24 Setting Up the WebLogic Self Service Portal

This chapter describes the procedure to set up the Middleware Self Service Portal for WebLogic as a Service. It contains the following sections:

24.1 Setting Up the WebLogic Self Service Portal

The EM_SSA_ADMINISTRATOR can configure and set up the WebLogic Cloud Self Service Portal by creating middleware pools, setting up quotas, defining request settings, configuring the load balancer, creating service templates, and configuring chargeback.

Figure 24-1 diagram shows the initial setup and the relationship between the various entities involved in setting up the WebLogic Middleware Self Service Portal.

Figure 24-1 Setting Up WebLogic as a Service

Setting Up MWaaS (Physical Hosts)


To set up the WebLogic as a Service, follow these steps:

  1. Set up one or more PaaS Infrastructure zones. See Section, "Creating a PaaS Infrastructure Zone" for details.

  2. Create a Middleware Pool. See Section 24.2, "Creating a Middleware Pool".

  3. Optionally, you can configure an external load balancer. See Section 24.3, "Creating a Load Balancer Configuration".

  4. Configure request settings. See Section 24.4, "Configuring Request Settings".

  5. Define quotas for each self service user role. See Section 24.5, "Setting Up Quotas".

  6. Create service templates. You can create service templates that can be used to provision an instance of a service in a set of selected zones. See Section 24.6, "Creating a WebLogic Service Template".

  7. Optionally, you can configure the Chargeback Service. See Section 24.7, "Configuring Chargeback".

24.2 Creating a Middleware Pool

A Middleware Pool contains a set of resources that can be used to provision a service instance within a PaaS Infrastructure Zone.

To create a Middleware Pool, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager as a user with the EM_SSA_ADMINISTRATOR role.

  2. From the Enterprise menu, select Cloud, then select Cloud Home. The Cloud Home page appears.

  3. From the Oracle Cloud menu, select Setup, then select Getting Started. The common tasks that need to be performed before setting up a specific service family is displayed. Click the Setup link next to Middleware service family in the left panel.

  4. Select WebLogic from the service type drop down list.

  5. Click Middleware Pools. The existing middleware pools are listed on the Middleware Pools page.

  6. Click Create. The Create Middleware Pool: General page appears. Enter a name and description for the Middleware Pool. Select the PaaS Infrastructure Zone in which the middleware pool is to be created.

    Note: You can also navigate to this page by selecting Resource Providers from the Cloud Home menu. The Resource Provides Home page appears. Click Create and select Middleware Pool as the type of the resource provider to be created to launch the Create Middleware Pool wizard.

    Figure 24-2 Create Middleware Pool: General

    Create Software Pool: General
  7. Click Next. In the Members page, specify the following:

    • Exalogic: Select Yes if all the member host targets are on Exalogic.

    • Exalogic with Multiple Racks: If the hosts are on Exalogic, select Yes if the host targets are from multiple Exalogic racks thereby providing high availability across the racks.

    • Operating System and Platform: Specify the operating system and platform.

  8. Click Add to add one or more hosts to the middleware pool. Click Next.

  9. The Create Middleware Pool: Placement Constraints page appears. The placement constraints are used to set maximum limits on resource utilization for each host. In the Maximum Number of Java Servers (per host) field, enter the maximum number of Java Server instances that can be running on each host in the pool. Click Next.

  10. In the Characteristics region, specify the following:

    • Domain Home Base Directory: This is a mandatory field. Specify the base directory in which the domain or the instances provisioned with this middleware pool are to be placed.

    • Middleware Home Base Directory: This is a mandatory field. Specify the directory under which the Oracle Homes are to be created. Oracle Homes will be shared across services of the same type and version.

    • Shared Oracle Home: If this field is set to Yes, all hosts in this middleware pool will use this Shared Oracle Home even if other Oracle Homes are present on these hosts.


    If you are using a Shared Oracle Home, you must ensure that Write permissions are available on the $WL_HOME/common/lib directory. This is applicable for WebLogic Server versions 12.1.1 or earlier.
  11. In the Target Properties region, specify the characteristics that will be used to tag and identify the target properties. Click Next.

  12. Review the information and click Submit to create the middleware pool. The newly created pool middleware pool can now be used to create the Middleware Service Template.

24.3 Creating a Load Balancer Configuration

You can configure external pre-configured load balancers such as Oracle HTTP Server (versions 11x are supported but it is recommended that you use 11g PS6), Oracle Traffic Director (versions 11x are supported but it is recommended that you use OTD 11x PS6) or a third party load balancer.

Note: If you are using a 11g PS6 managed or collocated OHS load balancer, you must ensure that no change is done through the Admin / MBean interfaces. The as-a-service solution modifies the OHS files directly on the file system, so any changes made on a collocated OHS may not be replicated to the Administration Server. Additionally, any changes made through the Admin interfaces (such as MBean, WLST, and so on), may override the changes made directly to the *.conf files.

If you want to configure a third party load balancer, you must use a custom script to update the load balancer configuration. For more details on this script, see Section 24.3.1, "Custom Script Guidelines". A Middleware Pool or a Deployment Plan can be associated with only one of the load balancer configurations.


Setting up the Load Balancer Configuration is an optional step.


  • OTD and OHS load balancers being configured must be installed on an Enterprise Manager monitored host and is used to route Web traffic to one or more MWaaS service instances. When a MWaaS service instance is created, updated (scaled up or scaled down), or deleted, the load balancer configuration is automatically updated.

  • To route HTTPS Web traffic, you must do the following:

    • Create an OTD configuration (This is required only if you are configuring an Oracle Traffic Director type of load balancer).

    • Create or install a certificate.

    For more details configuring SSL authentication, refer to the Oracle Traffic Director Administrator's Guide and the Oracle HTTP Server Administrator's Guide.

To configure a load balancer, follow the steps below:

  1. Log into Enterprise Manager as an user with the EM_SSA_ADMINISTRATOR role.

  2. From the Enterprise menu, select Cloud, then select Cloud Home. The Cloud Home page appears.

  3. From the Oracle Cloud menu, select Setup, then select Getting Started. The common tasks that need to be performed before setting up a specific service family is displayed. Click the Setup link next to Middleware service family in the left panel.


    You can use a different navigation path to reach this page. From the Cloud Home menu, select Setup, Service Settings, then click Middleware.
  4. Select WebLogic from the service type drop down list and click the Load Balancer Configuration link.

  5. Click Create to create a new load balancer configuration.

    Figure 24-3 Load Balancer Configuration: General

    Load Balancer Configuration: General
  6. Enter the following details:

    • Name of the load balancer configuration.

    • Select the type of load balancer being configured. This can be Oracle HTTP Server (OHS), Oracle Traffic Director (OTD), or a Third Party Load Balancer.

    • If you are using OHS and OTD, select the host on which the load balancer is installed. This must be an Enterprise Manager monitored host. If you are using the OTD load balancer, you must enter OTD 11g Admin Server here.

      Note: If you are using another third party load balancer, select a host on which the load balancer can be configured either locally or remotely.

    • Specify the Routing Protocol (HTTP, HTTPS, or both) and the Free Routing Port Range.

    • Select the Monitoring Agent (Management Agent) and specify the Named Credentials.


    • For OTD and OHS, the Monitoring Agent must be present on the same host on which the OTD/OHS load balancer instance is running. For third party load balancers, the Monitoring Agent must be present on the host on which the load balancer is being configured.

    • For third party load balancers, the Monitoring Agent may not be present on the same host on which the load balancer is running. In this case, you can select any other monitoring agent (which is available on other host) from which the third party load balancer can be accessed or configured by executing the custom script.

  7. Click Next. The Create Load Balancer Configuration: Properties page appears.

    Figure 24-4 Create Load Balancer Configuration: Properties

    Create Load Balancer Configuration : Properties

    If you have selected the Load Balancer Type as:

    • Oracle HTTP Server: Enter the following details:

      • Instance Home: The directory in which the configuration data and binary files pertaining to Oracle HTTP Server instance is stored.

      • Component Name: The component in the specific instance that is to be configured.

    • Oracle Traffic Director: Enter the following details:

      • Oracle Home: The directory in which the Oracle Traffic Director binaries are installed.

      • Admin Protocol: Specify the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) to be used by the Oracle Traffic Director Administration Server to forward requests. By default, this is HTTPS.

      • Admin Listen Port: Specify the Administration Server listen port number.

      • SNMP Port: The SNMP port configured for Oracle Traffic Director. The default port number is 11161.

      • Instance Node: Specify the Oracle Traffic Director Instance node name.

      • Configuration Name: This field is optional and is required only if you have selected HTTPS or HTTP_HTTPS as the Routing Protocol in the Load Balancer Configuration: General section. If you select the HTTP Admin Protocol, and do not specify a value in this field, the OTD Configuration Name is created as config1 by default. If the OTD Configuration has already been created, it must be a managed target in Enterprise Manager.

        Note: If you select the HTTP protocol, it is recommended that an OTD Configuration is created manually and discovered as a managed target in Enterprise Manager.

      • Certificate Name: This field is optional. If you selected HTTPS or HTTPS or HTTP_HTTPS as the Routing Protocol in the Load Balancer Configuration: General section, enter the name of the self signed certificate.

      • Virtual Server Name: The name of the virtual server. If the virtual server does not exist, a virtual server with the name specified here will be created. In this release, host patterns are not defined for each virtual server in the configuration.

      • Privileged Named Credentials: Specify the Named Credentials for the Administration Server.

    • Third Party Load Balancer: Select a script to configure the load balancer. This script must have been uploaded to the Software Library and the Software Library Directive URN must be specified as the input for the script.

  8. Click Next. The Create Load Balancer Configuration: Targets page appears.

  9. Click Add to add one or more middleware pools (See Section 24.2, "Creating a Middleware Pool") with which the load balancer will be associated.


    A Middleware Pool can be associated with only one load balancer configuration.
  10. Click Next. Review the configuration and click Submit to create the Load Balancer Configuration. The newly created load balancer configuration appears in the Load Balancer Configurations table. Click the Load Balancer Name link in the table to view the load balancer configuration details. This shows the targets associated with the load balancer configuration and middleware service instances that are using the configuration.

24.3.1 Custom Script Guidelines

You can use a custom script to configure the load balancer. This script must be present in the Software Library as a directive. The directive must follow these guidelines:

  • LBR_WORK_DIRECTORY: Specifies the directory in which the lbr.properties file will be staged. The name-value pairs present in the lbr.properties file are extracted by the custom script and these values are used to configure the load balancer.

  • The following properties must be present in the lbr.properties file:


    • HTTP_PORT_RANGE: The range of ports (separated by hyphen '-') that can be used to configure for HTTP protocol. For example, 5000-6000.

    • HTTPS_PORT_RANGE: The range of ports (separated by hyphen '-') that can be used to configure for HTTPS protocol. For example, 7000-8000.

    • LBR_HOST: The host on which the load balancer is installed.

    • UNIQUE_URI_REFERENCE: This is the Service Instance Id (which is an unique value). This maps to the service instance (WebLogic Domain). If required, it can be used to uniquely identify an entity, such as the virtual server, route, and so on.

    • CONFIGURATION_ACTION: The actions that can be performed are:

      • CREATE: To create a service instance.

      • ADD_SERVERS: To scale up or add one or more servers.

      • DELETE_SERVERS: To scale down or delete one or more servers.

      • REMOVE: To delete a service instance.

    • HTTP_WLS_MANAGED_SERVER_PORT_LIST: A comma separated host:port (Managed Servers) list where port is a http port. For example, abc:123, xyz:456.

    • HTTPS_WLS_MANAGED_SERVER_PORT_LIST: A comma separated host:port (Managed Servers) list where port is an SSL port. For example, abc:123, xyz:456. Sample Script (Oracle Cloud Application or Earlier)

This sample script is applicable if are using or earlier versions of the Oracle Cloud Application plugin.

Sample Script I

use File::Path;
#use File::Spec();
use File::Spec;
use Cwd;
my $dir = getcwd();
my $WORK_DIR = $ARGV[0];
print "The Input Parameters to the Third Party Script are as follows : "."\n";
print "lbrWorkDirectory = ".$WORK_DIR."\n";
print "======================================================================"."\n";
print "The lbr.property file contents accessible to this script are as follows "."\n";
my $textfile = "lbr.properties";
my @prop;
chdir($WORK_DIR) or die "Can't chdir to $WORK_DIR $!";
#Create Hash from properties
open FILE, "<$textfile" or die("Could not open text file '" . $textfile . "': $!");
my %hash;
while ($line4 = <FILE>)
my ($key, $val) = split(/=/,$line4);
print $key."= ".$val."\n";
close FILE;
print "======================================================================"."\n";
my $ACTION          = $hash{'CONFIGURATION_ACTION'};
if ( $ACTION eq "CREATE" ) {
    print " The Configuration Action is Create \n";
} elsif ( $ACTION eq "ADD_SERVERS" ) {
    print " The Configuration Action is Scale Up \n";
} elsif ( $ACTION eq "DELETE_SERVERS" ) {
    print " The Configuration Action is Scale Down \n";
} elsif ( $ACTION eq "REMOVE" ) {
    print " The Configuration Action is Remove \n";
} else {
    print " Unsuppported Configuration Action".$ACTION."\n";
print "======================================================================"."\n";
# logic to configure the LBR goes here
# Sample Script (Oracle Fusion Middleware or Later)

This sample script is applicable if you are using or later versions of the Oracle Fusion Middleware plugin.

Sample Script II

use File::Path;
#use File::Spec();
use File::Spec;
use Cwd;

my $dir = getcwd();
my $WORK_DIR = $ARGV[0];

print "The Input Parameters to the Third Party Script are as follows : "."\n";
print "lbrWorkDirectory = ".$WORK_DIR."\n";
print "======================================================================"."\n";
print "The lbr.property file contents accessible to this script are as follows "."\n";
my $textfile = "lbr.properties";

my @prop;
chdir($WORK_DIR) or die "Can't chdir to $WORK_DIR $!";
#Create Hash from properties
open FILE, "<$textfile" or die("Could not open text file '" . $textfile . "': $!");
my %hash;
while ($line4 = <FILE>)
my ($key, $val) = split(/=/,$line4);
print $key."= ".$val."\n";
close FILE;

# logic to configure the LBR goes here

print "======================================================================"."\n";


If you are using Oracle Fusion Middleware or later, the script must meet the following guidelines:
  • After successfully completing the configuration, you must exit the program with command status '0'.

  • If the configuration fails, you must exit the program with a 'non-zero' command status.

  • Print the following information in the exact format as given below:

    print "TP OUTPUT:FRONT_END_HOST_VALUE=<host-name>#FRONT_END_HTTP_PORT_VALUE=<http_port>#FRONT_END_HTTPS_PORT_VALUE=<https_port>#URI_PREFIX=<uri-prefix-if-applicable>#"."\n";

24.3.2 Adding the Third Party LBR Configuration to the Software Library

To add the third party LBR configuration script as a directive in the Software Library, follow these steps:

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Software Library.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Create Entity and click Directive to launch the Create Entity: Directives wizard.

  3. On the Describe page, enter the Name and Description. Click Next.

  4. On the Configure page, click Add and specify the command line arguments that will be used configure the directive. The Add Command Line Arguments dialog box appears.

  5. In the Add Command Line Arguments dialog box, enter LBR_WORK_DIRECTORY in the Property Name field and leave the other two fields (Argument Prefix and Argument Suffix fields) blank.

    Figure 24-5 Software Library: Configure Page

    Surrounding text describes Figure 24-5 .
  6. In the Configuration Properties section, select either Bash or Perl as defined in the script. Click Next.

  7. On the Select Files page, you can select one or more files to be associated with the entity. Select the Upload Files option and select the Upload Location.

  8. In the Specify Source section, select Local Machine, and click Add. In the Add File dialog box, click Browse to select the third party LBR configuration script file from the source location, and give a unique name, and click OK.

    Figure 24-6 Software Library: Select Files Page

    Surrounding text describes Figure 24-6 .
  9. On the Review page, review all the details, and click Save and Upload to create the directive and upload it on the Software Library.

    The third party LBR configuration script is now present as a directive in the Software Library. This directive can be selected as the third party Directive URN parameter in the Load Balancer Configuration Create page. For more details on creating a Software Library directive, see the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.


    If the third party load balancer is used for more than one service (WLaaS, SBaaS, or SOAaaS), you must set the following properties to ensure that a unique identity is maintained for each service type:
    • SVC_INST_ID: Unique service instance ID. The custom script uses this ID to uniquely identify the service instance.

    • SVC_Name: Name of the service. The custom script can identify the service type of the current service instance. This makes the service instance uniquely identifiable across the service types.

    • LBR_WORK_DIRECTORY: The directory in which the lbr.properties file is staged.

24.4 Configuring Request Settings

You can configure the request settings by specifying when a request can be made, its duration, and so on. To configure the request settings, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Enterprise Manager as a user with the EM_SSA_ADMINISTRATOR role.

  2. From the Enterprise menu, select Cloud, then select Cloud Home. The Cloud Home page appears.

  3. From the Oracle Cloud menu, select Setup, then select Getting Started. The common tasks that need to be performed before setting up a specific service family is displayed. Click the Setup link next to Middleware service family in the left panel.


    You can use a different navigation path to reach this page. From the Cloud Home menu, select Setup, Request Settings, then select Middleware, and click WebLogic.
  4. Select WebLogic from the service type drop down list and click Request Settings.

  5. You can specify the following parameters to set the global settings or settings for a specific role.

    • Future Reservation: How far in advance can a request be made.

    • Request Duration: Maximum duration for which a service can exist.

    • Archive Policy: Maximum duration after which archived requests are automatically deleted.

    • Service Instance Approval: Select this checkbox if all requests need to be approved by the self service administrator.

    • Service Instance Share Settings: A service instance can be shared with another user or a role. You can select either or both the checkboxes:

      • Enable SSA User to share service instances with other Users.

      • Enable SSA User to share service instances with Roles.

    See Section 11.2.3, "Configuring Request Settings" for details on how to set these parameters.

  6. Click Apply.

24.5 Setting Up Quotas

Quota is the aggregate amount of resources that can be granted to each self service user belonging to a certain role. This quota applies only to the service instances provisioned through the Middleware Self Service Portal. Each service instance that is provisioned including new service requests and scale up of existing service instances is subject to the quota allocated to the self service user. When the self service user has used up his allocated quota, he cannot make new service requests until a higher quota is allocated or his existing service instances have been reclaimed.

To define a quota, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Enterprise Manager as a user with the EM_SSA_ADMINISTRATOR role.

  2. From the Enterprise menu, select Cloud, then select Cloud Home. The Cloud Home page appears. From the Oracle Cloud menu, select Setup, then select Getting Started.


    You can use a different navigation path to reach this page. From the Cloud Home menu, select Setup, Quotas, then click Middleware.
  3. Click on the Setup link next to the Middleware Service family and select the WebLogic service type from the drop down list.

  4. Click the Quotas link and then click Create.


    Quota validation ensures that a request is executed only if the user's current usage is within the limits specified for the roles to which the user belongs. Only the direct roles are considered for the quota determination, and not nested ones.
  5. In the Create Quota window, select the Role Name for which the quota is to be granted. Specify the quota limits for the role as follows:

    • Memory: The maximum memory that can assigned to the instances owned by a specific user.

    • Java Servers: The number of Java Servers that can be owned by a user at any point in time.

    • Number of Non Oracle JVMs: Specify the number of Non Oracle JVMs.


    Only users that have the Cloud Self Service Portal privileges (users belonging to the EM_SSA_USER_BASE role) are displayed in the Select Roles dialog box.

24.6 Creating a WebLogic Service Template

A service template can be used to provision an instance of a service into a set of selected PaaS Infrastructure zones.



You can edit a service template that has active instances and modify the configuration parameters. When a service template is modified:
  • New instances created after the changes have been made will use the new parameters.

  • Old instances or instances created before the template was modified will use the earlier values.

  • Changes made to zones and roles will be applicable to both old and new instances.

To create a WebLogic Service Template, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Enterprise Manager as a user with the EM_SSA_ADMINISTRATOR role.

  2. From the Enterprise menu, select Cloud, then select Cloud Home. The Cloud Home page appears. From the Oracle Cloud menu, select Setup, then select Getting Started.


    You can use a different navigation path to reach this page. Select Service Templates from the Oracle Home menu, click Create and select WebLogic service type.
  3. Click on the Setup link next to the Middleware Service family and select the WebLogic service type from the drop down list.

  4. Click the Service Templates link. You can create service templates that can be used to provision an instance of a service in a set of selected zones. Click Create.

  5. Enter a name and description for the service template. The description must be unique and provide information on the type of service template being created.

  6. In the Provisioning Profile field, click the Search icon and select a WebLogic Domain Provisioning profile. The WebLogic Domain Provisioning Profile you select can contain either of the following:

    • One cluster with one or more WebLogic Servers. You can scale up or scale down by adding or deleting WebLogic servers to this cluster.

    • One WebLogic Server. In this case, the Scale Up and Scale Down options are not available.

    The details of the selected profile such as profile version, number of managed servers, topology, and so on are displayed.

    Figure 24-7 Create WebLogic Service Template: General

    Create WebLogic Service Template: General
  7. Click Next. The Characteristics page appears.

    Figure 24-8 Create WebLogic Service Template: Characteristics

    Create WebLogic Service Template: Characteristics

    In the Service Characteristics region, specify the following:

    • Distribute WebLogic Servers of a service instance on hosts from different Exalogic Racks: Select Yes if the WebLogic Servers in a service instance are to be uniformly distributed on available Exalogic racks. Select No if the hosts are to be placed on the first available rack.

    • Distribute Load on Available Hosts: Select Yes if the WebLogic Servers are to be uniformly distributed on available hosts. If you select No, the maximum number of servers possible will be provisioned on the first available host before provisioning on other hosts.

    • Enable Load Balancer: Select Yes to enable the load balancer configuration for all the service instances that are created with this service template.


      If the Enable Load Balancer field is set to 1 in the Create New Service Template: Configuration page, when you click Search, only middleware pools associated with a load balancer configuration are displayed. If there are no middleware pools associated with load balancer configurations, the list will be blank.
    • Expose Advanced Settings for the SSA User: When set to Yes, the self service user will have access to advanced options such as Operating System, Enable sharing Service Instances with other SSA Users, Setting Target Properties for Monitoring Templates, and so on.

    • Expose WebLogic Admin Console and Fusion Middleware Control to SSA User: If you select Yes, the users with the EM_SSA_USER role will have access to the WebLogic Admin Console and Fusion Middleware Control for each service instance created using this service template.


      This field must be set to Yes only if the EM_SSA_USER needs to have complete control over the WebLogic Server and Fusion Middleware Control consoles. The EM_SSA_USER will then be able to perform all configuration changes and life cycle management operations from each console.
    • JRF Enabled Profile: Indicates if the selected profile is JRF enabled. If set to Yes for WebLogic Server 12.1.2 and 12.1.3 instances, the self service user will be prompted for the database connection string and schema password while requesting a service.

      The self service user can either use a database that is cloned using the DBaaS RMAN Backup option, or a database that has been cloned outside DBaaS but discovered in Enterprise Manager. In the case of the latter option, after discovering the database, you must grant view privileges on the Database target to the self service user.

      A JRF enabled profile cannot be used to create a non-JRF WebLogic domain. If the value for this field has been set to Yes, it is recommended that the value is not changed

  8. In the Target Properties region, specify the characteristics that will be used to tag and identify the target properties. Service instances created from the template will have the characteristics.

  9. Click Next. In the Create Middleware Service Template: Resource Providers page, click Add to select the Middleware Pool into which that the service instances are to be provisioned. The PaaS Infrastructure Zone with which the middleware pool is associated is displayed.

  10. Click Next. The Configuration page appears.

    Figure 24-9 Create WebLogic Template: Configuration

    Create WebLogic Template: Configuration

    Enter the following details:

    • WebLogic Administration Credentials:

      • WebLogic Username: Enter a value of minimum 8 characters as the name of the user logging into the WebLogic server. This is a mandatory field.

      • WebLogic Password: Enter a value of minimum 8 characters as the password for the WebLogic server user. This is a mandatory field.

    • Java Home Location: Specify the absolute path to the Java Home. This field must be specified if the WebLogic Domain Provisioning Profile selected earlier contains Middleware Home binaries.

    • Pre and Post Scripts

      • Prescript for Service Instance: Select the script that should be executed before creating, deleting, scaling up, or scaling down a service instance.

      • Postscript for Service Instance: Select the script should be executed after creating, deleting, scaling up, or scaling down a service instance.

      • External Hosts for Executing Scripts: Specify the external hosts on which these scripts should be executed.

      • Named Credential for execution of scripts on external hosts: Specify the credentials required to run the scripts on external hosts.

      • Execute Scripts on Admin Server Host: Select Yes if the scripts are to be executed on the Administration Server Host.

      • Execute Scripts on Managed Server Hosts: Select Yes if the scripts are to be executed on the Managed Server Hosts.


      Zone level credentials are used to run these scripts on the Administration Server Host and the Managed Server Host.

      The scripts must meet the following guidelines:

      • Directive that is created should be a PERL directive.

      • An input parameter named INPUT_FILE_LOCATION must be defined.

      • The path to the location of a property file must be specified in the INPUT_FILE_LOCATION parameter.

      • The property file contains information about the service instance and the domain.

      See Section 24.6.1, "Sample Postscript" for a sample script file, properties file, and the generated output.

    • Service Settings:

      • Topology: This field is automatically set based on the profile you have selected in the Create Middleware Service Template for Physical: General page.

    • Port Range (Start - End): Enter the port range for the WebLogic Server. The default start range is 1024 and the end range is 65000.

    • Placement Parameters:

      • Memory Usage Per Instance: Specify the memory required for each additional WebLogic Server instance. This parameter must be specified (cannot be left blank) and the value must match the -Xmx value specified in the profile. For example, if the profile specifies -Xmx512m, the memory required value must be set to 0.5. Similarly, a profile value of -Xmx1024m would need a memory required value of 1, and so on.

      • CPU Usage Per Instance: Specify the CPU required for each additional WebLogic Server instance.

    • Server Startup Arguments

      • Managed Server Startup Arguments: Specify the memory and Java arguments required to start the managed server. These arguments are used to control the memory size of the JVM server and create multiple templates with the same profile. For example, you can specify -Xms1280m -Xmx1280m -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dweblogic.security.SSL.ignoreHostnameVerification=true.

        Note: If the Expose Advanced Settings for the SSA User flag is set to True, the self service user can modify these arguments while requesting a service.

    • Resource Management Script Parameters

      • Resource Management Script: Specify the script for dynamic management of resources which allows you to increase or decrease the size of the middleware pool. This script must be present in the Software Library as a directive.

      • Host for Executing Resource Management Script: Select the host on which the resource provisioning script is to be executed.

      • Named Credentials for Host: Specify the named credentials for the selected host

  11. Click Next. In the Create Middleware Service Template for Physical: Roles page, click Add to select the self service user roles to which this service template will be available. All users belonging to the selected role can use this service template.

  12. Click Next. The Create Middleware Service Template for Physical: Review page appears. Review the information entered so far and click Submit. The newly created service template will appear in the Middleware Cloud Self Service Portal Setup: Service Templates page. You can click on the Service Template Name link to view additional details.

To edit an existing MWaaS service template, follow these steps:

  1. Click Edit in the Service templates page to launch to the Edit Service Template wizard.

  2. In this mode, you can modify the description, user name, password, and port range of the WebLogic Server instance being provisioned, add or remove PaaS Infrastructure Zones, Software Pools into which the template is being deployed, and add or remove users who can use this template.

24.6.1 Sample Postscript

This sample postscript prints the contents of the properties file and also prints details regarding the managed server, administration server, and so on. Sample Properties File

The properties file contains the following:

DOMAIN_HOME= /middleware/inst_01_SSA_USER1
MW_HOME= /middleware
WLS_HOME= /middleware/wlserver_10.3
ADMIN_SERVER= example.com,27877,8142
MANAGED_SERVERS= example.com,13614,1488,4166;
EXTERNAL_HOSTS= example.com

A sample script is given below:

use File::Path;
#use File::Spec();
use File::Spec;
use Cwd;

my $dir = getcwd();
my $inputFile = $ARGV[0];
print "Imput File Location = ".$inputFile."\n";
print "===================================================================="."\n";
print "The properties file contents accessible to this script are as follows "."\n";
my @prop;
#Create Hash from properties
open FILE, "<$inputFile" or die("Could not open text file '" . $inputFile . "': $!");
my %hash;
while ($line4 = <FILE>)
my ($key, $val) = split(/=/,$line4);
print $key."= ".$val."\n";
close FILE;
print "===================================================================="."\n";
my $ACTION = $hash{'OPERATION'};
if ( $ACTION eq "CREATE" ) {
    print " This is Service Instance Creation Operation \n";
} elsif ( $ACTION eq "SCALEUP" ) {
    print " This is Scale Up Operation \n";
} elsif ( $ACTION eq "SCALEDOWN" ) {
    print " This is Scale Down Operation \n";
} elsif ( $ACTION eq "DELETE" ) {
    print " This is Delete Service Instance Operation \n";
} else {
    print " Unsuppported Configuration Action".$ACTION."\n";
print "===================================================================="."\n";
print "======================Admin Server Details Begins==================="."\n";
my @fields = split (/,/, $ADMIN_SERVER);
my $arraySize = @fields;
if ($arraySize == 4) {
    print "Admin Server Name is ".$fields[0]."\n";
    print "Admin Server Host Name is ".$fields[1]."\n";
    print "Admin Server NON SSL Port is ".$fields[2]."\n";
    print "Admin Server SSL Port is ".$fields[3]."\n";
} else {
    print "Admin Server Host Name is ".$fields[0]."\n";
    print "Admin Server NON SSL Port is ".$fields[1]."\n";
    print "Admin Server SSL Port is ".$fields[2]."\n";
print "======================Admin Server Details Ends===================="."\n";
print "\n";
print "======================Managed Server's Details Begins==============="."\n";
my $managedServer;
my @noOfManagedServers = split (/;/, $MANAGED_SERVERS);
for ($count = 0; $count < @noOfManagedServers; $count++) { 
     $managedServer = $noOfManagedServers[count];
     @fields = split (/,/, $managedServer);
     $arraySize = @fields;
     if ( $ACTION eq "SCALEDOWN" || $ACTION eq "DELETE" ) {
        print "Managed Server Name is ".$fields[0]."\n";
        print "Managed Server Host Name is ".$fields[1]."\n";
        print "Managed Server NON SSL Port is ".$fields[2]."\n";
        print "Managed Server SSL Port is ".$fields[3]."\n";
     } else {
        print "Managed Server Host Name is ".$fields[0]."\n";
        print "Managed Server NON SSL Port is ".$fields[1]."\n";
        print "Managed Server SSL Port is ".$fields[2]."\n";
    print "\n"
print "===================Managed Server's Details Ends===================="."\n";
print "\n";
print "===================External Host's Details Begins==================="."\n";
my @hosts = split (/,/, $EXTERNAL_HOSTS);
for ($count = 0; $count < @hosts; $count++) {
    print "External Host is ".$hosts[count]."\n";
print "=====================External Host's Details Ends==================="."\n"; Sample Script Output

The output of the directive is given below:

Imput File Location = /jan1215/work/agentStateDir/1422547083465.properties
The properties file contents accessible to this script are as follows 
DOMAIN_HOME= /middleware/inst_01_SSA_USER1
MW_HOME= /middleware
WLS_HOME= /middleware/wlserver_10.3
ADMIN_SERVER= example.com,27877,8142
MANAGED_SERVERS= example.com,13614,1488,4166;
EXTERNAL_HOSTS= example.com
 This is Service Instance Creation Operation 
=======================Admin Server Details Begins===================
Admin Server Host Name is example.com
Admin Server NON SSL Port is 27877
Admin Server SSL Port is 8142
=======================Admin Server Details Ends====================
=======================Managed Server's Details Begins===============
Managed Server Host Name is example.com
Managed Server NON SSL Port is 13614
Managed Server SSL Port is 1488
=======================Managed Server's Details Ends====================
=======================External Host's Details Begins===================
External Host is example.com
=======================External Host's Details Ends===================

24.6.2 Resource Management Script

The Resource Management Script specifies the location of the property file which contains a list of name value pairs. The content of the file varies based on the Create, ScaleUp, ScaleDown, and Delete operations. Create Operation

The content of the file for the Create operation are:












The content of the file for the Scaleup operation are:












EXPECTED MEMORY CONSUMPTION IN GB==<value> Scaledown Operation

The content of the file for the Scaledown operation are:








DOMAIN_NAME=<value> Delete Operation

The content of the file for the Delete operation are:









24.7 Configuring Chargeback

Click the Chargeback tab to add the middleware pools to the Chargeback Application. On this page, you can determine chargeback zones, services, items, and prices. After Chargeback is set up, you can view charges and plan details.

You can configure chargeback and metering data based on the configuration and monitoring metrics collected from associated targets such as the host, managed server, and the PaaS Infrastructure Zone. The charge plans are based on the host, WebLogic (domain, cluster, and server), PaaS Infrastructure Zone, and configuration such as the WebLogic Domain version, OS version, vendor, and so on.

For details on setting up the Chargeback Service, see Chapter 38, "Chargeback Administration".