Oracle® Cloud

What's New for Oracle MySQL Cloud Service


July 2018

What’s New for Oracle MySQL Cloud Service

As soon as new and changed features become available, Oracle MySQL Cloud Service instances are upgraded in the data centers where Oracle Cloud services are hosted. You don’t need to request an upgrade to be able to use the new features—they come to you automatically. Here’s an overview of new features and enhancements added recently to improve your Oracle MySQL Cloud Service experience.

Release 18.3.2 — July 2018

Feature Description

MySQL Server

MySQL Server is upgraded to 5.7.22. For more information, see MySQL Server 5.7.22 Release Notes.

MySQL Enterprise Monitor

MySQL Enterprise Monitor is upgraded to 4.0.4. For more information, see MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0.4 Release Notes

Release 18.1.6 — March 2018

Feature Description

MySQL Server

MySQL Server is upgraded to 5.7.21. For more information, see MySQL Server 5.7.21 Release Notes.

MySQL Enterprise Monitor

MySQL Enterprise Monitor is upgraded to 4.0.3. For more information, see MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0.3 Release Notes

Release 18.1.4 — February 2018

Feature Description

Instance Tagging

You can now use the Oracle MySQL Cloud Service console to create and manage tags for Oracle MySQL Cloud Service instances. Tags can be used to categorize instances by purpose, owner, or environment. You can identify and search for service instances based on the tags you assign.

For more information, see Managing Tags in Using Oracle MySQL Cloud Service.

New shapes available

The Standard2.* shapes are now available for Oracle MySQL Cloud Service instances on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Release 18.1.2 — January 2018

Feature Description

The Cloud Storage Container field of the Create New Instance wizard on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic is now populated with the default URL of the storage associated with your ID domain, and a default container name, MySQLCS. This container is created the first time you create a new instance.

Release 17.4.6 — December 2017

Feature Description


For customers with a Universal Credit subscription, Oracle MySQL Cloud Service now provides a QuickStart template enabling you to quickly create deployments using the most commonly —used configurations. Oracle MySQL Cloud Service uses an Oracle Cloud Stack Manager template to provide all the other configuration information. For more information, see Create QuickStart Deployment


It is now possible to specify a timezone for the MySQL database.

MySQL Server

MySQL Server is upgraded to 5.7.20. For more information, see MySQL Server 5.7.20 Release Notes.

MySQL Enterprise Monitor

MySQL Enterprise Monitor is upgraded to 4.0.1. For more information, see MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0.1 Release Notes


MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0 is a major upgrade. It is strongly recommended you familiarize yourself with the many changes to the user interface and functionality. For more information, see MySQL Enterprise Monitor 4.0 User Guide and MySQL Enterprise 4.0 Release Notes.

Release 17.4.2 — October 2017

Feature Description

Create database deployments on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Oracle MySQL Cloud Service now supports database deployments on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure in addition to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic. If your account has access to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure regions, you can select one of these regions when creating certain types of deployments. For more information, see About MySQL Deployments on OCI in Using Oracle MySQL Cloud Service.

MySQL Server

MySQL Server is upgraded to 5.7.19. For more information, see MySQL Server 5.7.19 Release Notes.

MySQL Enterprise Monitor

MySQL Enterprise Monitor is upgraded to 3.4.2. For more information, see MySQL Enterprise Monitor 3.4.2 Release Notes

Release 17.3.5 — September 2017

Feature Description

MySQL Port

It is now possible to define the port on which the MySQL Server listens. The valid port range is 3200 to 3399. The default is 3306.

Release 17.3.3 — August 2017

Feature Description

Oracle Cloud Machine

Oracle MySQL Cloud Service is now available on Oracle Cloud Machine.

High Performance Storage

Use High Performance Storage is added to the Configuration options in the Create Service wizard. Select this option to store your Data, Redo log, and bin log volumes on high performance, solid-state drives.

Cloud Storage Only

Cloud Storage Only is added to the Backup Destination options in the Create Service wizard. This option enables you to store your backups in a cloud storage container without taking up space on your deployment’s storage.

Release 17.3.1 — July 2017

Feature Description

Snapshots and Cloned Services

It is now possible to take a snapshot of your service storage and use it to create new, clone services. The clone contains all the data stored in the original service at the moment the snapshot was created.

See Create and Manage Snapshots and Creating a Cloned Service from a Snapshot.

Instantiate from Backup

You can now create new service instances based on an existing MySQL backup. The backup must be stored in an Oracle Cloud Storage container.


Oracle MySQL Cloud Service is now certified for the following Oracle products:

  • Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service—remote delivery, only.

  • Oracle Data Integrator and Oracle Data Integrator Cloud Service


If you have a non-metered subscription to Oracle MySQL Cloud Service, you can now use additional capacity above your non-metered subscription rate (also referred to as "bursting"). You will be charged per hour and billed monthly in arrears for this increased capacity, using the "Pay as You Go" model. Pricing for this increased capacity will be based on the current Per Hour list price as shown on the Pricing tab at

It is possible to utilize up to twice the subscribed storage capacity.


If your identity domain is enabled for compute regions, you can select a region during provisioning, where your Oracle MySQL Cloud Service will reside. The region is a geographical location.

If you do not select a region by specifying No Preference in the service creation wizard, the provisioning flow is the same as in previous releases: Oracle selects a location for you.

IP Networks

IP Networks are now supported. If you select a region on the Service page of the instance creation wizard, an IP Network drop-down list is displayed. For that region, you can select an IP network that you created using Oracle Compute Cloud Service. If you specify No Preference in this field, your service will be placed on a shared network in your identity domain as in previous releases.

For more information, see Creating an IP Network in Using Oracle Compute Service (IaaS)

Release 17.2.3 — May 2017

Feature Description

MySQL Server

MySQL Server is upgraded to 5.7.18. For more information, see MySQL Server 5.7.18 Release Notes

MySQL Enterprise Monitor

MySQL Enterprise Monitor is upgraded to 3.3.3.

Release 17.2.1 — April 2017

Feature Description

IP Reservations

If your identity domain supports the regional compute infrastructure, you can now create IP Reservations and then use them when creating MySQL Cloud Service database deployments. Thus, you can know the public IP address a deployment will have before you create it and so prepare other network resources to access it before you create it.

Release 17.1.5 — March 2017

Feature Description

MySQL Server

MySQL Server is upgraded to 5.7.17. For more information, see MySQL Server 5.7.17 Release Notes

MySQL Enterprise Monitor

MySQL Enterprise Monitor is upgraded to 3.3.2

binlog provisioning

As of this release, the binlog is set to 60GB and the binlog retention is set to 7 days.

Release 16.4.5 — December 2016

Feature Description

MySQL Server

MySQL Server is upgraded to 5.7.16. For more information, see MySQL Server 5.7.16 Release Notes

MySQL Enterprise Monitor

MySQL Enterprise Monitor is upgraded to 3.3.1

MySQL Character Set

It is now possible to define the character set used by the MySQL Server.

Release 16.4.3 — November 2016

Feature Description

Add Storage

It is now possible to add storage to a Oracle MySQL Cloud Service instance.

MySQL Server

The MySQL Server deployed in this release is MySQL Server 5.7.15. For more information, see MySQL Server 5.7.15 Release Notes.

Create Service Wizard redesign

The Create Service Wizard has been redesigned for usability.

Oracle Cloud What's New for Oracle MySQL Cloud Service


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