Paymentech Point-to-Point Integration

Paymentech Point-to-Point integration allows you to process authorization and deposit transactions between CWSerenade and Paymentech using point-to-point communication. Authorization and deposit processing remains the same in CWSerenade; however, instead of using integration layer jobs to process the transactions and send the transactions to a CWIntegrate site via the queues defined for the integration layer job, CWSerenade uses the Paymentech files to send the transactions directly to the Paymentech system for processing.

The Paymentech integration supports the following transactions:

CWSerenade Transaction

Paymentech Transaction

Message Generated

online heartbeat for online transactions

Paymentech Point-to-Point Online Heartbeat Process

Paymentech Online Heartbeat Request File

Paymentech Online Heartbeat Response File

online authorization for credit cards, stored value cards, and debit (switch) cards; see Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations

Paymentech Point-to-Point Online Authorization Process

Paymentech Online Authorization Request File

Paymentech Online Authorization Response File

balance inquiry for stored value cards; see Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry (MSVB)

Paymentech Point-to-Point Online Balance Inquiry Process

Paymentech Online Authorization Request File

Paymentech Online Authorization Response File

batch authorization for credit cards, stored value cards, and debit (switch) cards; see Using Batch Authorization

Paymentech Point-to-Point Batch Authorization Process

Paymentech Batch Authorization Request File

Paymentech Batch Authorization Response File

activation for stored value cards; see Stored Value Card Purchase and Activation

Paymentech Point-to-Point Activation Process

Paymentech Batch Authorization Request File

Paymentech Batch Authorization Response File

authorization reversal for stored value cards; see Stored Value Card Authorization Reversal

Paymentech Point-to-Point Authorization Reversal Process

Paymentech Batch Authorization Request File

Paymentech Batch Authorization Response File

deposit for credit cards, stored value cards, and debit (switch) cards:

• debit

• credit

• authorization and debit

See Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP).

Paymentech Point-to-Point Deposit Process

Paymentech Batch Deposit Request File

Paymentech Batch Deposit Response File

The integration also supports:



level II and level III processing

Level II and III Discounting


Multi Currency by Offer (E03) and Using Alternate Currency Pricing

card identification (CSV/CSP) for online transactions

Credit Card Security Service (CID, CVV2, CVC2)

Verified by Visa and MasterCard Secure Code programs

Credit Card Authentication Service

full address verification (AVS)

Address Verification Service (AVS)

deferred and installment billing

Deferred/Installment Billing Overview

Required versions: To use the Paymentech Point-to-Point integration with CWSerenade, you must be on the following versions.




online and balance inquiry transactions

version 3.01 or later

version 4.7 or later if you wish to use separate ports for authorization and deposit processing

online version 6.0

batch authorization, activation, reversal transactions

version 3.01 or later

96-byte batch v1.7.1

batch deposit transactions

version 3.0 or later

96-byte batch v1.7.1

Not supported: The Paymentech Point-to-Point integration does not support Bill Me Later transactions. To process Bill Me Later transactions, you must send Bill Me Later payments through the Paymentech CWIntegrate site.

In this topic:

Paymentech Point-to-Point Integration Setup

Paymentech Point-to-Point Online Heartbeat Process

Paymentech Point-to-Point Online Authorization Process

Paymentech Point-to-Point Online Balance Inquiry Process

Paymentech Point-to-Point Batch Authorization Process

Paymentech Point-to-Point Activation Process

Paymentech Point-to-Point Authorization Reversal Process

Paymentech Point-to-Point Deposit Process

Sample Paymentech Transactions

Paymentech File Layouts

Paymentech Online Heartbeat Request File

Paymentech Online Heartbeat Response File

Paymentech Online Authorization Request File

Paymentech Online Authorization Response File

Paymentech Batch Authorization Request File

Paymentech Batch Authorization Response File

Paymentech Batch Deposit Request File

Paymentech Batch Deposit Response File

Paymentech Request for Response (RFR)

Paymentech Point-to-Point Integration Setup

Before you can use the Paymentech Point-to-Point integration, you must complete the required setup.

Service Bureau Settings

Interface Properties File

Work with Pay Types (WPAY)

System Control Values

PMD_ONLINE Integration Layer Job

Paymentech Online Process Notification Email

Service Bureau Settings

Use Defining Authorization Services (WASV) to create a service bureau for the Paymentech service that you will use to process authorizations and deposits via point-to-point communication.

Paymentech Setup using Point-to-Point

Service code

Must be PMD.


Enter Auth/Deposit.

Merchant ID

Supplied by Paymentech.

Charge description


Deferred merchant ID

Supplied by Paymentech.

Installment merchant ID

Presenter’s ID Auth / Deposit

Supplied by Paymentech. Separate fields allow you to define a presenter’s ID and password and submitter’s ID and password for both batch authorization and deposit transactions.

• If you have defined a separate port number in the PMD_PAY_LINK_SERVICE_BATCH_DEPOSIT_PORT property setting to process batch deposit transactions, use the first fields to define the presenter’s ID and password and submitter’s ID and password used to process batch authorization transactions and use the second fields to define the presenter’s ID and password and submitter’s ID and password used to process batch deposit transactions.

• If you are using the same port number defined in the PMD_PAY_LINK_SERVICE_BATCH_PORT property setting to process both authorization and deposit transactions, leave the second fields blank.

PID password Auth / Deposit

Submitter’s ID Auth / Deposit

SID password Auth / Deposit

Request token

Leave this field unselected.

Void auth at deposit

Select this field if you want the system to void any unused portion of an authorization for a credit card pay type at deposit time; otherwise, leave this field unselected.

Send reversal

Leave this field unselected.

Integration layer processes

Leave these fields blank.

Media type

Enter Communication.


Enter Online or Batch.

Active production system?

Must be selected.

Immediate response

Must be selected.

Installment billing

Must be selected.

Immediate deposit

Leave unselected.

Industry format code

Supplied by Paymentech.

Primary authorization service

Must be .IL; see .IL Service Bureau Setup.

Communication type

Enter Payment Link to indicate messages sent to and from Paymentech are processed directly.

Response check frequency

Enter the number of seconds the system waits before checking for a response to the request sent to Paymentech. The system uses this wait time up to 20 times or until the response is received. Example: If you set this to 30 seconds, the system will wait 30 seconds before checking for a response. If a response is not available, the system will wait another 30 seconds before checking for a response. The system will continue this process up to 20 times before returning to normal processing.

Response time

Enter the number of seconds the system waits for a response for online transactions.

Country codes

Define a cross reference between your country code and the country code used by Paymentech. Use this option to also indicate whether the service bureau performs address verification processing for the country; see Defining Authorization Service Countries.

Paytype codes

Define a cross reference between your pay type code and the pay type code used by the service bureau; see Defining Vendor Paytype Codes.

Response codes

Define the reasons that the service bureau approves (authorizes) or declines a transaction. The codes are assigned to each transaction by the service bureau when approving or declining the request; see Defining Vendor Response Codes.

Currency codes

Define a cross reference between your currency code and the currency code used by the service bureau; see Defining Authorization Service Currencies.

.IL Service Bureau Setup

To send transactions to Paymentech using Point-to-Point communication or a CWIntegrate site, create a service bureau using the service code.IL and enter a value in the following fields:

Application: ATDP (authorization and deposit)


Charge description: CWIntegrate

Media type: C (communications)

Enter the .IL service bureau in the Primary authorization service field for each Paymentech service bureau.

Interface Properties File

Use the following settings in the file to communicate with the Paymentech system using a point-to-point integration.



The name of the external system. Set this to Paymentech.




The IP address used to connect to Paymentech to process batch transactions.



The port number used to connect to Paymentech to process batch transactions.




The port number used to connect to Paymentech to process batch deposit transactions.

Note: Defining a separate port number to process batch deposit transactions allows you to run pick slip generation (batch authorizations) and deposits at the same time.

Leave this setting blank if you wish to use the port number defined for the PMD_PAY_LINK_SERVICE_BATCH_PORT setting to process both batch authorization and deposit transactions; if you use the same port number to process batch authorization and deposit transactions, you cannot run pick slip generation and deposits at the same time.




The IP address used to connect to Paymentech to process online transactions.

Note: If you change this setting you must stop and restart the PMD_ONLINE Integration Layer Job.




The port number used to connect to Paymentech to process online transactions.

For more information: See Properties File Configuration.

Work with Pay Types (WPAY)

Use Working with Pay Types (WPAY) to define the PMD authorization and deposit service for each Paymentech pay type.

System Control Values

System Control Value


Use Activation / Reversal Batch Processing (I50)

Must be selected.

Stored Value Card Activation Authorization Service (I26)

Must be PMD.

PMD_ONLINE Integration Layer Job

The PMD_ONLINE integration layer job opens a connection to the online port defined in the Interface Properties File and keeps the online connection open until you end the PMD_ONLINE job. This job must be active to process an online authorization or balance inquiry.

To start the PMD_ONLINE integration layer job:

• Start it manually in Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT).

• Process an online authorization or balance inquiry transaction for a pay type that uses the PMD service bureau; if the PMD_ONLINE integration layer job is not active, the system starts it automatically; see Paymentech Point-to-Point Online Authorization Process and Paymentech Point-to-Point Online Balance Inquiry Process.

• Schedule the Start PMD_ONLINE IJCT Job periodic function to start the job on a daily basis.

When you stop the PMD_ONLINE integration layer job, the system closes the connection to the online port. You can schedule the End PMD_ONLINE IJCT Job periodic function to end the job on a daily basis.

Paymentech Online Process Notification Email

If communication failures occur during online transaction processing because Paymentech dropped the online port (defined in the Interface Properties File), CWSerenade sends an Online Process Notification email so that you can work with Paymentech to restore online communication.

CWSerenade sends the Online Process Notification email to the email address(es) defined in the RESPONSE_EMAILS setting in the file:


The list of email addresses that receive the Online Process Notification email when online communication with Paymentech fails. Each email address entered must be separated by a semi-colon (;).

For example:;

For more information: See Properties File Configuration.

Sample email:



John Smith



No response from Paymentech - job (PMD_ONLINE) has been terminated.

To restore online communication with Paymentech:

1. Stop the PMD_ONLINE integration layer job.

2. Contact Paymentech to open the online port defined in the Interface Properties File.

3. Start the PMD_ONLINE integration layer job.

Paymentech Point-to-Point Online Heartbeat Process

The Paymentech online heartbeat process allows the system to verify that communication connectivity between CWSerenade and Paymentech is enabled.

To start the Online Heartbeat process, you must start the PMD_ONLINE integration layer job; you can manually start this job or the system starts this job automatically when an online transaction for the Paymentech Point-to-Point integration is processed. When you start the PMD_ONLINE integration layer job, the system:

• Creates the PMD_ONLINE active procedure.

• Opens a connection to the online port defined in the Interface Properties File and keeps the online connection open until you end the PMD_ONLINE job.


Paymentech sends an online heartbeat request to CWSerenade every 120 seconds.

CWSerenade writes the Paymentech Online Heartbeat Request file in the CWSerenade Trace Log if its Logging Level is set to DEBUG.


The PMD_ONLINE integration layer job checks for an online heartbeat request every second and sends an online heartbeat response back to Paymentech once a request is received.

CWSerenade uses the Paymentech settings in the Interface Properties File to send the online heartbeat response directly to the Paymentech service bureau using TCP/IP socket communication protocol.

CWSerenade writes the Paymentech Online Heartbeat Response file in the CWSerenade Trace Log if its Logging Level is set to DEBUG.

Note: If CWSerenade does not return a response within 120 seconds of receiving the online heartbeat request, or the response is incorrect, Paymentech will reset the connection to a listen state, causing the connectivity to update to a socket disconnect status.

For more information: See:

Paymentech Online Heartbeat Request File and Paymentech Online Heartbeat Response File for mapping details.

Sample Paymentech Online Transactions for sample transactions.

Paymentech Point-to-Point Online Authorization Process

CWSerenade performs the following steps when you process online authorizations using point-to-point communication with Paymentech.


CWSerenade looks at the Communication type field for the PMD service bureau to determine how transactions are processed between CWSerenade and the Paymentech service bureau.

For the Paymentech integration with CWSerenade, the setting is Payment Link indicating Point-to-Point communication. The system sends online authorization transactions directly to the Paymentech service bureau.


If the Communication type field for the service bureau is Payment Link, CWSerenade:

• Verifies that the PMD_ONLINE integration layer job is active, and if it isn’t, starts it; see Paymentech Point-to-Point Online Heartbeat Process.

• Creates the Paymentech Online Authorization Request File using information in the OnLine Authorization table and other tables.

• Writes the Paymentech Online Authorization Request file in the CWSerenade Trace Log if its Logging Level is set to DEBUG. CWSerenade masks the card number in the log based on the setting of the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is selected, the system displays the last four digits of the credit card number in the log; for example *************1111. If the credit card number is 4 digits or less, the entire credit card number displays as **********.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is unselected, the system replaces the credit card number in the log with the word ***REMOVED***.

• Updates the status of the records in the OnLine Authorization table to *SENT status.


CWSerenade uses the Paymentech settings in the Interface Properties File to send the authorization request directly to the Paymentech service bureau using TCP/IP socket communication protocol.


Once CWSerenade sends the authorization request to Paymentech, the system waits for a response to the authorization request.

The system waits for a response based on the Response time defined for the PMD service bureau. See When Communication Failures Occur for more information on the processing that occurs if a response is not received within the allotted time period during online authorization.


The Paymentech service bureau receives the authorization request, processes the request, and sends the Paymentech Online Authorization Response File back to CWSerenade.


CWSerenade receives the authorization response and processes the response:

The system writes the authorization response to the CWSerenade Trace Log if its Logging Level is set to DEBUG. CWSerenade masks the card number in the log based on the setting of the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is selected in any company, the system displays the last four digits of the credit card number in the log; for example *************1111. If the credit card number is 4 digits or less, the entire credit card number displays as **********.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is unselected in every company, the system replaces the credit card number in the log with the word ***REMOVED***.


See What Happens When a Credit Card is Approved? and What Happens When a Credit Card is Declined? for the updates that take place in CWSerenade, depending on whether the online authorization transaction was approved or declined by the service bureau.

Placing the credit card on hold: The credit card pay type may be placed on hold if the credit card is not approved, the AVS verification fails, or the credit card identification fails. See Hierarchy for Placing the Credit Card On Hold for more information on the hierarchy the system uses to determine if the credit card pay type should go on hold.

For more information: See:

Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations for an overview on online authorizations and processing details.

Paymentech Online Authorization Request File and Paymentech Online Authorization Response File for mapping details.

Sample Paymentech Online Transactions for sample transactions.

Paymentech Point-to-Point Online Balance Inquiry Process

CWSerenade performs the following steps when you process a balance inquiry using point-to-point communication with Paymentech.


CWSerenade looks at the Communication type field for the PMD service bureau to determine how transactions are processed between CWSerenade and the Paymentech service bureau.

For the Paymentech integration with CWSerenade, the setting is Payment Link indicating Point-to-Point communication. The system sends online authorization transactions directly to the Paymentech service bureau.


If the Communication type field for the service bureau is Payment Link, CWSerenade:

• Verifies that the PMD_ONLINE integration layer job is active, and if it isn’t, starts it; see Paymentech Point-to-Point Online Heartbeat Process.

• Creates the Paymentech Online Authorization Request File using information in the OnLine Authorization table and other tables.

• Writes the Paymentech Online Authorization Request file in the CWSerenade Trace Log if its Logging Level is set to DEBUG. CWSerenade masks the card number in the log based on the setting of the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is selected, the system displays the last four digits of the credit card number in the log; for example *************1111. If the credit card number is 4 digits or less, the entire credit card number displays as **********.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is unselected, the system replaces the credit card number in the log with the word ***REMOVED***.

• Updates the status of the records in the OnLine Authorization table to *SENT status.


CWSerenade uses the Paymentech settings in the Interface Properties File to send the authorization request directly to the Paymentech service bureau using TCP/IP socket communication protocol.


Once CWSerenade sends the authorization request to Paymentech, the system waits for a response to the authorization request.

The system waits for a response based on the Response time defined for the PMD service bureau. See When Communication Failures Occur for more information on the processing that occurs if a response is not received within the allotted time period during online authorization.


The Paymentech service bureau receives the authorization request, processes the request, and sends the Paymentech Online Authorization Response File back to CWSerenade.


CWSerenade receives the authorization response and processes the response:

The system writes the authorization response to the CWSerenade Trace Log if its Logging Level is set to DEBUG. CWSerenade masks the card number in the log based on the setting of the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is selected in any company, the system displays the last four digits of the credit card number in the log; for example *************1111. If the credit card number is 4 digits or less, the entire credit card number displays as **********.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is unselected in every company, the system replaces the credit card number in the log with the word ***REMOVED***.


See What Happens When a Credit Card is Approved? and What Happens When a Credit Card is Declined? for the updates that take place in CWSerenade, depending on whether the online authorization transaction was approved or declined by the service bureau.

For more information: See:

Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry (MSVB) for an overview on balance inquiry and processing details.

Paymentech Online Authorization Request File and Paymentech Online Authorization Response File for mapping details.

Sample Paymentech Online Transactions for sample transactions.

Paymentech Point-to-Point Batch Authorization Process

CWSerenade performs the following steps when you process batch authorizations using point-to-point communication with Paymentech.

Balance inquiry: If the payment is a stored value card and the Perform Balance Inquiry during Batch Authorizations (J19) system control value is selected, the system sends a balance inquiry transaction to Paymentech before sending an authorization transaction.


CWSerenade looks at the Communication type field for the PMD service bureau to determine how transactions are processed between CWSerenade and the Paymentech service bureau.

For the Paymentech integration with CWSerenade, the setting is Payment Link indicating Point-to-Point communication. The system sends authorization transactions directly to the Paymentech service bureau.


If the Communication type field for the service bureau is Payment Link, CWSerenade:

• Creates the Paymentech Batch Authorization Request File using information in the CC Authorization Transaction table and other tables.

• Writes the Paymentech Authorization Request file in the CWSerenade Trace Log if its Logging Level is set to DEBUG. CWSerenade masks the card number in the log based on the setting of the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is selected, the system displays the last four digits of the credit card number in the log; for example *************1111. If the credit card number is 4 digits or less, the entire credit card number displays as **********.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is unselected, the system replaces the credit card number in the log with the word ***REMOVED***.

• Updates the status of the records in the Credit Card Authorization Transaction table to *SENT status.


CWSerenade uses the Paymentech settings in the Interface Properties File to send the authorization request directly to the Paymentech service bureau using TCP/IP socket communication protocol.


Once CWSerenade sends the authorization request to Paymentech, the system waits for a response to the authorization request.

For batch authorizations, the system waits for a response based on the Response check frequency defined for the PMD service bureau. The system checks for a response to the batch authorization request up to 20 times. See Working with Required Responses (WREQ) for more information on the processing that occurs if a response is not received within the allotted time period during batch authorization.


The Paymentech service bureau receives the authorization request, processes the request, and sends the Paymentech Batch Authorization Response File back to CWSerenade.


CWSerenade receives the authorization response and processes the response:

The system writes the authorization response to the CWSerenade Trace Log if its Logging Level is set to DEBUG. CWSerenade masks the card number in the log based on the setting of the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is selected in any company, the system displays the last four digits of the credit card number in the log; for example *************1111. If the credit card number is 4 digits or less, the entire credit card number displays as **********.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is unselected in every company, the system replaces the credit card number in the log with the word ***REMOVED***.


See Approved Authorizations and Declined Authorizations for the updates that take place in CWSerenade, depending on whether the batch authorization transaction was approved or declined by the service bureau.

Placing the credit card on hold: The credit card pay type may be placed on hold if the credit card is not approved, the AVS verification fails, or the credit card identification fails. See Hierarchy for Placing the Credit Card On Hold for more information on the hierarchy the system uses to determine if the credit card pay type should go on hold.

For more information: See:

Using Batch Authorization for an overview on batch authorizations and processing details.

Paymentech Batch Authorization Request File and Paymentech Batch Authorization Response File for mapping details.

Sample Paymentech Batch Transactions for sample transactions.

Paymentech Point-to-Point Activation Process

CWSerenade performs the following steps when you process batch stored value card activations using point-to-point communication with Paymentech.


CWSerenade looks at the Communication type field for the PMD service bureau to determine how transactions are processed between CWSerenade and the Paymentech service bureau.

For the Paymentech integration with CWSerenade, the setting is Payment Link indicating Point-to-Point communication. The system sends activation transactions directly to the Paymentech service bureau.


If the Communication type field for the service bureau is Payment Link, CWSerenade:

• Creates the Paymentech Batch Authorization Request File using information in the Stored Value Card table and other tables.

• Writes the Paymentech Authorization Request file in the CWSerenade Trace Log if its Logging Level is set to DEBUG. CWSerenade masks the card number in the log based on the setting of the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is selected, the system displays the last four digits of the credit card number in the log; for example *************1111. If the credit card number is 4 digits or less, the entire credit card number displays as **********.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is unselected, the system replaces the credit card number in the log with the word ***REMOVED***.


CWSerenade uses the Paymentech settings in the Interface Properties File to send the activation request directly to the Paymentech service bureau using TCP/IP socket communication protocol.


Once CWSerenade sends the activation request to Paymentech, the system waits for a response to the activation request.

The system waits for a response based on the Response check frequency defined for the PMD service bureau. The system checks for a response to the activation request up to 20 times. See Working with Required Responses (WREQ) for more information on the processing that occurs if a response is not received within the allotted time period during activation.


The Paymentech service bureau receives the activation request, processes the request, and sends the Paymentech Batch Authorization Response File back to CWSerenade.


CWSerenade receives the activation response and processes the response:

The system writes the activation response to the CWSerenade Trace Log if its Logging Level is set to DEBUG. CWSerenade masks the card number in the log based on the setting of the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is selected in any company, the system displays the last four digits of the credit card number in the log; for example *************1111. If the credit card number is 4 digits or less, the entire credit card number displays as **********.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is unselected in every company, the system replaces the credit card number in the log with the word ***REMOVED***.


See What Happens When the Stored Value Card Activation is Approved? and What Happens When the Stored Value Card Activation is Declined? for the updates that take place in CWSerenade, depending on whether the activation transaction was approved or declined by the service bureau.

For more information: See:

Stored Value Card Purchase and Activation for an overview on stored value card activations and processing details.

Paymentech Batch Authorization Request File and Paymentech Batch Authorization Response File for mapping details.

Sample Paymentech Batch Transactions for sample transactions.

Paymentech Point-to-Point Authorization Reversal Process

CWSerenade performs the following steps when you process batch stored value card authorization reversals using point-to-point communication with Paymentech.


CWSerenade looks at the Communication type field for the PMD service bureau to determine how transactions are processed between CWSerenade and the Paymentech service bureau.

For the Paymentech integration with CWSerenade, the setting is Payment Link indicating Point-to-Point communication. The system sends authorization reversal transactions directly to the Paymentech service bureau.


If the Communication type field for the service bureau is Payment Link, CWSerenade:

• Creates the Paymentech Batch Authorization Request File using information in the Stored Value Card table and other tables.

• Writes the Paymentech Authorization Request file in the CWSerenade Trace Log if its Logging Level is set to DEBUG. CWSerenade masks the card number in the log based on the setting of the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is selected, the system displays the last four digits of the credit card number in the log; for example *************1111. If the credit card number is 4 digits or less, the entire credit card number displays as **********.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is unselected, the system replaces the credit card number in the log with the word ***REMOVED***.


CWSerenade uses the Paymentech settings in the Interface Properties File to send the authorization reversal request directly to the Paymentech service bureau using TCP/IP socket communication protocol.


Once CWSerenade sends the authorization reversal request to Paymentech, the system waits for a response to the authorization reversal request.

The system waits for a response based on the Response check frequency defined for the PMD service bureau. The system checks for a response to the activation request up to 20 times. See Working with Required Responses (WREQ) for more information on the processing that occurs if a response is not received within the allotted time period during activation.


The Paymentech service bureau receives the authorization reversal request, processes the request, and sends the Paymentech Batch Authorization Response File back to CWSerenade.


CWSerenade receives the authorization reversal response and processes the response:

The system writes the authorization reversal response to the CWSerenade Trace Log if its Logging Level is set to DEBUG. CWSerenade masks the card number in the log based on the setting of the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is selected in any company, the system displays the last four digits of the credit card number in the log; for example *************1111. If the credit card number is 4 digits or less, the entire credit card number displays as **********.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is unselected in every company, the system replaces the credit card number in the log with the word ***REMOVED***.


See What Happens When the Authorization Reversal is Approved? and What Happens When the Authorization Reversal is Declined? for the updates that take place in CWSerenade, depending on whether the authorization reversal transaction was approved or declined by the service bureau.

For more information: See:

Stored Value Card Authorization Reversal for an overview on stored value card authorization reversals and processing details.

Paymentech Batch Authorization Request File and Paymentech Batch Authorization Response File for mapping details.

Sample Paymentech Batch Transactions for sample transactions.

Paymentech Point-to-Point Deposit Process

CWSerenade performs the following steps when you process deposits for Paymentech using point-to-point communication.


CWSerenade looks at the Communication type field for the PMD service bureau to determine how transactions are processed between CWSerenade and Paymentech.

Integration Layer = CWIntegrate integration. The system sends deposit transactions to Paymentech via a CWIntegrate site using the queues defined for the Deposit integration layer job. You must define communication protocols within the CWIntegrate site to translate and transmit data between CWSerenade and Paymentech. See Processing Authorizations and Deposits using CWIntegrate.

Payment Link = Point-to-point integration. The system sends deposit transactions directly to Paymentech.


If the Communication type field for the service bureau is Payment Link, CWSerenade:

• Creates the Paymentech Batch Deposit Request File using information in the Credit Card Deposit Transaction table and other tables.

• Writes the Paymentech Batch Deposit Request file in the CWSerenade Trace Log if its Logging Level is set to DEBUG. CWSerenade masks the card number in the log based on the setting of the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is selected, the system displays the last four digits of the credit card number in the log; for example *************1111. If the credit card number is 4 digits or less, the entire credit card number displays as **********.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is unselected, the system replaces the credit card number in the log with the word ***REMOVED***.

• Updates the status of the records in the Credit Card Deposit Transaction table to *SENT status.

• Uses the Paymentech settings in the Interface Properties File to send the deposit request directly to Paymentech using TCP/IP socket communication protocol.


Once CWSerenade sends the Paymentech Batch Deposit Request File to Paymentech, the system checks for a response to the batch deposit request using the number of seconds defined in the Response check frequency setting for the PMD service bureau. The system checks for a response to the batch deposit request up to 20 times.

See Working with Required Responses (WREQ) for more information on the processing that occurs if a response is not received within the allotted time period.


Paymentech receives and processes the request.


CWSerenade receives the Paymentech Batch Deposit Response File and processes the response:

• Writes the Paymentech Batch Deposit Response file in the CWSerenade Trace Log if its Logging Level is set to DEBUG. CWSerenade masks the card number in the log based on the setting of the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is selected in any company, the system displays the last four digits of the credit card number in the log; for example *************1111. If the credit card number is 4 digits or less, the entire credit card number displays as **********.

• If the Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs (J16) system control value is unselected in every company, the system replaces the credit card number in the log with the word ***REMOVED***.

• Matches each Detail Record for Deposit Response in the Paymentech Batch Deposit Response file to a sent deposit record in the CC Deposit Transaction table. When a match is found, the system updates the status of the Credit Card Deposit Transaction record to *RCVD and with the values in the deposit detail record. Also, if an authorization code is returned in the response that does not match the authorization that was sent, the system creates an Authorization History record.

• Completes the AUTO_DEP job and submits the DEP_UPDATE job to the QSYSNOMAX queue to process the remaining updates, such as generating reports and performing general ledger postings. See Batch Deposit Updates.


If a response is not received: If a Paymentech Batch Deposit Response File is not received within the maximum wait time, CWSerenade creates a record in the Request for Response table; see Working with Required Responses (WREQ) for processing details.


Communication failures: If the connection between CWSerenade and Paymentech is severed during deposit processing, the system:

• writes a message similar to the following to the CWSerenade Application Log if its Logging Level is set to DEBUG:

HH:MM:SS,321 ERROR APP - I/O problem for the connection to: 999.999.999.999

• writes a message similar to the following to the CWSerenade Trace Log if its Logging Level is set to DEBUG:

YY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS No response from Paymentech

Note: If communication fails during the send process, CWSerenade generates the complete Paymentech Batch Deposit Request File before writing an error message to the log; in this scenario, you can use Working with Required Responses (WREQ) to resend the request to Paymentech.

Retrieving responses from Paymentech: If a Paymentech Batch Deposit Response File was not received within the maximum wait time, or if a communication failure occurred during transaction processing, you can use the receive deposits option on the Auto Deposit Screen (Send or Receive Deposits) to send a Paymentech Request for Response (RFR) transaction to Paymentech, requesting Paymentech to queue the Paymentech Batch Deposit Response File so that CWSerenade can retrieve it.

For more information: See:

Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP) for more information on the deposit process.

Paymentech Batch Deposit Request File and Paymentech Batch Deposit Response File for mapping details.

Sample Paymentech Deposit Transactions for sample transactions.

Sample Paymentech Transactions

Sample Paymentech Online Transactions

Sample Paymentech Batch Transactions

Sample Paymentech Deposit Transactions

Sample Paymentech Online Transactions

See Paymentech Online Authorization Request File and Paymentech Online Authorization Response File for mapping details.

Online Heartbeat Transaction

Online Authorization Transaction for Visa Credit Card

Online Authorization Transaction for MasterCard Credit Card

Online Authorization Transaction Including Fraud Record

Online Authorization Transaction for Switch Card

Online Authorization Transaction for Stored Value Card

Online Balance Inquiry Transaction for Stored Value Card

Online Heartbeat Transaction





Online Authorization Transaction for Visa Credit Card


P6 0070000368900000VI***** REMOVED *****12120205940000000010878405 A




T60070000368900000100110728tst593I3 ***** REMOVED *****1212VI 1

Online Authorization Transaction for MasterCard Credit Card


P6 0070000369000000MC***** REMOVED *****12120205940000000010878406 A




T60070000369000000225110728 ***** REMOVED *****1212MC

Online Authorization Transaction Including Fraud Record


P6 0070000369100000VI***** REMOVED *****12120205940000000010878401 A




T60070000369100000100110728tst703I3M***** REMOVED *****1212VI

Online Authorization Transaction for Switch Card


P6 0070000369300000SW***** REMOVED *****12121939790000000010878401 A



T60070000369300000238110728 ***** REMOVED *****1212SW

Online Authorization Transaction for Stored Value Card


P6 0070000383301001SV***** REMOVED *****12498484810000000010878401 A


T60070000383301001100110811576495 S***** REMOVED *****1249SV

Online Balance Inquiry Transaction for Stored Value Card


P6 0070048661600000SV***** REMOVED *****12498484810000000000008401 Q


T60070048661600000100 ***** REMOVED ***** 000000029347000000028260

Sample Paymentech Batch Transactions

See Paymentech Batch Authorization Request File and Paymentech Batch Authorization Response File for mapping details.

Batch Authorization Transaction for Visa Credit Card

Batch Authorization Transaction for MasterCard Credit Card

Batch Authorization Transaction for Switch Card

Batch Activation Transaction for Stored Value Card

Batch Balance Inquiry Transaction for Stored Value Card

Batch Authorization Transaction for Stored Value Card

Batch Authorization Reversal Transaction for Stored Value Card

Batch Authorization Transaction for Visa Credit Card


PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110801 01.7 A357

S0205940070000370401001 AVI***** REMOVED *****1212000000001087840 7




A3TEMPLETON, MA 01468-1566

B RECS=000000006 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000007 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110801



PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110801 01.7 10801.059Ey A357

S0205940070000370401001 AVI***** REMOVED *****12120000000010878401007 110801tst488I3N


B RECS=000000006 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000007 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110801


Batch Authorization Transaction for MasterCard Credit Card


PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110801 01.7 A358

S0205940070000370501001 AMC***** REMOVED *****1212000000001087840 6




A3TEMPLETON, MA 01468-1566

B RECS=000000006 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000007 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110801



PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110801 01.7 10801.05AFy A358

S0205940070000370501001 AMC***** REMOVED *****12120000000010878402466 110801 N

B RECS=000000006 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000007 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110801


Batch Authorization Transaction for Switch Card


PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110801 01.7 A359

S1939790070000370701001 ASW***** REMOVED *****0000000000001087840 1


B RECS=000000003 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000004 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110801



PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110801 01.7 10801.05D6y A359

S1939790070000370701001 ASW***** REMOVED *****00000000000010878402381 110801 N

B RECS=000000003 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000004 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110801


Batch Activation Transaction for Stored Value Card


PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110811 01.7 A367

S8484810070000383100000 KSV***** REMOVED *****1249000000050000840 1

B RECS=000000002 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000050000 $SALE=00000000050000 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000003 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000050000 $SALE=00000000050000 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110811



PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110811 01.7 10811.052Dy A367

S8484810070000383100000 KSV***** REMOVED *****12490000000500008401001 110811576491 Y

B RECS=000000002 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000050000 $SALE=00000000050000 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000003 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000050000 $SALE=00000000050000 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110811


Batch Balance Inquiry Transaction for Stored Value Card


PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110812 01.7 A374

S8484810070000391901000 QSV***** REMOVED *****1249000000001087840 1

B RECS=000000002 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000003 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110812



PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110812 01.7 10812.09B5y A374

S8484810070000391901000 QSV***** REMOVED *****12490000000010878402251 110812 N

B RECS=000000002 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000003 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110812


Batch Authorization Transaction for Stored Value Card


PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110812 01.7 A375

S8484810070000391901001 ASV***** REMOVED *****1249000000001087840 1

B RECS=000000002 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000003 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110812



PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110812 01.7 10812.09B6y A375

S8484810070000391901001 ASV***** REMOVED *****12490000000010878401001S110812577081 N

B RECS=000000002 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000003 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110812


Batch Authorization Reversal Transaction for Stored Value Card


PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110811 01.7 A373

S8484810070000391801001 ESV***** REMOVED *****1249000000001087840 1

B RECS=000000002 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000003 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110811



PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110811 01.7 10811.0B84y A373

S8484810070000391801001 ESV***** REMOVED *****12490000000010878401001 110811576783 N

B RECS=000000002 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000003 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001087 $SALE=00000000001087 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110811


Sample Paymentech Deposit Transactions

See Paymentech Batch Deposit Request File and Paymentech Batch Deposit Response File for mapping details.

Deposit Transaction for Visa Credit Card

Deposit Transaction for Stored Value Card

Deposit Transaction Containing Merchant Descriptor Record

Deposit Transaction Containing Visa Authentication Record

Deposit Transaction Containing MasterCard Authentication Record

Deposit Transaction Containing Level II Discounting

Deposit Transaction for Switch (Debit) Card

Deposit Transaction Containing Four Address Records

Credit Transaction for Visa Credit Card

Deposit Transaction for Visa Credit Card


PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110301 01.7 D306

S0205940070000337101001 DVI***** REMOVED *****12120000000030608401001 110301tst941



A3STE 202


B RECS=000000006 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000003060 $SALE=00000000003060 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000007 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000003060 $SALE=00000000003060 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110301



PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110301 01.7 10301.04D4y D306

S0205940070000337101001 DVI***** REMOVED *****12120000000030608401001 110301tst941 Y

B RECS=000000006 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000003060 $SALE=00000000003060 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000007 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000003060 $SALE=00000000003060 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110301


Deposit Transaction for Stored Value Card


PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110310 01.7 D338

S8484810070000340201001 DSV***** REMOVED *****12490000000012078401001 110310540023

B RECS=000000002 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000003 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110310



PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110310 01.7 10310.0714y D338

S8484810070000340201001 DSV***** REMOVED *****12490000000012078401001S110310540023 Y

B RECS=000000002 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000003 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110310


Deposit Transaction Containing Merchant Descriptor Record


PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110301 01.7 D308


S0205940070000337201001 DVI***** REMOVED *****12120000000025608401001 110301tst643



A3STE 202


B RECS=000000007 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000002560 $SALE=00000000002560 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000008 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000002560 $SALE=00000000002560 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110301



PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110301 01.7 10301.0520y D308

S0205940070000337201001 DVI***** REMOVED *****12120000000025608401001 110301tst643 Y

B RECS=000000007 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000002560 $SALE=00000000002560 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000008 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000002560 $SALE=00000000002560 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110301


Deposit Transaction Containing Visa Authentication Record


PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110304 01.7 D317

S0205940070000338101001 DVI***** REMOVED *****12120000000012078401005 110304tst678




A3TEMPLETON, MA 014681566

B RECS=000000006 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000007 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110304



PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110304 01.7 10304.069Ey D317

S0205940070000338101001 DVI***** REMOVED *****12120000000012078401005 110304tst678 Y


B RECS=000000006 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000007 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110304


Deposit Transaction Containing MasterCard Authentication Record


PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110304 01.7 D321

S0205940070000338401001 DMC***** REMOVED *****12120000000012078401006 110304tst852




A3TEMPLETON, MA 014681566

B RECS=000000006 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000007 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110304



PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110304 01.7 10304.0719y D321

S0205940070000338401001 DMC***** REMOVED *****12120000000012078402466 110304 N

B RECS=000000006 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000007 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110304


Deposit Transaction Containing Level II Discounting


PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110304 01.7 D323

S0205940070000338501001 DVI***** REMOVED *****12120000000012078401005 110304tst400


PPC0013385 000000000052



A3TEMPLETON, MA 014681566

B RECS=000000007 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000008 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110304



PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110304 01.7 10304.0759y D323

S0205940070000338501001 DVI***** REMOVED *****12120000000012078401005 110304tst400 Y


B RECS=000000007 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000008 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110304


Deposit Transaction for Switch (Debit) Card


PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110307 01.7 D326

S1939790070000339401001 DSW***** REMOVED *****12110000000021428261001 110307000000


B RECS=000000003 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000002142 $SALE=00000000002142 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000004 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000002142 $SALE=00000000002142 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110307



PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110307 01.7 10307.0447y D326

S1939790070000339401001 DSW***** REMOVED *****12110000000021428261001 110307000000 Y

B RECS=000000003 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000002142 $SALE=00000000002142 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000004 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000002142 $SALE=00000000002142 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110307


Deposit Transaction Containing Four Address Records


PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110307 01.7 D327

S0205940070000339501001 DVI***** REMOVED *****12120000000012078401001 110307tst982

PPC0013395 000000000052




A4TEMPLETON, MA 01468-1566

B RECS=000000007 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000008 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110307



PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110307 01.7 10307.046Ay D327

S0205940070000339501001 DVI***** REMOVED *****12120000000012078401001 110307tst982 Y

B RECS=000000007 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

T RECS=000000008 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=00000000001207 $SALE=00000000001207 $REFUND=00000000000000

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110307


Credit Transaction for Visa Credit Card


PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110309 01.7 D330

S0205940070000339901000 BVI***** REMOVED *****1212000000001087840 1

PPC0013399 000000000052




A4TEMPLETON, MA 01468-1566

B RECS=000000007 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=-00000000001087 $SALE=00000000000000 $REFUND=-00000000001087

T RECS=000000008 ORDS=000000001 $TOT=-00000000001087 $SALE=00000000000000 $REFUND=-00000000001087

PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI END 110309



PID=192864 COMMERCI SID=192864 COMMERCI START 110309 01.7 10309.06DEy D330

S0205940070000339901000 BVI***** REMOVED *****12120000000010878401001 110309tst227I3Y

PPC0013399 000000000052


SO04_16PMD Serenade 5.0 March 2015