B STA Silent-mode Installer and Deinstaller

This appendix includes the following sections:

Using the STA Silent-mode Installer and Deinstaller

Silent mode allows you to bypass the graphical user interface and supply the STA installation or deinstallation options in an XML properties file called the response file. You create the response file using the response file build utility silentInstallUtility_version.jar, where version is the version of the utility you have downloaded.

This mode is useful for unattended installations and for installing STA on multiple machines. By using a response file, you can supply a single set of parameters and automate the installation. You can run the silent-mode installer either from a script or from the Linux command line.

Silent-mode Requirements

See "Verify Installation Prerequisites" for general STA installation requirements. In addition, the STA silent-mode installer and deinstaller have the following mode-specific requirements:

  • You can use silent mode from telnet clients such as PuTTY, which do not use the X11 protocol. The xorg-x11-utils RPM package must be installed on the STA server, however.

  • Before using silent mode, you must download the silentInstallUtility_version.jar file from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud website and use it to create the response file with encrypted passwords. See "Create the Silent-mode Installer Response File" for instructions.

  • Silent mode also requires a central inventory pointer file, specifying the location of the Oracle central inventory directory and the Oracle install group. You must create the file manually if it does not exist already. See "Oracle central inventory pointer file" for details.

Files and Utilities Used With Silent Mode

This section describes key concepts and terms for silent-mode installation and deinstallation.

Oracle central inventory pointer file

The STA silent-mode installer and deinstaller use the Oracle central inventory location and Oracle install group specified in the central inventory pointer file. See "Users, Groups, and Locations Used by the STA Installer" for details.

By default, the silent-mode installer and deinstaller use the pointer file /etc/oraInst.loc. When you register the Oracle central inventory, the file is automatically created with this name and location. See "Register the Oracle Central Inventory Location" for details.

If the Oracle central inventory location has not been registered, you must create the pointer file manually and give it the filename oraInst.loc. See "Create the Oracle Central Inventory Pointer File" for details. You can locate the pointer file in any directory, but if it is not in /etc, you must use the –invPtrLoc parameter to specify the file location when you run the silent-mode installer or deinstaller. See "–invPtrLoc pointer_file" for details about this parameter.

Silent-mode installer and deinstaller response files

To run unattended, the STA silent-mode installer and deinstaller use configuration settings contained in a response file you create. You must use the –responseFile parameter to specify the name and location of this file.

The installer and deinstaller have their own respective response files. Example B-1 and Example B-2 show the contents and required entries for each. To create your own response files, you can copy and paste each template into a text file and make the appropriate changes for your site.

To ensure password security, do not enter clear-text passwords into the response file. After entering all other configuration settings and saving the file, you must use the response file build utility to insert encrypted passwords into the file. See "STA installer response file build utility" for details.

Example B-1 STA Silent-mode Installer Response File Template

#DO NOT CHANGE THIS. Response File Version=
#The oracle storage home location. This can be an existing Oracle Storage Home or #a new Oracle Storage Home
#Root access passsword var.
DBDATA LOC=required
#Weblogic Admin Name Var
#Weblogic Admin Password Var
#Weblogic Admin ConfirmPassword Var
#STAGUI Admin Name Var
#STAGUI Admin Password Var
#STAGUI Admin ConfirmPassword Var
#MySQL root passsword var.
#MySQL root confirm passsword var.
#MySQL App Name Var
#MySQL App Password Var
#MySQL App ConfirmPassword Var
#MySQL RPTS Name Var
#MySQL RPTS Password Var
#MySQL RPTS ConfirmPassword Var
#MySQL DBA Name Var
#MySQL DBA Password Var
#MySQL DBA ConfirmPassword Var
#staEngine HTTP Port Var
#staEngine HTTPS Port Var
#staAdapter HTTP Port Var
#staAdapter HTTPS Port Var
#staUi HTTP Port Var
#staUi HTTPS Port Var
#Domain name var.
DOMAIN NAME=required

Example B-2 STA Silent-mode Deinstaller Response File Template

#DO NOT CHANGE THIS. Response File Version=
#This will be blank when there is nothing to be de-installed in distribution level
#Root access passsword var.
STA installer response file build utility

The installer response file build utility allows you to insert encrypted passwords into the silent-mode installer and deinstaller response files. The utility prompts you for the passwords and adds them to the specified file in encrypted form. It also saves an encryption key file to a directory of your choice.

You can download the response file build utility when you download the STA installer. The utility name is silentInstallUtility_version.jar, where version is the version of the utility you have downloaded.

After STA has been installed or deinstalled successfully, the encrypted passwords are removed from the respective response file. To run the silent-mode installer or deinstaller again, you can rerun the build utility to resupply the encrypted passwords.

The build utility writes the response file location into the contents of the file, therefore, you cannot relocate the response file once you have updated it with this utility.

See "Create the Silent-mode Installer Response File" for instructions.

STA Silent-mode Installer Tasks

Before using these tasks, you should obtain the necessary installation information, verify prerequisites, and download the STA installer. See "STA Installation Tasks" for instructions.

Then to install STA with the silent-mode installer, use the following tasks in the order listed.

Create the Oracle Central Inventory Pointer File

Use this procedure to create the Oracle central inventory pointer file if it does not exist already.

  1. Log in as the Oracle install user.

  2. Issue the following command to determine whether the Oracle central inventory pointer file exists.

    $ cat /etc/oraInst.loc

    Following are examples of the display, depending on whether the file exists:

    • File does not exist:

      cat: /etc/oraInst.loc: No such file or directory
    • File exists:

  3. If the file exists, you can quit this procedure; otherwise, proceed to the next step.

  4. Use a text editor to create the inventory pointer file. It must have the name oraInst.loc. See "–invPtrLoc pointer_file" for the contents of this file.

  5. Save the file in a directory of your choice. If you save the file in the /etc directory, the STA silent-mode installer and deinstaller will find it automatically; otherwise, you must specify the location when you run these utilities.

Create the Silent-mode Installer Response File

Use this procedure to create the silent-mode installer response file and add encrypted passwords to it.

  1. Log in as the Oracle install user.

  2. Use a text editor to create the response file with a name of your choice. See Example B-1 for a file template.

    Copy and paste the template into a text file and make the appropriate changes for your site. You must provide values for all variables marked "required," and you can change the port numbers as necessary for your site.



    • All PASSWORD variables

  3. Save the file with a name and location of your choice.

  4. Change to the directory where the response file build utility has been downloaded. The name of the utility is silentInstallUtility_version.jar. For example:

    $ cd /Installers
  5. Run the response file build utility.

    $ java -jar silentInstallUtility_2.  response_file

    Where response_file is the absolute path for the response file you have created.

  6. Respond to each prompt with the appropriate information. The password values you enter are not displayed on the screen. See "User Accounts for Managing STA" for password requirements.

    Example B-3 is a sample response file build utility run.

    Example B-3 Sample Installer Response File Build Utility Run

    $ java -jar silentInstallUtility_2. /Installers/SilentInstall.rsp
    Oracle StorageTek Tape Analytics Silent Installation Utility
    This utility is used to assist users with the password fields in the Silent Installation response file. The silent installation process requireds the password fields in the response file requires the password fields to be encrypted. The utility will ask the users for the required passwords, and encrypt these values, then update the values into the supplied response file.
    Please enter the location to save the key file : /Installers
    What is the response file used for? ('i' for Install, 'd' for Deinstall) : i
    Enter system root password:
    Confirm system root password:
    Enter mySQL DB root password:
    Confirm mySQL DB root password:
    Enter STA user password:
    Confirm STA user password:
    Enter Weblogic console password:
    Confirm Weblogic console password:
    Enter STA DB Application password:
    Confirm STA DB Application password:
    Enter STA DB Report password:
    Confirm STA DB Report password:
    Enter STA DBA password:
    Confirm STA DBA password:
  7. After the utility has completed, verify that the encryption key file has been created in the directory where the response file is located. This is a hidden file with a randomly generated name that starts with "sk". For example.

    $ ls -la /Installers/.sk* 
    -r--------   1 oracle oinstall         17 Sep 22 12:00 .sk1414440339833
  8. View the response file and verify the following values:

    • The RESPONSEFILE_LOC has been updated with the correct response file location.

    • The KEYFILE_LOC has been updated with the correct encryption key file location.

    • All passwords have been updated with an encrypted value.

    Example B-4 is a sample of the first part of the file, showing proper values.

    Example B-4 Sample Installer Utility File After Using the Build Utility

    $ view /Installers/SilentInstall.rsp
    #DO NOT CHANGE THIS. Response File Version=
    #The oracle storage home location. This can be an existing Oracle Storage Home or a new Oracle Storage Home
    #Root access passsword var.
    DBDATA LOC=/dbdata
    DBBACKUP LOC=/dbbackup
    #Weblogic Admin Name Var
    #Weblogic Admin Password Var
    #Weblogic Admin ConfirmPassword Var

Run the Silent-mode Installer

Use this procedure to install STA using the silent-mode installer.

  1. Change to the STA installer location. For example:

    $ cd /Installers
  2. Start the STA silent-mode installer. See "STA Installer Command Options" for full definitions of these parameters.

    $ ./sta_installer_linux64_version.bin –silent  –responseFile response_file –invPtrLoc pointer_file


    • version is the version of the STA installer you have downloaded.

    • –silent indicates silent mode; this parameter is required.

    • –responseFile response_file specifies the absolute path of the silent-mode installer response file; this parameter is required.

    • –invPtrLoc pointer_file specifies the absolute path of the Oracle central inventory pointer file; this parameter is required only if the file does not exist in the /etc directory or you want to use a different file.

    For example:

    $ ./sta_install_2. –silent –responseFile /Installers/SilentInstall.rsp -invPtrLoc /opt/oracle/oraInst.loc
  3. The installer displays status messages in the terminal window as it performs the following installation steps. This process may take 30 to 60 minutes to complete.

    • Performs prerequisite checks on the STA server environment.

    • Installs the included software packages, including MySQL, WebLogic, and the STA application.

    • Configures the STA environment using the settings you have supplied in the response file.

    • Starts the STA application.

    Example B-5 shows messages that appear at the end of successful installation. Example B-6 shows some messages you might see at the end of a failed installation.

    Example B-5 Successful STA Silent-mode Installation Final Messages

    Started Configuration:Deploying STA Application
    Configuration:Deploying STA Application completed successfully
    Started Configuration:Restarting STA (this can take up to 30 minutes)
    Configuration:Restarting STA (this can take up to 30 minutes) completed successfully
    Started Configuration:Post Configuration
    Successfully moved logs to /var/log/tbi/install.
    Configuration:Post Configuration completed successfully
    The installation of STA_Install completed successfully.
    Logs successfully copied to /home/oracle/oraInventory/logs.

    Example B-6 Sample Failed STA Silent-mode Installation Final Messages

    [ERROR] Rule_CalculateFreeSpace_Error. Aborting Install
    Logs are located here: /tmp/OraInstall2014-09-24_09-29-29AM.
    ** Error during execution, error code = 256.
  4. When the installer completes successfully, verify that STA is running. See "Verify Successful Installation" for instructions.

STA Silent-mode Deinstaller Tasks

Create the Silent-mode Deinstaller Response File

Use this procedure to create the silent-mode deinstaller response file and add encrypted passwords to it.

  1. Log in as the Oracle install user.

  2. Use a text editor to create the deinstaller response file with a name of your choice. See Example B-2 for a file template.

    Copy and paste the template into a text file, and leave all variables blank.

  3. Save the file with a name and location of your choice.

  4. Change to the directory where the response file build utility has been downloaded. The name of the utility is silentInstallUtility_version.jar. For example:

    $ cd /Installers
  5. Run the response file build utility.

    $ java -jar silentInstallUtility_2.  response_file

    Where response_file is the absolute path for the response file you have created.

  6. Respond to each prompt with the appropriate information. The password values you enter are not displayed on the screen.

    Example B-7 is a sample utility run.

    Example B-7 Sample Deinstaller Response File Build Utility Run

    $ java -jar silentInstallUtility_2. /Installers/SilentIDeinstall.rsp
    Oracle StorageTek Tape Analytics Silent Installation Utility
    This utility is used to assist users with the password fields in the Silent Installation response file. The silent installation process requireds the password fields in the response file requires the password fields to be encrypted. The utility will ask the users for the required passwords, and encrypt these values, then update the values into the supplied response file.
    Please enter the location to save the key file : /Installers
    What is the response file used for? ('i' for Install, 'd' for Deinstall) : d
    Enter system root password:
    Confirm system root password:
  7. After the utility has completed, verify that the encryption key file has been created. This is a hidden file with a randomly generated name. For example.

    $ ls -la /Installers/.sk*
    -r--------   1 oracle oinstall         17 Sep 22 12:00 .sk1414437879829
  8. View the response file and verify the following values:

    • The system root password has been updated with an encrypted value.

    • The RESPONSEFILE_LOC has been updated with the correct response file location.

    • The KEYFILE_LOC has been updated with an encryption key file location.

    Example B-8 is a sample file showing proper values.

    Example B-8 Sample Deinstaller Response File After Using the Build Utility

    $ view /Installers/SilentDeinst.rsp
    #DO NOT CHANGE THIS. Response File Version=
    #This will be blank when there is nothing to be de-installed in distribution level
    #Root access passsword var.

Run the Silent-mode Deinstaller

Use this procedure to deinstall STA using the silent-mode deinstaller.

  1. Log in as the Oracle install user.

  2. Change to the STA home directory. For example:

    $ cd /Oracle/StorageTek_Tape_Analytics
  3. Change to the STA utilities directory.

    $ cd oui/bin
  4. Start the STA silent-mode deinstaller. See "STA Installer Command Options" for full definitions of these parameters.

    $ ./deinstall.sh –silent  –responseFile response_file –invPtrLoc pointer_file 


    • –silent indicates silent mode; this parameter is required.

    • –responseFile response_file specifies the absolute path of the STA deinstaller response file; this parameter is required.

    • –invPtrLoc pointer_file specifies the absolute path of the Oracle central inventory pointer file; this parameter is required only if the file does not exist in the /etc directory or you want to use a different file.

    For example:

    $ ./deinstall.sh –silent  –responseFile /Installers/SilentDeinst.rsp –invPtrLoc /opt/oracle/oraInst.loc
  5. The deinstaller displays status messages in the terminal window as it performs the following deinstallation steps. This process may take up to 30 minutes to complete.

    Example B-9 shows messages that appear at the end of successful deinstallation. Example B-10 shows some messages you might see at the end of a failed deinstallation.

    Example B-9 Successful STA Silent-mode Deinstallation Final Messages

    Reading response file..
    Starting silent deinstallation...
    -----------20%----------40%----------60%----------80%-------Successfully moved logs to /var/log/tbi/install.
    s/common/bin/uninstall.sh/mysql was removed, with s/common/bin/uninstall.sh left, because there are user defined files in s/common/bin/uninstall.sh or it is a mount point.
    /dbdata/local was removed, with /dbdata left, because there are user defined files in /dbdata or it is a mount point.
    The uninstall of STA_Install completed successfully.
    Logs successfully copied to /home/oracle/oraInventory/logs.

    Example B-10 Sample Failed STA Silent-mode Deinstallation Final Messages

    Reading response file..
    Starting silent deinstallation...
    -----------20%----------40%----------60%----------80%-------Internal Error: File Copy failed. Aborting Install
    Logs are located here: /tmp/OraInstall2014-09-25_10-07-18AM.
  6. When the deinstaller completes, verify that the STA directories have been removed. See "Verify Successful Deinstallation" for instructions.

STA Installer Command Options

This section provides reference information for the STA installer options. Silent-mode options are used exclusively with the silent-mode installer and deinstaller. Logging and Other options can be used with both modes of installation and deinstallation.

Silent-mode Options

The following options are used with the silent-mode installer and deinstaller.


Allow silent-mode installation into a non-empty directory.

–invPtrLoc pointer_file

Use the specified Oracle central inventory pointer file instead of the one located in/etc/oraInst.loc. pointer_file must be an absolute path.

The contents of the Oracle central inventory file are as follows:



  • Oracle_central_inventory_location is the absolute path of the Oracle central inventory.

  • Oracle_install_group is the name of the Oracle install group.

–response, –responseFile response_file

Required for silent mode. Location of the response file containing input for the STA silent-mode installer or deinstaller. response_file must be an absolute path.

See Example B-1 and Example B-2 for the contents of the installer and deinstaller response files.


Required for silent mode. Indicates to use silent mode. Inputs are taken from the specified response file.

Logging Options

The following options allow you to control the types of information provided in the installer and deinstaller logs. They can be used with both graphical and silent modes.


Log debug information. Some debug information will also appear in the console window.

–logLevel level

Omit log messages whose priority levels are lower than the specified level. Values for level are as follows:

  • severe

  • warning

  • info

  • config

  • fine

  • finer

  • finest


Log debug information about disk usage.


Log debug information about memory usage.


Log debug information about elapsed time.

Other Options

The following command options are for general use. They can be used with both graphical and silent modes.

–compatibilityFile compatibility_file

Location of the file that specifies feature set dependency changes.


Execute the system environment prerequisite checks for running the installer, then exit without performing the installation.


Display help.

–i, –install

Use graphical mode. This is the default.


Unpack the STA installer to the specified working directory instead of /tmp. working_directory must be an absolute path, and the directory must allow the execution of binaries.

–paramFile initialization_file

Use the specified initialization file instead of one located in STA_home/oui/oraparam.ini. initialization_file must be an absolute path.

The STA installer uses the file you specify for all operations, including the prerequisite checks. The default location is in the STA_home/oui directory.