A STA Graphical Installer and Deinstaller Screen Reference

This chapter includes the following sections:

Graphical-mode Display Requirements

The STA graphical-mode installer and deinstaller require X Window System, version 11 (X11). X11 configuration is outside the scope of this guide; however, the following general guidelines apply. For additional information, contact your system administrator.

For you to run the graphical-mode installer and deinstaller, the X11 service must be running on the STA server and configured to allow X11 forwarding. If Linux was installed as instructed in Chapter 2, "Installing Linux," these conditions should already be met.

In addition, X11 authorizations and display must be set correctly for the Oracle install user. This is handled differently depending on whether you are logging in through a local or remote connection.

See the following sections for details.


Response time for remote connections depends on your network and VPN configurations and performance.

Local Connections

For direct connections to the STA server, you must log in as the Oracle install user and then set the DISPLAY variable manually. For example:

# export DISPLAY=hostname:0.0

You may also need to verify that the Oracle install user has the proper X11 authorization. Contact your Linux administrator for assistance.

Remote Connections Using a Secure Shell (SSH)

If you use a secure shell (SSH) with X11 forwarding enabled, X11 authorization and display are handled automatically for the login user. For example, if you use this method and log in as the oracle user, the SSH service on the STA server automatically sets up the proper X11 authorization and display for the oracle user. You should not set the DISPLAY variable manually.

However, if you log in as a different user (root, for example) and then su to oracle, the X11 authorizations and display will not be set correctly for the oracle user and you must set them manually. Instructions for doing this are outside the scope of this guide; contact your Linux administrator for assistance.

Connecting From a Linux Machine

To enable X11 forwarding on a Linux machine, use the ssh command with the –X or –Y options. For example:

$ ssh –X oracle@sta_server

Connecting From a Microsoft Windows PC

Your PC must be running an X11 server, such as Xming or Cygwin/X, and an SSH client, such as PuTTY or WinSCP. Following is a sample procedure for connecting using PuTTY:

  1. Verify that the X11 server is running on your PC. Contact your system administrator for assistance, if necessary.

  2. Start PuTTY, and proceed as follows:

    1. In the main Session window, make the following entries:

      • In the Host Name field, type the name or IP address of the STA server.

      • In the SSH Connection type field, select SSH.

    2. In the Category menu tree, expand Connection, then expand SSH, then select X11. In this window, make the following selections:

      • In the X11 forwarding field, select the Enable X11 forwarding check box.

      • In the Remote X11 authentication protocol field, select MIT-Magic-Cookie-1.

      • Leave the other fields blank.

Remote Connections Using Desktop Sharing

To run the STA installer through desktop sharing, both the STA server and your local computer must be running a desktop sharing application, such as VNC Server on the STA server and VNC Viewer on your local computer. In addition, your local computer must be able to connect to the STA server through a private network, such as Virtual Private Network (VPN).

Following is a sample process for connecting using VNC.

  1. Install and configure the VNC Server on the STA server.

  2. Install and configure the VNC Viewer on your local computer.

  3. Connect to the STA server through the private network. Contact your IT administrator for instructions.

Troubleshooting Graphical Display Issues

The STA installer and deinstaller verify that X11 is properly configured for the Oracle install user. If these prerequisite checks fail, contact your Linux system administrator for assistance. You can use the following steps to help troubleshoot problems.

  1. Log in to the STA server as the Oracle install user, and display the currently installed RPM packages.

    # yum list installed

    The xorg-x11-util entry should be included in the displayed list. For example:

    xorg-x11-utils.x86_64                  7.5-6.el6 
  2. Display the current display settings for the Oracle install user. For example:

    $ echo $DISPLAY
  3. Verify the display has the proper X11 configuration. For example:

    $ xdpyinfo –display :0.0

    Example A-1 is a sample of the first part of the command output showing a properly configured display.

    Example A-1 Sample Properly Configured X11 Display

    $ xdpyinfo
    name of display:    :0.0
    version number:    11.0
    vendor string:    The X.Org Foundation
    vendor release number:    11300000
    X.Org version: 1.13.0
    maximum request size:  16777212 bytes
    motion buffer size:  256

    Example A-2 shows some examples of the command output from displays that are not configured correctly.

    Example A-2 Sample Improperly Configured X11 Displays

    $ xdpyinfo
    xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":0.0".
    $ xdpyinfo
    PuTTY X11 proxy: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 data did not matchxdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":0.0".

STA Graphical Installer Screens

This section provides detailed reference for each screen of the STA graphical installer.


When you launch the STA graphical installer, the Oracle Universal Installer displays messages in the terminal window as it performs some basic environment checks. Requirements for running the STA graphical installer may exceed these minimal checks.

Installation and Inventory Setup

Description of instinventory.png follows
Description of the illustration instinventory.png

The Oracle central inventory directory is used to keep track of the names and locations of all Oracle software installed on this server. All STA installation and deinstallation logs are saved automatically to this location.

To ensure that other users in the Oracle install group have access to this directory, it should be separate from the Oracle install user's home directory. Home directories may not have proper permissions for the Oracle install group.

This screen is part of the Oracle Universal Installer. If you follow the recommended practices for registering the Oracle central inventory location, this screen appears only the first time you install STA on this server. Subsequent installations will automatically find the location without prompting you. See "Register the Oracle Central Inventory Location" for details.

Screen Fields

Inventory Directory

Enter the name of the directory you want to designate as the Oracle central inventory directory.

The default is $USER_HOME/oraInventory. You must specify an absolute path, or click the Browse button to navigate to an existing directory.

  • If you specify an existing directory, the Oracle install user must have full permissions to it.

  • If you specify a directory that does not exist, the installer will create it automatically if the Oracle install user has full permissions to the parent directory.

Operating System Group

Select the Linux group you want to designate as the Oracle install group. All members of this group will be able to install Oracle software on this server.

The menu lists all groups to which the Oracle install user belongs. The default is the Oracle install user's primary group.

Screen-specific Buttons


Click to navigate to the directory you want to specify.


Click to initiate the STA installer. The Installation Inventory Setup window disappears and there may be a slight delay before the STA Installer Splash Screen appears.


Description of welcome.png follows
Description of the illustration welcome.png

This screen provides some general information for running the STA installer. Read the text, then click Next to begin the installation.


System changes are not implemented until you have completed all the STA installer input screens and clicked Install in "Installation Summary". Anytime before then, you can return to a previous screen and modify your entries.

See "General Installer Screen Layout" for details about the STA installer screens.

General Installer Screen Layout

All STA installer screens follow the same basic layout. The main parts are illustrated and described below.

Description of instscrlayout.png follows
Description of the illustration instscrlayout.png

Item Name Description
A Screen title Title of the STA installer screen
B Navigation tree Displays your current position in the installation sequence. Screen titles become active links as you complete each screen. You can click any active link to return directly to that screen and review or change your entries
C Expand and Collapse icons Click to hide or display the Navigation tree and the Message pane.
D Resize control bar Click and drag to resize the Navigation tree or the Message pane.
D Message pane Included only on selected screens. Displays status messages relevant to processes performed on that screen.
E Common buttons The following buttons are common to all STA Installer screens:
  • Help—Click to display context-sensitive help for the screen.

  • Back—Click to go to the previous screen to review or change your entries. You can go back one screen at a time to the beginning of the installation.

  • Next—Click to proceed to the next screen after making the necessary entries.

  • Finish—Click to complete the installation. This button is active only for the final screen.

  • Cancel—Click to cancel the installation at any time. If any part of the installation has been performed, the installer will roll back the installation and return the server to its original state. You will be prompted to confirm the cancellation.

Installation Location

Description of instloc.png follows
Description of the illustration instloc.png

This screen allows you to specify the location where STA and associated Oracle software will be installed on the server.

You cannot install over a previously installed version of STA. To verify that STA is not already installed in a particular location, you can enter a directory in the Oracle Storage Home field and then click the View button.

Screen Fields

Oracle Storage Home

Enter the directory where STA and associated Oracle software will be installed. Each software package will be installed in its own subdirectory within this directory. You cannot specify a directory where STA is already installed.

See Table 2-2, "Recommended File System Layout" for technical recommendations about this directory.

Depending on whether this directory already exists, the Oracle install user and group must have the following permissions:

  • If the directory does exist, they must have full permissions to it.

  • If the directory does not exist, they must have full permissions to the parent directory, so the STA installer can create the Oracle Storage Home directory.

You must enter an absolute path, or click the Browse button to navigate to the directory you want to specify.

STA Home

Display only. This is the subdirectory within Oracle Storage Home where STA will be installed. This subdirectory is assigned the name StorageTek_Tape_Analytics, and it will be created automatically during the installation.

Screen-specific Buttons


Click to navigate to the directory you want to specify.


Click to display a list of all software currently installed in the Oracle Storage Home directory you have specified. For new installations this list is blank. Figure A-1 is an example of the display after STA has been installed.

Figure A-1 Sample Listing of Oracle Storage Home

Description of Figure A-1 follows
Description of "Figure A-1 Sample Listing of Oracle Storage Home"

Prerequisite Checks

Description of prereqchecks.png follows
Description of the illustration prereqchecks.png

The installer performs a series of tasks to verify that the server environment meets all required and recommended prerequisites. This process may take several minutes.

The possible outcomes of each verification task are as follows:

  • Success  Success icon—The prerequisite passed successfully.

  • Warning Warning icon—The recommended prerequisite did not pass.

  • Failure  Failure icon—The required prerequisite did not pass.

You cannot continue the installation if there are any Failure outcomes. Additionally, it is recommended that you resolve all Warning outcomes before continuing. You can keep the installer up at this screen while you resolve any issues, and then return and click Rerun to run the verification process again.

Depending on the nature of a prerequisite, you may need to stop a service, change user privileges, or install a yum package to resolve issues. You can use either of the following methods to display expanded detail to help you troubleshoot issues and determine what action to take:

Screen Fields


Screen-specific Buttons


Click to stop the verification process at the current task. You may want to do this so you can display detail for a selected task that has already completed.


Click to run the verification process again from the beginning. This allows you to resolve any Failure or Warning outcomes without exiting and restarting the STA installer.

View Successful Tasks

Select the check box to include Success outcomes in the display; this is the default.

Clear the check box to display only Failure or Warning outcomes. This allows you to filter out successful tasks, so you can focus on the ones requiring attention.

View Log

Click to display the prerequisite verification log in a separate window. Figure A-4 is an example. Click Close to dismiss the log window.

Figure A-4 Sample Prerequisite Verification Log Display

Description of Figure A-4 follows
Description of "Figure A-4 Sample Prerequisite Verification Log Display"

You can also view the log from the Linux command line. While the installer is running, logs are kept in a subdirectory within /tmp. See "STA Installation and Deinstallation Logs" for details.

Enter Root Password

Description of rootpwd.png follows
Description of the illustration rootpwd.png

The STA installer requires Linux root access to perform the installation.

Screen Fields

Enter Root Password

Type the password for the Linux root user. The entry is masked as you type. It may take several seconds to validate the password.

Screen-specific Buttons


Set Up DB Directories

Description of dbdirs.png follows
Description of the illustration dbdirs.png

This screen allows you to specify locations for the STA database and local STA database backups. The STA installer will create these directories if they do not already exist.

See the STA Administration Guide for information on managing the database services and backups.

Screen Fields

Database Data Location

Enter the directory where the STA database will be located. This directory cannot be the same as the Database Backup Location. You must specify an absolute path.

If the directory you specify already contains a database subdirectory (mysql), a warning message is displayed. You can either specify a different database location or accept the current entry, in which case the database subdirectory will be removed during the STA installation.

Database Backup Location

Enter the directory where STA database backups will be located on the server. This directory cannot be the same as the Database Data Location. You must specify an absolute path.

If the directory you specify already contains a database backup subdirectory (local), a warning message is displayed. You can either specify a different backup location or accept the current entry, in which case the backup subdirectory will be removed during the STA installation.

Screen-specific Buttons


Set Up Admin Accounts

Description of adminacinfo.png follows
Description of the illustration adminacinfo.png

This screen describes the types of information you will define on the next two screens. Read the text, then click Next to continue.

Screen Fields


Screen-specific Buttons


WebLogic Administrator

Description of adminwl.png follows
Description of the illustration adminwl.png

WebLogic is the application server that hosts STA. You use the WebLogic Administrator account to log into the WebLogic administration console to configure and manage the WebLogic server. This account is used infrequently.

The account will be created during the installation with the credentials you specify.


Make a secure record of these account credentials; if you lose them, you will not be able to log into the WebLogic administration console and STA must be re-installed.

To protect your site security, usernames and passwords are purposely not preconfigured nor hard-coded.

Screen Fields

Enter Username

Type the name you want to assign to the WebLogic Administrator account.

Username requirements are as follows:

  • Must be 1–16 characters in length

  • All usernames must be unique

Enter Password

Type the password you want to assign to this account. The entry is masked as you type.

Password requirements are as follows:

  • Must be 8–31 characters in length

  • Must include at least one number and one capital letter

  • Must not include spaces

  • Must not include any of the following special characters:

    & ' ( ) < > ? { } *  \ ' "
Confirm Password

Type the password again to ensure you have entered it correctly.

Screen-specific Buttons


STA Administrator

Description of adminsta.png follows
Description of the illustration adminsta.png

You use the STA Administrator account to log into the STA user interface. This user has administrator privileges for the STA application and therefore access to all STA screens.

The account will be created during the installation with the credentials you specify.


Make a secure record of these account credentials; if you lose them, you will not be able to log into the STA user interface.

To protect your site security, usernames and passwords are purposely not preconfigured nor hard-coded.

Screen Fields

Enter Username

Type the username you want to assign to the STA Administrator.

Username requirements are as follows:

  • Must be 1–16 characters in length

  • All usernames must be unique

Enter Password

Type the password you want to assign to this account. The entry is masked as you type.

Password requirements are as follows:

  • Must be 8–31 characters in length

  • Must include at least one number and one capital letter

  • Must not include spaces

  • Must not include any of the following special characters:

    & ' ( ) < > ? { } *  \ ' "
Confirm Password

Type the password again to ensure you have entered it correctly.

Screen-specific Buttons


Set Up Database Accounts

Description of dbacinfo.png follows
Description of the illustration dbacinfo.png

This screen describes the types of information you will define on the next four screens. Read the text, then click Next to continue.

Screen Fields


Screen-specific Buttons


Database Root User

Description of dbacroot.png follows
Description of the illustration dbacroot.png

The STA database root user owns the STA database. This account is used internally by the STA application to create the database, and it provides full access to all database tables. You will not use this account for normal STA operations.

The username for this account is automatically set to root and cannot be changed. This is a MySQL account and is separate from the Linux root user. This account will be created during the installation with the credentials you specify.


Make a secure record of these account credentials.

To protect your site security, usernames and passwords are purposely not preconfigured nor hard-coded.

Screen Fields

Enter Password

Type the password to want to assign to the STA database root user. The entry is masked as you type.

Password requirements are as follows:

  • Must be 8–31 characters in length

  • Must include at least one number and one capital letter

  • Must not include spaces

  • Must not include any of the following special characters:

    & ' ( ) < > ? { } *  \ ' "
Confirm Password

Type the password again to ensure you have entered it correctly.

Screen-specific Buttons


Database Application User

Description of dbacapp.png follows
Description of the illustration dbacapp.png

The database application account is a MySQL account used internally by the STA application to connect to and update the STA database. The account provides create, update, delete, and read access to all database tables. You will not use this account for normal STA operations.

This account will be created during the installation with the credentials you specify.


Make a secure record of these account credentials.

To protect your site security, usernames and passwords are purposely not preconfigured nor hard-coded.

Screen Fields

Enter Username

Type the name you want to assign to the STA database application account; for example, stadb.

Username requirements are as follows:

  • Must be 1–16 characters in length

  • All usernames must be unique

Enter Password

Type the password to want to assign to the STA database application account The entry is masked as you type.

Password requirements are as follows:

  • Must be 8–31 characters in length

  • Must include at least one number and one capital letter

  • Must not include spaces

  • Must not include any of the following special characters:

    & ' ( ) < > ? { } *  \ ' "
Confirm Password

Type the password again to ensure you have entered it correctly.

Screen-specific Buttons


Database Reports User

Description of dbacreport.png follows
Description of the illustration dbacreport.png

The STA database reports account is a MySQL account used by non-STA and third-party applications to connect to the STA database. The account provides read-only access to selected database tables. You will not use this account for normal STA operations.

This account will be created during the installation with the credentials you specify.


Make a secure record of these account credentials.

To protect your site security, usernames and passwords are purposely not preconfigured nor hard-coded.

Screen Fields

Enter Username

Type the name you want to assign to the STA database reports account; for example, starpt.

Username requirements are as follows:

  • Must be 1–16 characters in length

  • All usernames must be unique

Enter Password

Type the password to want to assign to this account. The entry is masked as you type.

Password requirements are as follows:

  • Must be 8–31 characters in length

  • Must include at least one number and one capital letter

  • Must not include spaces

  • Must not include any of the following special characters:

    & ' ( ) < > ? { } *  \ ' "
Confirm Password

Type the password again to ensure you have entered it correctly.

Screen-specific Buttons


Database Administrator

Description of dbacadmin.png follows
Description of the illustration dbacadmin.png

The STA database administrator account is a MySQL account used internally by STA administration and monitoring utilities to connect to the STA database and configure and run scheduled backups. The account provides full access, except the "grant" option, to all database tables. You will not use this account for normal STA operations.

This account will be created during the installation with the credentials you specify.


Make a secure record of these account credentials.

To protect your site security, usernames and passwords are purposely not preconfigured nor hard-coded.

Screen Fields

Enter Username

Type the name you want to assign to the STA database administrator account; for example, stadba.

Username requirements are as follows:

  • Must be 1–16 characters in length

  • All usernames must be unique

Enter Password

Type the password to want to assign to this account. The entry is masked as you type.

Password requirements are as follows:

  • Must be 8–31 characters in length

  • Must include at least one number and one capital letter

  • Must not include spaces

  • Must not include any of the following special characters:

    & ' ( ) < > ? { } *  \ ' "
Confirm Password

Type the password again to ensure you have entered it correctly.

Screen-specific Buttons


Enter Communication Ports

Description of portsinfo.png follows
Description of the illustration portsinfo.png

This screen describes the types of information you will define on the next four screens. Read the text, then click Next to continue.

You will provide values for the configurable internal and external WebLogic and STA ports. The ports will be configured and enabled during the installation with the values you specify. The port numbers you specify must be unique, and the ports must remain available and dedicated to STA.


Before completing these screens, verify the correct port number values with your network administrator. Once STA has been installed, the port numbers cannot be changed without deinstalling and reinstalling STA.

Screen Fields


Screen-specific Buttons


WebLogic Admin Console

Description of portswl.png follows
Description of the illustration portswl.png

You specify the WebLogic Administrator console port number when you log into the WebLogic Administrator console, which is used to administer and configure the WebLogic application server.


These are external communication ports. Your network administrator may need to configure firewalls and routers to open communication between the STA server and the client accessing the WebLogic Administration console.


Make a secure record of these port numbers; they cannot be changed once STA is installed.

To protect your site security, these numbers are purposely not preconfigured nor hard-coded.

Screen Fields

Enter HTTP Port

Enter the HTTP port number for unsecure access to the WebLogic Administrator console login. Typically this port number is 7019.

Port numbers must be unique and available.

Enter HTTPS Port

Enter the HTTPS port number for secure access to the WebLogic Administrator console login. Typically this port number is 7020.

Port numbers must be unique and available.

Screen-specific Buttons


STA Engine

Description of portsstaengine.png follows
Description of the illustration portsstaengine.png

The staEngine managed server ports are used for internal STA server communication only.


Make a secure record of these port numbers; they cannot be changed once STA is installed.

To protect your site security, these numbers are purposely not preconfigured nor hard-coded.

Screen Fields

Enter HTTP Port

Enter the HTTP port number for unsecure access to the staEngine managed server. Typically this port number is 7023.

Port numbers must be unique and available.

Enter HTTPS Port

Enter the HTTPS port number for secure access to the staEngine managed server. Typically this port number is 7024.

Port numbers must be unique and available.

Screen-specific Buttons


STA Adapter

Description of portsstaadapter.png follows
Description of the illustration portsstaadapter.png

The staAdapter managed server ports are used for internal SNMP communication only.


Make a secure record of these port numbers; they cannot be changed once STA is installed.

To protect your site security, these numbers are purposely not preconfigured nor hard-coded.

Screen Fields

Enter HTTP Port

Enter the HTTP port number for unsecure access to the staAdapter managed server. Typically this port number is 7025.

Port numbers must be unique and available.

Enter HTTPS Port

Enter the HTTPS port number for secure access to the staAdapter managed server. Typically this port number is 7026.

Port numbers must be unique and available.

Screen-specific Buttons



Description of portsstaui.png follows
Description of the illustration portsstaui.png

You specify the staUi managed server port number when you log into the STA application user interface.


These are external communication ports. Your network administrator may need to configure firewalls and routers to open communication between the STA server and the client accessing the WebLogic Administration console.


Make a secure record of these port numbers; they cannot be changed once STA is installed.

To protect your site security, these numbers are purposely not preconfigured nor hard-coded.

Screen Fields

Enter HTTP Port

Enter the HTTP port number for unsecure access to the staUi managed server. Typically this port number is 7021.

Port numbers must be unique and available.

Enter HTTPS Port

Enter the HTTP port number for secure access to the staUi managed server. Typically this port number is 7022.

Port numbers must be unique and available.

Screen-specific Buttons


Diagnostic Agent

Description of rda.png follows
Description of the illustration rda.png

The STA installer uses your site's fully qualified domain name to configure Oracle's Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA).

STA uses RDA to take snapshots of all logs related to the STA application and database, including operating system, installation, and configuration information. See the STA User's Guide for additional information.

Screen Fields

Enter Domain Name

Enter your site's fully qualified domain name; for example, us.example.com.

Screen-specific Buttons


Installation Summary

Description of instsummary.png follows
Description of the illustration instsummary.png

The screen displays the following details about the installation. You can save this information to a text file for your records.

  • Installation Details—Information you have entered on the installer screens.

  • Disk Space—Required and available disk space, in MB.

  • Distribution Details—Names and version numbers of the software packages that will be installed.

Continue as follows:

  • To change any of the Installation Details, click Back to return to the applicable screen, or select the screen link in the navigation pane to go directly to the screen.

  • To save the displayed details in a text file, click Save.

  • To install using the displayed values, click Install.

  • To cancel the installation, click Cancel.

Screen Fields


Screen-specific Buttons


Click to save the displayed information to a text file with the name STA_Installation_Profile_timestamp.txt In the Open dialog box, specify the directory where you want the file to be saved.

Description of instprogrsave.png follows
Description of the illustration instprogrsave.png


Click to begin the installation. Once you click this button, you cannot pause or cancel the installation.

Installation Progress

Description of instprogress.png follows
Description of the illustration instprogress.png

The STA installation begins, and the screen displays the status of each task.


Do not close this window or otherwise interrupt the installation while it is in progress, as this may leave incomplete installation components on the server.

If a task fails, the installation stops and you must exit the installer by clicking Cancel. The installer will roll back the installation and return the server to its original state.

Before you exit, you can view additional detail in the Message pane to help you troubleshoot issues and determine what action to take. You can also view the installation log for additional information.

Screen Fields


Screen-specific Buttons

View Successful Tasks

Select the check box to include Success outcomes in the display; this is the default.

Clear the check box to display only Failure outcomes. This allows you to filter out successful tasks, so you can focus on the ones requiring attention.

View Log

Click to display the installation log in a separate window. Figure A-5 is an example. Click Close to dismiss the log window.

Figure A-5 Sample Installation Progress Log Display

Description of Figure A-5 follows
Description of "Figure A-5 Sample Installation Progress Log Display"

You can also view the log from the Linux command line. While the installer is running, logs are kept in a subdirectory within /tmp. See "STA Installation and Deinstallation Logs" for details.

Configuration Progress

Description of confprogress.png follows
Description of the illustration confprogress.png

The STA configuration and deployment begins, and the screen displays the status of each task.


Do not close this window or otherwise interrupt the configuration while it is in progress, as this may leave incomplete installation components on the server.

During this process, the WebLogic server, STA managed servers, and the STA application are configured and started. This may take 30 to 60 minutes to complete.

You can display expanded detail for any completed or in-progress task. In the Message pane, click the Expand (+) icon next to the task for which you want to display detail. Click the Collapse (–) icon to hide the detail again. Figure A-6 is an example showing expanded detail for successful and unsuccessful tasks.

If a task fails, the STA installer quits, rolls back the installation, and returns the server to its original state. You can view the installation log to troubleshoot the issue. See "STA Installation and Deinstallation Logs" for details.

Figure A-6 Sample Configuration Progress Detail

Description of Figure A-6 follows
Description of "Figure A-6 Sample Configuration Progress Detail"

Screen Fields


Screen-specific Buttons


Installation Complete

Description of instcomplete.png follows
Description of the illustration instcomplete.png

The screen displays the following details about the completed installation:

  • Installation Details—Locations of the installed STA application and installer log file, and connection details for the WebLogic and STA application user interfaces.

  • Feature sets have been installed—Names and version numbers of the software packages that have been installed.

You may wish to save a screen shot of this information for your records. Click Finish to exit the installer.

Screen Fields


Screen-specific Buttons


Click to exit the STA installer.

STA Graphical Deinstaller Screens

This section provides detailed reference for each screen of the STA graphical deinstaller.


Description of deinstwelcome.png follows
Description of the illustration deinstwelcome.png

The screen describes the actions you are about to take. Read the text and click Next to proceed.

Screen Fields


Screen-specific Buttons


Enter Root Password

Description of deinstrootpwd.png follows
Description of the illustration deinstrootpwd.png

The STA deinstaller requires Linux root access to perform the deinstallation tasks.

Screen Fields

Enter Root Password

Type the password for the Linux root user. The entry is masked as you type. It may take several seconds to validate the password.

Screen-specific Buttons


Deinstallation Summary

Description of deinstsummary.png follows
Description of the illustration deinstsummary.png

The screen displays the following details about the software that will be deinstalled:

  • Directory Details—Locations of the STA application software and the deinstallation log.

  • Feature Sets to Deinstall—Names and version numbers of the software packages that will be deinstalled.

Verify this information, and then continue as follows:

  • Click Cancel to cancel and exit the deinstaller.

  • Click Deinstall to proceed.

Screen Fields


Screen-specific Buttons


Click to begin deinstalling STA. Once you click this button, you cannot pause or cancel the deinstallation.

Deinstallation Progress

Description of deinstprogress.png follows
Description of the illustration deinstprogress.png

The STA deinstallation begins, and the screen displays the status of each task.


Do not close this window or otherwise interrupt the deinstallation while it is in progress, as this may leave incomplete STA components on the server.


If either of the database locations are mount points on the STA server, the following message is displayed, notifying you that the mount point has been retained. Click OK to dismiss the message. Warning indicates two mounts points have been retained

When the deinstallation completes, the message "Deinstallation Successful" appears in the Message pane. Click Next or Finish to proceed to the final screen.

If a task fails, the STA deinstaller quits, rolls back the deinstallation, and returns the server to its original state. You can view the deinstallation log to troubleshoot the issue. See "STA Installation and Deinstallation Logs" for details.

Screen Fields


Screen-specific Buttons

View Successful Tasks

Select the check box to include Success outcomes in the display; this is the default.

Clear the check box to display only Failure outcomes. This allows you to filter out successful tasks, so you can focus on the ones requiring attention.

View Log

Click to display the deinstallation log in a separate window. Figure A-7 is an example. Click Close to dismiss the log window.

Figure A-7 Sample Deinstallation Progress Log Display

Description of Figure A-7 follows
Description of "Figure A-7 Sample Deinstallation Progress Log Display"

You can also view the log from the Linux command line. While the deinstaller is running, logs are kept in a subdirectory within /tmp. See "STA Installation and Deinstallation Logs" for details.

Deinstallation Complete

Description of deinstcomplete.png follows
Description of the illustration deinstcomplete.png

The screen displays the details about the software packages that have been deinstalled.

Screen Fields


Screen-specific Buttons


Click to exit the STA deinstaller.