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What's New in the Oracle® Developer Studio 12.5 Release

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Updated: July 2016

Moving From the –xc99 Flag to –std Flags

With the introduction of support for C11, the language dialect is no longer a simple binary choice between C89 & C99, there is now a third choice: C11.

With Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 the choice was C99 vs C89 and was controlled by the –xc99 flag:

Language Dialect
C99 language
C89 language

With Oracle Solaris Studio 12.4 and Oracle Developer Studio 12.5 the choice of language dialect (C89, C99, or C11) should be controlled using the –std flag:

Language Dialect
C11 language
C99 language
C89/C90 language

The following is a simple mapping between –xc99 flag and the –std flag:

–xc99 Flag
–std Flag
–std=c99 –xlang=c89
–std=c89 –xlang=c99

The following options for controlling language dialec are or will soon be deprecated in the Oracle Developer Studio C Compiler: –Xc, –Xa, –Xt, –xc99.

  • –xc99: Choose between ISO C99 or C89 language

  • –Xc: Issue errors and warnings for programs that use non-ISO C constructs

  • –Xa: Accept ISO C plus extensions to the C language

  • –Xt: Accept ISO C plus K&R C compatibility extensions

  • –Xs: Accept K&R C

Instead, the –std option should be used, along with the –pedantic option if you were using –Xa. Legacy code using –Xt or –Xs will need conversion to an ISO C dialect.

The –xlang option can be used to control the behavior of specific libc functions that relate to standard conformance. In the Oracle Solaris Studio 12.4 C compiler, the default behavior was C11 language constructs and C89 library behavior. In this default mode, ___STDC_VERSION__ (199409L) indicates the C89 standard.

In the Oracle Developer Studio 12.5 C Compiler, both the language features and library behavior defaults to C11 mode, and __STDC_VERSION__ (201112L) reflects C11.

Note: In Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3, this behavior was controlled by the suboption –xc99=lib.