Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide > Setting Up Siebel Loyalty Programs > Process of Setting Up Loyalty Programs >

Creating Loyalty Programs

As the first step in setting up a loyalty program, the loyalty administrator creates a new Loyalty Program record and enters general information about the program.

NOTE:  You must perform some of the setup tasks in Getting Started with Siebel Loyalty before creating a program. For example, you must create the partner company that hosts the program, or you must define the host company as a partner, so you can select it in the Hosted By field in Step 2 in the following procedure.

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up Loyalty Programs.

To create a loyalty program

  1. Navigate to the Loyalty Program Administration screen.
  2. Add a new record to the Programs list, and complete the necessary fields in the list and in the form. Some fields are described in the following table.

    Hosted By

    Brings up the Pick Channel Partner list. Select the company that is implementing this program. If the program is implemented by the brand owner company, then select the brand owner company.

    If programs are implemented by business units of the brand owner company, then you can create an account for each business unit and select the appropriate one.

    For information about setting up partner companies, see the chapter on working with new partners in Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide.

    Partner Flag

    Select this check box if the program is implemented by a partner. Clear it if the program is implemented by your own company.

    Points Conversion

    Select this check box to enable conversion of insufficient points for redemption, during any services payment process, to a currency payment. The conversion is based the cost defined for the product in the product points view.

    NOTE:  This check box is a one-time selection for the program. If this check-box is selected, then members do not get the points-plus pay-option in any redemption.

    Promotion Calculation Rule

    Select the method used to calculate points when multiple promotions are in effect. For more information, see About Promotion Calculation Rules for Loyalty Programs.

    Start Date

    Enter the date and time when the program goes into effect.

    End Date

    Enter the date and time when the program is no longer in effect. If this field is blank, then the program remains in effect indefinitely.

    Transfer/Gift Start Date

    Enter the day and month used to calculate restrictions on how many points a member can transfer or give for a one year period. The one year period starts on the day and month entered in this field.

    Purchase Start Date

    Enter the day and month to calculate restrictions on how many points a member can purchase for one year. The one year period starts on the day and month entered in this field.

    Point Expiry Basis

    Select the point expiration basis. Options are:

    • Tier Level. Expiration of points must be defined for each Tier.
    • Point Type Level. The Tier level definition of points expiration is disabled and point expiration can only be defined at the point type level.
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