Oracle® Ethernet Switch ML2 Mechanism Driver for OpenStack Neutron Installation Guide

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Updated: June 2015

Create a Tenant Network

This topic documents how to create a tenant network through Horizon and describes how that network is represented in the Oracle Fabric Manager.

When you create the tenant network in Horizon, the interface relays the network-creation request to the driver. The driver does not need to do anything for a network-creation request, therefore no operation is done on the ES2 switch.

On Horizon:

  1. Check the Networks board to verify that the IP address you want to create is not already assigned.
  2. Create a tenant network by completing the Create Network wizard.

    For example:

    image:Screen capture of Horizon GUI showing Create Network wizard
  3. Find the ID field on the Network Detail page.

    For example:

    image:Screen capture showing Network Details page from OpenStack Horizon GUI