9 Deinstalling and Restoring STA

This chapter includes the following sections:


Oracle does not support downgrading STA to a prior version. Database data created with a newer version of STA will be lost when installing an older version of STA.

STA Deinstallation Overview

The STA deinstaller removes the STA application and all associated data and Oracle software. The following updates are made:

  • The StorageTek_Tape_Analytics subdirectory within the Oracle storage home location is removed completely. Other directories in the Oracle storage home location are not affected.

  • All STA and MySQL logs are removed from the logs location. See "Review STA File System Layout" for details about this location.

  • All STA service logs are removed.

  • The STA database and all local backups are removed. If the database directory or the local backups directory are mount points or include user-defined files, the directories are retained; otherwise, they are removed.

The Oracle central inventory location is not removed by STA deinstallation. All data in this directory is retained, including all STA installation and deinstallation logs and Oracle software inventory information. See "Oracle central inventory location" for details.

The STA deinstaller is available in both graphical and silent modes. See "STA Installer Modes" for details.

See "STA Installation and Deinstallation Logs" for details about the STA deinstallation logs.

STA Deinstallation Tasks

The following sections describe how to use the STA deinstaller.

Deinstall STA

Use this procedure to deinstall STA.


Deinstallation removes all STA database data. Before starting this procedure, you should perform a full database dump. See "Task 1: Dump the Old STA Database" for instructions.


To deinstall STA, you must log in as a user that is a member of the Oracle install group. You cannot deinstall STA as the Linux root user nor any other user with superuser privileges. See "Oracle install group" for details.
  1. Log in as the Oracle install user.

  2. Change to the Oracle storage home directory. For example:

    $ cd /Oracle
  3. Change to the STA installer binary directory.

    $ cd StorageTek_Tape_Analytics/oui/bin
  4. Launch the STA deinstaller with one of the following commands:

    • To use the STA graphical deinstaller:

      $ ./deinstall.sh

      This mode requires an X11 display. See "STA Graphical Installer and Deinstaller Screen Reference" for instructions.

    • To use the STA silent deinstaller:

      $ ./deinstall.sh –silent  –responseFile response_file

      Where response_file is the absolute path of the previously created response file.

      Before using this mode, you must also download the silentInstallUtility.jar file and create a response file specifying the installation options. See Appendix B, "STA Silent-mode Installer and Deinstaller" for instructions.

Verify Successful Deinstallation

Use this procedure to verify that all STA components have been removed from the STA server after deinstallation.

  1. Log in as the Oracle install user.

  2. List the contents of the Oracle storage home directory. It should be empty. For example:

    $ ls -la /Oracle
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x   2 oracle oinstall 4096 Sep 23 14:55 .
    dr-xr-xr-x. 31 root   root     4096 Sep 23 16:41 ..

Restore STA

Use this procedure to deinstall and then reinstall STA—for example, to repair a current installation. You cannot use the STA installer to reinstall or overwrite a current installation.

  1. Perform a service log snapshot on the current STA installation. Oracle Support can use the generated service logs to troubleshoot any issues that may have existed before the upgrade. See the STA User's Guide for detailed instructions.

  2. Stop all STA services:

    # STA stop all
  3. Perform a database snapshot.

    1. Start the MySQL service.

      # STA start mysql
    2. Create a backup file.

      # /usr/bin/mysqldump -uroot -p --opt --routines --triggers --events --flush-logs --single-transaction --complete-insert --comments --dump-date --add-drop-database --databases stadb -v > /sta_db_backup/backup_filename.sql
      Enter password: mysql_root_password

      Output will be similar to the following:

      -- Retrieving view structure for table v_mdv_request_states...
      -- Retrieving view structure for table version_info...
      -- Disconnecting from localhost...


      If you see "Can't connect to local MySQL server," the MySQL server isn't running. Return to Step a and verify you have started MySQL.
  4. Move the service log snapshot and database snapshot to another server, as all STA files will be removed in the next step. The snapshots are located in the following directories:

    • The service log snapshot is in /Oracle_storage_home/Middleware/rda/snapshots. For example, /Oracle/Middleware/rda/snapshots

    • The database snapshot is in the database location specified during STA installation. For example, /dbbackup

  5. Back up other files as needed.

  6. Deinstall STA. See "Deinstall STA." for instructions.

  7. Re-install STA. See Chapter 3, "Installing STA." for instructions.

  8. Stop all STA services:

    # STA stop all
  9. Restore the database. See the STA Administration Guide for instructions.

  10. Start all STA services:

    # STA start all
  11. Configure STA. See "Configure SNMP Settings in STA" for instructions.