLASS  PriorityType  Priority Value  Mapped Queue 
    Ex0/5    3000   none          0               3 
    Ex0/5    3001   none          0               4 
    Ex0/5    3002   none          0               5 
    Ex0/5    3003   none          0               6 
    Ex0/5    3004   none          0               7 

    Forwarding packets from the same traffic class to the different egress ports is possible, such as when the system is configured as a router with more than one interface connecting to other routers. Thus, to guarantee the packet behavior on a different port, you can repeat the steps in the forwarding example (using the queue, scheduler, and queue-map commands) for a different interface.