3 Installing STA

This chapter assumes you are performing a new installation of STA on this server.


Oracle provides support only if STA is installed on a dedicated server (called the STA server).

This chapter includes the following topics:

Appendix C includes worksheets you can use to organize your installation activities and record your settings.

Users, Groups, and Locations Used by the STA Installer

This section describes key concepts and terms used in the STA installation process.

Oracle install group

A Linux group used for installing and upgrading Oracle products on the STA server. Oracle recommends creating a separate group dedicated for this purpose.

To perform the STA installation, you must log in as a user that is a member of this group. You cannot install STA as the Linux root user nor any other user with superuser privileges.

The instructions and examples in this guide use the name oinstall for this group; substitute the name you have chosen if it is different.

Oracle install user

A Linux user for installing and upgrading Oracle products on the STA server. This can be any user that is a member of the Oracle install group.

The instructions and examples in this guide use the name oracle for this user; substitute the name you have chosen if it is different.

Oracle central inventory location

The directory used for tracking information about Oracle products installed on the STA server. STA installer and deinstaller logs are kept in the logs subdirectory within this location.

The Oracle install user must own this directory and have full permissions to it. To ensure other users in the Oracle install group have proper access so they can install Oracle products, you should not use the Oracle install user's home directory.

This location should be separate from the other directories described in this section. The instructions and examples in this guide use /opt/oracle/oraInventory for this location; substitute the directory you have chosen if it is different.


Oracle recommends registering this location after STA installation is complete so all Oracle installers use the same central inventory location on this server. See "Register the Oracle Central Inventory Location" for details.
Oracle storage home location

The directory where STA and associated Oracle software are installed. STA is automatically installed in the StorageTek_Tape_Analytics subdirectory within this location; see "STA home".

If this directory already exists, the Oracle install user must have full permissions to it. If this directory does not exist, the STA installer will automatically create it if the Oracle install user has full permissions to the parent directory.


If an earlier version of STA was installed on this server, this directory may already exist. If so, you should verify that it is owned by the Oracle install group, not root.

This location should be separate from the other directories described in this section. The instructions and examples in this guide use /Oracle for this location; substitute the directory you have chosen if it is different.

STA home

The directory where all STA software is installed. This directory is assigned the name StorageTek_Tape_Analytics, and the STA installer automatically creates it within the "Oracle storage home location".

The instructions and examples in this guide use /Oracle/StorageTek_Tape_Analytics for this location.

STA installer location

The directory where you download the STA installer.

This location should be separate from the other directories described in this section. The instructions and examples in this guide use /Installers for this location; substitute the directory you have chosen if it is different.

STA installer working location

By default, the STA installer unpacks to the /tmp directory, and it consumes around 4 GB of space. You can specify a different working location by running the STA installer with the following option: –J–Djava.io.tmpdir=working_directory

working_directory must be an absolute path. For example:

$ ./sta_installer_linux64.bin –J–Djava.io.tmpdir=/Oracle/tmp

See "STA Silent-mode Installer and Deinstaller" for details about using this option.

STA logs location

Location of the STA and MySQL logs. The contents tend to grow and are managed through log rotation. The default location is /var/log/tbi, but you can change this location at any time after STA installation; see "Relocate the STA Logs Directory (optional)" for instructions.

See "Review STA File System Layout" for space requirements.

Username and Password Requirements

Username requirements are as follows:

  • Must be 1–16 characters in length

  • All usernames must be unique

Password requirements are as follows:

  • Must be 8–31 characters in length

  • Must include at least one number and one capital letter

  • Must not include spaces

  • Must not include any of the following special characters:

    & ' ( ) < > ? { } *  \ ' "

Accounts and Ports Configured During STA Installation

The STA installer configures user accounts and port numbers according to the specifications you provide.

User Accounts for Managing STA

The following required accounts are created during STA installation. These accounts are specific to STA, and they are not Linux usernames.

WebLogic Accounts

The following WebLogic accounts are used to log in to the WebLogic administration console or the STA application.

WebLogic Administration

Use to log in to the WebLogic administration console to make changes to the WebLogic environment—for example, to connect WebLogic to an LDAP or RACF server.


The username and password for this account are not retrievable. If these credentials are lost, STA must be re-installed.
STA Administrator

Use to log in to the STA application with full access privileges.

After the STA installation has been completed, you can use the STA application to create additional user accounts with assignable roles; see the STA User's Guide for details.

STA Database Accounts

The following STA database accounts are MySQL accounts used by STA to access and manage the STA database.

STA Database Root User

Owns the MySQL database and is used to create the root database installation. The predefined username is root, and it cannot be changed.


The password for this account is not retrievable.
STA Database Application User

A user-defined MySQL username (for example, stadb) that STA uses to connect to the database. It is required to create, update, delete, and read privileges on data tables.

STA Database Reports User

A user-defined MySQL username (for example, starpt) that non-STA and third-party applications may use to connect to the database. It has read-only access to certain database tables.

STA Database Administrator User

A user-defined MySQL username (for example, stadba) that STA administration and monitoring utilities use to connect to the database, primarily to configure and run scheduled backups. It has all DBA privileges except the "grant option" on all database tables.

Ports Used by STA

STA uses the following ports to retrieve and receive data. These are dedicated ports, and they must remain available to STA. The STA installer will verify that the ports are not already in use on the network.


Once these ports have been configured during STA installation, they cannot be changed without deinstalling and reinstalling STA.

Unconfigurable External Ports

The ports described in Table 3-1 are external ports used for communication between the STA server and other network entities. The port values are fixed and cannot be changed during STA installation.

Firewall/router configuration: Must be reachable between the STA server and the backup server (for SSH), and between the STA server and the monitored libraries (for SNMP and SNMPTRAP).

Table 3-1 Unconfigurable External Ports

Port Protocol Description/Purpose



Secure Shell. STA database backup; library log-in.



Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). For transmittal of SNMP requests.



For reception of SNMP notifications (traps).

Configurable External Ports

The ports described in Table 3-2 are external ports used for communication between the STA server and other network entities. These ports are the configurable equivalent of standard ports 80 and 8080 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS), and they must be unique from other HTTP and HTTPS ports on the network. Contact your network administrator for assistance in choosing their values.

Firewall/router configuration: Must be reachable between the STA server and the client running the STA GUI.

Table 3-2 Configurable External Ports

Default Port Protocol Description/Purpose



Access to the WebLogic Administration console, unsecure



Access to the WebLogic Administration console, secure



staUi managed server. Access to the STA GUI, unsecure.



staUi managed server. Access to the STA GUI, secure.

Configurable Internal Ports

The ports described in Table 3-3 are used for internal STA communications. These port values must be unique.

Firewall/router configuration: Not applicable

Table 3-3 Configurable Internal Ports

Default Port Protocol Description/Purpose



staEngine managed server. Basic STA internals, unsecure.



staEngine managed server. Basic STA internals, secure.



staAdapter managed server. SNMP communication, unsecure.



staAdapter managed server. SNMP communication, secure.

STA Installation and Deinstallation Logs

You can use the STA installation and deinstallation logs to help troubleshoot issues. Most log file names include a timestamp to help identify the installation or deinstallation instance. The timestamp is the date and time when the installation or deinstallation began.

In particular, the following logs provide valuable information if an installation or deinstallation fails. See "/STA_logs/install" for details about their location.

  • installtimestamp.log

  • sta_installtimestamp.log

  • deinstalltimestamp.log

  • sta_deinstalltimestamp.log

Log File Locations

The location of STA installation and deinstallation logs varies, depending on the status of the installation or deinstallation. Logs are found in the following directories. See "Review STA File System Layout" for details about these directories.


This directory includes logs for in-progress installations or deinstallations. Following is a sample listing of logs you might see in this directory.


Where Oracle_storage_home is the Oracle storage home location defined during STA installation.

This directory includes logs for installations and deinstallations that have completed successfully. Some logs, such as error or patch logs, are included only as applicable.

Following is a sample listing of logs you might see in this directory.


By default, STA_logs is located at /var/log/tbi. You can optionally relocate this directory to a location of your choice any time after STA installation. See "Relocate the STA Logs Directory (optional)" for instructions.

This directory includes logs for installations and deinstallations that have completed successfully or failed. It includes logs related to the installation of the WebLogic server and MySQL database, as well as logs for installation and configuration of the STA application.

Following is a sample listing of logs you might see in this directory.


STA Installer Modes

You can install STA using either of the following modes:

Graphical mode

This is the recommended installation mode. This mode provides a graphical user interface for installing STA, and it requires an X11 display. See "STA Graphical Installer and Deinstaller Screen Reference" for details.

Silent mode

This mode allows you to bypass the graphical user interface and supply the installation options in an XML properties file called the response file. See "STA Silent-mode Installer and Deinstaller" for details.

This mode is useful for unattended installations and for installing STA on multiple machines. By using a response file, you can supply a single set of parameters and automate the installation. You can run the silent-mode installer either from a script or from the Linux command line.

STA Installation Tasks

To install STA, perform all the following tasks in the order listed.

Identify or Create Information Required for the Installation

Use this procedure to identify and, if necessary, create users and locations to run the STA installer. You can use Table C-2, "Installation Users and Locations Worksheet" to record this information. See "Users, Groups, and Locations Used by the STA Installer" for details about these items.

  1. Log in as the Linux root user.

  2. Determine whether there is an Oracle central inventory pointer file, /etc/oraInst.loc, on the STA server. The file is present if the Oracle central inventory has been registered previously; see "Oracle central inventory location" for details.

    • If the file exists, record its contents. For example:

      # cat /etc/oraInst.loc

      The inventory_loc entry identifies the Oracle central inventory location, and the inst_group entry identifies the Oracle install group.

    • If the file is not present, proceed to Step 3 to create the necessary users and locations. For example:

      # cat /etc/oraInst.loc
      cat: /etc/oraInst.loc: No such file or directory
  3. If there was no Oracle central inventory pointer file in Step 2, create the Oracle install group. See "Oracle install group" for details. For example:

    # groupadd oinstall
  4. Obtain the username and password of an Oracle install user, or create a new one if necessary. This user must belong to the Oracle install group. See "Oracle install user" for details. For example:

    # useradd -g oinstall -d /home/oracle oracle
    # passwd oracle
    Changing password for user oracle.
    New password:
    Retype new password:
    passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
  5. If there was no Oracle central inventory pointer file in Step 2, create the Oracle central inventory location. This directory must be owned by the Oracle install user. See "Oracle central inventory location" for details. For example:

    # mkdir /opt/oracle/oraInventory
    # chown oracle /opt/oracle/oraInventory
    # ls -la /opt/oracle/oraInventory
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Feb 11 10:49 .
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root   root     4096 Feb 11 10:49 ..
  6. Locate the Oracle storage home location, or create the directory if it does not exist. This directory must be owned by the Oracle install user. See "Oracle storage home location" for details. For example:

    # mkdir /Oracle
    # chown oracle /Oracle
    # ls -la /Oracle
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Feb 11 10:49 .
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root   root     4096 Feb 11 10:49 ..
  7. Locate the STA installer location, or create the directory if it does not exist. See "STA installer location" for details. For example:

    # mkdir /Installers
  8. Obtain the password for the Linux root user. The STA installer requires root access to perform certain tasks and will prompt for the password.

  9. Choose user names for the WebLogic Administrator, STA Administrator, and MySQL accounts that will be created during the installation. See "User Accounts for Managing STA" for details.

  10. Choose port numbers for the configurable internal and external ports required for STA operations. Ensure that the external ports are open on the required networks. See "Ports Used by STA" for details.

  11. Obtain your site's domain name for configuring Oracle's Remote Diagnostics Agent (RDA). See the STA User's Guide for details.

Verify Installation Prerequisites

Use this procedure to verify prerequisites before running the STA installer. This procedure is optional, but if any of these prerequisites are not met, the STA installation will fail. See the STA Requirements Guidefor a complete list of installation requirements.

All these steps are performed on the STA server. Contact your Linux administrator if you need assistance.


STA installation assumes 64-bit Linux has been installed with the Linux RPM packages specified in Chapter 2, "Installing Linux". If a required package is not installed, the STA installation will display an error message and not allow you to continue until the package is installed. See the following documents for details:


Before choosing to permanently remove or replace existing software, back up files as needed.
  1. Verify that STA is not installed on the server. The STA installer is used for new installations only.

    See the following sections for other instructions, as applicable:

    The following example shows that STA is not installed.

    $ ls /etc/init.d/sta*
    ls: cannot access /etc/init.d/sta*: No such file or directory$ ls /usr/bin/STA
    ls: cannot access /usr/bin/STA: No such file or directory
  2. Verify that MySQL is not installed on the STA server. If MySQL is installed, the installer will remove and reinstall it, and all existing MySQL databases will be deleted.

  3. Verify the /tmp directory has at least 4 GB of free space. This is the default STA installer working location.

    $ df /tmp
    Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on 
                            51606140  42896756   6087944  88% /


    You can optionally specify a different working directory when you start the STA installer. See "STA installer working location" for details.
  4. Verify SELinux is disabled. If you have followed the instructions in "Post-Installation Tasks", SELinux should already be disabled; see "Disable SELinux" for details.

    $ sestatus
    SELinux status:         disabled
  5. Verify Linux firewall (IPTables) is stopped. If you have followed the instructions in "Post-Installation Tasks", IPTables should already be stopped; see "Disable the Linux Firewall" for details.

    $ service iptables status
    iptables: Firewall is not running.


    If your site requires the IPTables service to be running, you can start the service after you have installed STA, configured the libraries, and confirmed that STA is monitoring the libraries. After starting IPTables, you should reconfirm that STA is monitoring the libraries.
  6. Stop and deconfigure SNMP services.

    To avoid network port collisions and other issues, the STA server must not be running other SNMP services. The STA installer will quit in either of the following situations:

    • The snmpd and snmptrapd daemon services are running,

    • UDP ports 161 (SNMP) and 162 (SNMPTRAP) are not available.

    Perform the following steps as required.

    1. Display the current status of the SNMP snmpd and snmptrapd services.

      # service snmpd status 
      snmpd is stopped
      # service snmptrapd status 
      snmptrapd is stopped
    2. If necessary, stop the SNMP services immediately.

      # service snmpd stop 
      # service snmptrapd stop


      If you receive a "FAILED" error with either of these commands, the services may already be stopped.
    3. Type the following to disable the SNMP services in the Linux services configuration file so they do not start automatically when Linux reboots:

      # chkconfig snmpd off 
      # chkconfig --list snmpd 
      snmpd           0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off
      # chkconfig snmptrapd off 
      # chkconfig --list snmptrapd 
      snmptrapd       0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off
  7. Review and verify the applicable mode-specific requirements, as follows:

Download STA

The STA installer download includes the following files. version is the STA installation version number.

  • sta_install_version_linux64.bin—Required for all installations.

  • sta_install_version_linux64-2.zip—Required for all installations.

  • silentInstallUtility_version.jar—Response file build utility. Required only if you will be using the STA silent-mode installer or deinstaller. See Appendix B, "STA Silent-mode Installer and Deinstaller" for details

  1. In a browser window, access the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud website at the following URL:


  2. Click Sign In/Register.

  3. Enter the user ID and password provided by Oracle Support, or create a new account.

  4. On the Terms & Restrictions screen, select the check boxes to indicate your acceptance of the License Agreement and Export Restrictions, and then click Continue.

  5. Perform the following steps on the Media Pack Search screen:

    1. In the Select a Product Pack menu, select Oracle StorageTek Products.

    2. In the Platform menu, select Linux x86-64.

    3. Click Go.

  6. In the Results table, select Oracle StorageTek Tape Analytics 2.1.1 and click Continue.

  7. Click Download for each of the media pack zip files, and save them to a location containing at least 4 GB of free space.

  8. Use an unzip tool to extract the contents of the zip files to the STA installer location you have selected in "Identify or Create Information Required for the Installation" (for example /Installers).

  9. Ensure that the Oracle install user has execute permissions to the sta_install_version_linux64.bin file and read access to the sta_install_version_linux64-2.zip file. For example:

    # cd /Installers
    # ls -la
    -rw-r--r--   1 oracle oinstall       5964 Oct 23 16:14 silentInstallUtility.jar
    -rw-r--r--   1 oracle oinstall 1275158996 Oct 23 13:35 sta_install_2.
    -rw-r--r--   1 oracle oinstall 1599220560 Oct 23 13:01 sta_install_2.
    # chmod u+x  sta_install*.bin 
    # chmod u+r sta_install*.zip
    # ls -la
    -rw-r--r--   1 oracle oinstall       5964 Oct 23 16:14 silentInstallUtility.jar
    -rw-r--r--   1 oracle oinstall 1275158996 Oct 23 13:35 sta_install_2.
    -rwxr--r--   1 oracle oinstall 1599220560 Oct 23 13:01 sta_install_2.
  10. Review the STA Release Notes, which are included in the installer download package.

Install STA

Use this procedure to run the STA installer. You can install STA using either the graphical or silent mode. See "STA Installer Modes" for details.

  1. In a terminal window, connect to the STA server and log in as the Oracle install user. See "Oracle install user" for details.

  2. Change to the STA installer location; see "STA installer location" for details. For example:

    $ cd /Installers
  3. Launch the STA installer with one of the following commands:

    • To use the STA graphical installer:

      $ ./sta_install_version_linux64.bin

      Where version is the version of the STA installer you downloaded. For example:

      $ ./sta_install_2.

      This mode requires an X11 display. See Appendix A, "STA Graphical Installer and Deinstaller Screen Reference" for instructions.

    • To use the STA silent installer:

      $ ../sta_install_version_linux64.bin –silent  –responseFile response_file


      • version is the version of the STA installer you downloaded.

      • response_file is the absolute path of the previously created response file.

      For example:

      $ ./sta_install_2. –silent –responseFile /Installers/SilentInstall.rsp 

      Before using this mode, you must also download the silentInstallUtility.jar file and create a response file specifying the installation options. See Appendix B, "STA Silent-mode Installer and Deinstaller" for instructions.

Verify Successful Installation

Use this procedure to verify that STA is running.

  1. Use the following steps to ensure that the STA bin directory is included in the PATH variable for the system root user.

    1. Open a terminal session on the current STA server, and log in as the system root user.

    2. Use a text editor to open the user profile. For example:

      # vi /root/.bash_profile
    3. Add the STA bin directory to the PATH definition. For example, add the following line to the file:


      Where Oracle_storage_home is the Oracle storage home location specified during STA installation.

    4. Save and exit the file.

    5. Log out and log back in as the system root user.

    6. Confirm that the PATH variable has been updated correctly.

      # echo $PATH
  2. Use the STA command to verify that all STA services are running and active. Example 3-1 is a sample successful status display. See the STA Administration Guide for details.

    Example 3-1 STA Successful Status Display

    $ STA status all
    mysql is running
    staservd service is running
    weblogic service is runningstaengine service is running
     .... and the deployed application for staengine is in an ACTIVE state
    staadapter service is running
     .... and the deployed application for staadapter is in an ACTIVE state
    staui service is running
     .... and the deployed application for staui is in an ACTIVE state
  3. Proceed as follows:

Relocate the STA Logs Directory (optional)

Use this procedure only if you want to relocate the STA and MySQL logs to a location other than the default, which is /var/log/tbi. After you complete this procedure, new logs will be written to the location you designate. You can perform this procedure anytime after STA has been installed. See "Review STA File System Layout" for the location requirements.

  1. Log in as the system root user.

  2. Stop all STA services.

    # STA stop all
    Stopping the staui service......
    Successfully stopped the staui service
    Stopping the staadapter service......
    Successfully stopped the staadapter service
    Stopping the staengine service......
    Successfully stopped the staengine service
    Stopping the weblogic service......
    Successfully stopped the weblogic service
    Stopping the staservd Service...
    Successfully stopped staservd service
    Stopping the mysql service.....
    Successfully stopped mysql service
  3. Create the new STA logs directory you want to use for STA and MySQL logs. For example:

    # mkdir -p /LOGS_DIR/log/
    # ls -ld /LOGS_DIR/log
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 20 14:17 /LOGS_DIR/log
  4. Change access permissions to the directory so STA and MySQL can write to it. For example:

    # chmod 777 /LOGS_DIR/log
    # ls -ld /LOGS_DIR/log
    drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Jan 20 14:17 /LOGS_DIR/log
  5. Move the current /var/log/tbi directory to the STA logs directory you have just created.

    # mv /var/log/tbi /LOGS_DIR/log/
    # ls -l /LOGS_DIR/log/tbi
    total 20
    drwxrwxrwx 2 mysql mysql 4096 Jan  7 10:45 backups
    drwxrwxrwx 3 mysql mysql 4096 Jan  7 10:45 db
    drwxrwxrwx 2 mysql mysql 4096 Jan  7 11:30 install
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 root  root  1191 Jan 20 13:04 monitor_staserver.log
    drwxrwxrwx 2 root  root  4096 Jan  7 11:03 uidumps
  6. Create a symbolic link from your new STA logs directory to the default location. For example:

    # ln -s /LOGS_DIR/log/tbi /var/log/tbi
    # ls -l /var/log/tbi
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root          15 Jan 20 14:22 /var/log/tbi -> /LOGS_DIR/log/tbi
  7. Restart STA.

    # STA start all
    Starting mysql Service..
    mysql service was successfully started
    Starting staservd Service.
    staservd service was successfully started
    Starting weblogic Service......
    weblogic service was successfully started
    Starting staengine Service.........
    staengine service was successfully started
    Starting staadapter Service..........
    staadapter service was successfully started
    Starting staui Service..........
    staui service was successfully started

Register the Oracle Central Inventory Location

Use this procedure after STA installation has completed to register the Oracle central inventory location on the STA server. You only need to use this procedure once on this server.

This procedure creates an Oracle central inventory pointer file, /etc/oraInst.loc, which allows the Oracle central inventory location and Oracle install group to be known to all Oracle installers used on the server.

  1. Log in as the Linux root user.

  2. Change to the Oracle central inventory directory. For example:

    # cd /opt/oracle/oraInventory
  3. Run the registration script, located in that directory.

    # ./createCentralInventory.sh
    Setting the inventory to /opt/oracle/oraInventory
    Setting the group name to oinstall
    Creating the Oracle inventory pointer file (/etc/oraInst.loc)
    Changing permissions of /opt/oracle/oraInventory to 770.
    Changing groupname of /opt/oracle/oraInventory to oinstall.
    The execution of the script is complete

    The Oracle central inventory location and the Oracle install group and are now identified in the Oracle central inventory pointer file, /etc/oraInst.loc.