A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Z


accounts, Siebel Loyalty member   1

accrual disputes

creating   1

sending to partner for review   1

accrual package promotions, example   1

accrual transactions, about   1

action-based bonuses   1

action-based promotions

about defining   1

creating example   1 ,  2 ,  3

actions, creating

assign points action   1 ,  2

for promotion rules   1

update attributes action   1

activities, viewing members'   1

Admin - Accruals base promotion, creating   1

Admin - Availment base promotion, creating   1

Admin - Bonus base promotion, creating   1

Admin - Cancellation base promotion, creating   1

Admin - Enrollment base promotion, creating   1

Admin - Gift base promotion, creating   1

Admin - Loan base promotion, creating   1

Admin - Lounge Purchase base promotion, creating   1

Admin - Manual Credit base promotion, creating   1

Admin - membership Renewal base promotion, creating   1

Admin - Point Transfer base promotion, creating   1

Admin - Points Purchase base promotion, creating   1

Admin - Redemptions base promotion, creating   1

Admin - Transfer Points base promotion, creating   1 ,  2

Admin - Voucher base promotion, creating   1 ,  2

Admin - Voucher Reissue base promotion, creating   1

admin promotions

activating   1

creating   1

creating tier promotions   1

airline redemption pricing, about   1

airline redemption product, creating the product   1

airport codes, defining   1

airport zone map, defining the mapping   1

airports, defining the distance between two   1


approving promotions   1 ,  2

approving transactions   1

rejecting transactions   1

submitting transactions   1

viewing transaction approvals   1

architecture, server   1

associating a nonairline redemption product with a program partner   1

associating members with campaigns   1

associating redemption product with program partner   1

assumptions, creating for promotions   1

asynchronous mode, running Realtime component   1


allowing users to change   1

changing fields   1

comparing attributes to attributes   1

comparing attributes to values   1

creating for loyalty promotions   1

creating loyalty promotion record   1

creating point totals attributes   1

creating promotion specific attributes   1

defining program level attributes   1

viewing members' promotion attributes   1

viewing members' tier attributes   1

auto-creation of point blocks   1

availability, of promotions   1

Back to top


back-end processing, using eLoyalty Process Engine - Batch   1

base price list

creating for an airline redemption   1 ,  2

creating for an nonairline redemption   1

setting up for a redemption product   1

base promotions

about creating   1

about defining   1

creating Admin - Accruals base promotion   1

creating Admin - Availment base promotion   1

creating Admin - Bonus base promotion   1

creating Admin - Cancellation base promotion   1

creating Admin - Enrollment base promotion   1

creating Admin - Gift base promotion   1

creating Admin - Loan base promotion   1

creating Admin - Lounge Purchase base promotion   1

creating Admin - Manual Credit base promotion   1

creating Admin - Membership Renewal base promotion   1

creating Admin - Point Transfer base promotion   1

creating Admin - Points Purchase base promotion   1

creating Admin - Redemptions base promotion   1

creating Admin - Transfer Points base promotion   1 ,  2

creating Admin - Voucher base promotion   1 ,  2

creating Admin - Voucher Reissue base promotion   1

creating Transfer Member Id transaction attribute   1

batch enrollment

administering   1

membership data updates   1

membership renewals   1

new membership applications   1

batch server components

about eLoyalty Process Engine - Batch   1

setting up   1

starting   1

bid scenario, for a redemption   1

bidding on a redemption product   1

billing rates, setting up   1

bills, generating   1

bundled product   1

Business Intelligence Publisher, integrating with   1

Business Services

LOY Interactive Processing Engine   1

LOY Processing Engine   1

Back to top


calculating partner product pricing   1

calendar, displaying promotions   1


adding a redemption product   1

defining   1

display to members   1

checking credit   1

cities, mapping to airports   1

city codes, defining   1

complex promotions

about defining   1

creating example   1


activating task flows   1

activating workflows   1

changing fields in attributes   1

creating point types an example   1

list of common forms   1

processing mode   1

setting up points loan repayment   1

vouchers   1

conversion pricing, scenario for redeeming   1

converting points to pay   1

credit check process   1


allowing fields to be used in   1 ,  2

comparing attributes to attributes   1

comparing attributes to values   1

creating for promotion rules   1

evaluating roundtrips   1

custom calculations, defined   1

customer access, setting up

member access   1

self-service redemption   1

customers, about using Siebel Loyalty   1

Back to top


deactivating loyalty promotions   1

disappearing members   1

distance tables, defined   1

Back to top


eligibility promotions

creating   1

return type   1

using   1

eLoyalty Process Engine - Realtime

about   1

running in synchronous and asynchronous mode   1

setting up realtime server component   1

employees, about using Siebel Loyalty   1

engine waterfall effect

configuration   1

imported transaction simulation   1

managing   1

single transaction simulation   1

transaction simulation   1

viewing processed transactions   1

expenses, adding to promotions   1

Back to top



using in criteria   1 ,  2

using to control points   1


association   1

building   1

formula builder   1

managing   1

overview   1

validation   1

frequency promotions

about defining   1

creating example   1

Back to top


generated bills, viewing   1

generating bills   1

German GAAP standard, compliance   1

getting started

about using application   1

activating task flows   1

activating workflows   1

changing fields in attributes   1

creating point types an example   1

list of configuration forms   1

process of setting up partner access   1

setting up customer access   1

setting up points loan   1

setting up server components   1

setting up server keys   1

goals, creating for promotions   1

Back to top


host company, creating as partner   1

host members

See Enrolling Members in Loyalty Programs

host organization, use of Siebel Loyalty   1

households, Siebel Loyalty member   1

Back to top


individuals, Siebel Loyalty member   1

interactive components, setting up   1

InteractiveProcess method   1

Back to top


joint accrual promotions, creating example   1

joint promotions, creating example   1

Back to top


lifecycle solution

about designing program   1

about implementation   1

about measuring results   1

List of Values view, using to change attributes   1

lists of values, defining   1

load balancing

setting up server keys   1

using server keys for   1


defining setup   1

repaying points   1

loans for redemption   1

lounge services, purchasing   1

lounges, defining   1

LOY ABB New Member Process workflow   1

LOY ABB Web Update Process workflow   1

LOY ABB Web Update Shell Process workflow   1

LOY Action Based Bonus Referral SubProcess workflow   1

LOY Action Based Bonus Subprocess workflow   1

LOY Activate Promotion Process workflow   1

LOY Approval Process workflow   1

LOY Batch Redemption Process workflow   1

LOY Bulk Action Process workflow   1

LOY Bulk Import Accrual Process workflow   1

LOY Bulk Simulation Process workflow   1

LOY Cancel Transaction Process workflow   1

LOY Cannot Copy Promotion Process Workflow   1

LOY Change Member Tier workflow   1

LOY Deactivate Promotion Process workflow   1

LOY EAI Export Program workflow   1

LOY EAI Export Promotions workflow   1

LOY EAI Export Transactions workflow   1

LOY EAI Import Program workflow   1

LOY EAI Import Promotion workflow   1

LOY eMember - Checkout Process workflow   1

LOY Engine - Process Batch workflow   1

LOY Engine - Process Expired Accruals workflow   1

LOY Engine - Process Object workflow   1

LOY Engine - Process Promotion Bucket workflow   1

LOY Engine - Process Tier workflow   1

LOY Engine - Process Transaction workflow   1

LOY Engine - Simulate Object workflow   1

LOY Engine - Start Engine workflow   1

LOY Engine - Update Cache workflow   1

LOY Engine - Update Program Cache workflow   1

LOY Get Txn Enhanced Log New workflow   1

LOY Interactive Processing Engine Business Service   1

LOY Loan Repayment workflow   1

LOY Member Enrollment Process workflow   1

LOY Modify Promotion Process workflow   1

LOY Optin Promotion Process workflow   1

LOY Optin Promotion Sub Process workflow   1

LOY Point Transfer Process workflow   1

LOY PreAlloted Membership Generation workflow   1

LOY Processing Engine Business Service   1

LOY Return Points to Parent Point Block workflow   1

LOY Update Parent Point Block Reserved Points workflow   1

LOY Update Program Process workflow   1

LOY User Registration Member Process workflow   1

LOY workflows, Activate Promotion process   1

loyalty program tiers, mapping to external company tiers   1

loyalty programs

defining airport codes   1

designing   1

points   1

rewards   1

tiers   1

loyalty programs, setting up

about creating base loyalty promotions   1

about loyalty programs   1

activating admin promotions   1

approving point blocks   1

checking points remaining   1

creating Admin - Accruals base promotion   1

creating Admin - Availment base promotion   1

creating Admin - Bonus base promotion   1

creating Admin - Cancellation base promotion   1

creating Admin - Enrollment base promotion   1

creating Admin - Gift base promotion   1

creating Admin - Loan base promotion   1

creating Admin - Lounge Purchase base promotion   1

creating Admin - Manual Credit base promotion   1

creating Admin - Membership Renewal base promotion   1

creating Admin - Point Transfer base promotion   1

creating Admin - Points Purchase base promotion   1

creating Admin - Redemptions base promotion   1

creating Admin - Transfer Points base promotion   1 ,  2

creating Admin - Voucher base promotion   1 ,  2

creating Admin - Voucher Reissue base promotion   1

creating loyalty programs   1

creating point blocks   1

creating Transfer Member Id transaction attribute   1

creating vouchers   1

defining loyalty features   1

defining member classes   1

defining member groups   1 ,  2

defining member hobbies, defining member preferences   1

defining member phases   1

defining membership card types   1

defining point subtypes   1

defining point types   1

defining program level attributes   1

defining tier classes and tiers   1

defining vouchers as rewards   1

lounges   1

modifying loyalty programs   1

process of setting up   1

promotion calculation rules   1

promotion calculation rules, example   1

tier promotions   1

loyalty promotions

adding expenses   1

adding MDF requests   1

adding purchase requests   1

approving   1

controlling availability   1

creating assumptions   1

creating goals   1

displaying in calendar format   1

marketing information   1

process of approving   1

rejecting   1

submitting for approval   1

viewing approvals   1

loyalty promotions, setting up

activating   1

applying tiers   1

checking available point blocks   1

comparing attributes to attributes   1

comparing attributes to values   1

creating a joint accrual promotion example   1

creating a joint promotion example   1

creating a partner promotion example   1

creating action-based promotion example   1 ,  2 ,  3

creating actions for rules   1

creating an accrual package promotion example   1

creating an order-level accrual promotion example   1

creating assign points action   1 ,  2

creating attributes   1

creating complex promotion example   1

creating criteria for rules   1

creating frequency promotion example   1

creating loyalty promotion record   1

creating member, member tier, or transaction attributes   1 ,  2

creating point blocks   1

creating point totals attributes   1

creating program level attributes   1

creating promotion specific attributes   1

creating records   1

creating roundtrip promotion example   1

creating rules   1

creating simple promotion example   1

creating tier promotion example   1

creating update attributes action   1

deactivating   1

evaluating roundtrips   1

excluding products   1

including products   1

modifying   1

process of creating   1

types of promotions   1

types of reward promotion records   1

ways to provide point blocks   1

Loyalty transactions, simulating   1

Back to top


manual processing of transactions, allowing   1

manual tier change, approving   1

marketing information, adding to promotions   1

Maximum Tasks parameter, about setting   1

MaxMTServers parameter, about setting   1

MDF requests, adding to promotions   1

measuring loyalty program, about   1

member attributes

allowing users to change   1

creating   1 ,  2

member classes, defining   1

member groups, defining   1

member information, entering

records   1

referrals   1

service requests   1

transactions   1

travel profiles   1

member information, viewing

activities   1

point balances   1

point items   1

promotion attributes   1

statements   1

tier attributes   1

transaction histories   1

member merge, setting up   1

member phases, defining   1

Member Portal, setting up   1

member services

cancelling memberships   1

cancelling redemption vouchers   1

creating accrual disputes   1

enrolling members   1

purchasing lounge services   1

purchasing points   1

reissuing vouchers   1

renewing memberships   1

using   1

member statuses, defining   1

member tier attributes, creating   1 ,  2


about using Siebel Loyalty   1

approving manual tier change   1

assigning a user name and password   1

assigning to classes   1

assigning to groups   1

assigning to phases   1

associating with campaigns   1

calculating value   1

cancelling transactions   1

creating vouchers   1

defining hobbies, defining preferences   1

display of catalog to   1

display of products to   1

enrolling in a multilevel program   1

enrolling in loyalty programs   1

evaluating   1

giving vouchers to members   1

lending points to members   1

list of members   1

manually changing tier status   1

manually creating a membership card   1

merge results   1

merging members   1

modifying service requests   1

printing statements   1

qualifying for tier status   1

redeeming loaned points   1

rejecting special tier status   1

repaying loaned points   1

rolling up points from child to parent member   1

segmenting   1

setting maximum loan amount for   1

setting up access   1

setting up multilevel programs   1

setting up self-service redemption   1

transferring points to another member   1

types   1

using vouchers   1

viewing promotions   1

membership cards

defining types   1

manually creating   1

membership schemes

creating   1

selecting   1

social media members   1


cancelling   1

renewing   1

merge members, setting up   1


InteractiveProcess   1

ProcessBatch   1

ProcessInteractiveObject   1

ProcessObject   1

SubmitObjectForProcessing   1

UpdateCache   1

MinMTServers parameter, about setting   1

multicurrency orders   1

multilevel programs

enrolling members   1

merging   1

rolling up points from child to parent member   1

setting up   1

multiple methods of payment

entering   1

points and currency   1

multiple point types, accruing for orders   1

Back to top


nonairline redemption product

associating with a program partner   1

creating the product   1

nonairline redemptions, process of setting up   1

notes, entering   1

Back to top


object processing   1 ,  2

optimizing point block updates   1

Oracle Business Intelligence, about using with loyalty design   1

order-level accrual promotions, creating example   1


accruing multiple point types   1

entering payment, in points and currency   1

multicurrency   1

Back to top



batch server component   1

realtime server component   1

setting for the loyalty engine   1

parent child relationships, setting up   1

partner access

entering loyalty partner program profile   1

mapping external loyalty partner tiers to company program tiers   1

process of setting up   1

selling loyalty points   1

setting up loyalty partner point conversion   1

partner account debit, setting up unified point type for   1

partner billing rates, setting up   1

partner product pricing, calculating the pricing   1

partner program profile, entering   1

partner promotions, creating example   1

partner statements, generating   1


about   1

about using Siebel Loyalty   1

charging fees in currency   1

charging fees in points   1

creating joint loyalty promotions   1

exposing additional views to   1

generating bills   1

managing fees   1

managing partners rejected transactions   1

managing point balances   1

refunding fees in points   1

selling loyalty points   1

sending accrual disputes for review   1

sending transactions to partners   1

setting up billing rates   1

setting up precalculated accruals   1

setting up product offerings   1

types of functionality   1

types of tasks performed   1

using redemption vouchers   1

using scenario   1

viewing generated bills   1

password, assigning   1

payments, entering in points and currency   1

point block updates, optimizing, example   1

point blocks, auto-creation   1

point gift setup, defining   1

point purchases

defining setup   1

restricting   1

point transfers

defining setup   1

restricting   1

point types, accruing multiple types   1

point types, defining   1


approving point blocks   1

checking available point blocks   1

checking remaining points   1

creating point blocks   1 ,  2

defining point subtypes   1

defining point types   1

expiration   1

lending to members   1

point conversion, setting up   1

point totals attributes, creating   1

point types, creating an example   1

providing point blocks for loyalty promotions   1

purchasing   1

redeeming for rewards   1

redeeming loans to members   1

repaying loans to members   1

rolling up from child to parent member   1

selling loyalty points   1

selling to partners   1

setting up loan repayment   1

setting up loyalty partner point conversion   1

transferring between members   1

viewing members' point balances   1

viewing members' point items   1

points loan repayment, setting up   1

points-to-pay conversion   1 ,  2

post-paid partners, selling points to   1

precalculated accruals

defined   1

setting up   1

prepaid partners, selling points to   1

price lists, defining   1

pricing setup for airlines, about   1 ,  2

printing statements   1

process for checking credit   1

ProcessBatch Method   1

ProcessInteractiveObject Method   1

ProcessObject Method   1

product catalog, adding a redemption product   1

product offerings

accrual templates   1

defined   1

product pricing, calculating for partners   1


defining   1

defining loyalty features of   1

display to members   1

excluding from promotions   1

including in promotions   1

setting up multiple methods of payment   1

program partner

associating with a nonairline redemption product   1

associating with a redemption product   1

Promotion Designer

defining   1

designing   1

validation   1

promotion for a redemption, setting up   1 ,  2


about creating base promotions   1

activating admin promotions   1

adding expenses   1

adding MDF requests   1

adding purchase requests   1

approving   1

calculation rules, about and options   1

calculation rules, example   1

configuring common   1

controlling availability   1

creating Admin - Accruals promotion   1

creating Admin - Availment promotion   1

creating Admin - Bonus promotion   1

creating Admin - Cancellation promotion   1

creating Admin - Enrollment promotion   1

creating Admin - Gift base promotion   1

creating Admin - Gift Points promotion   1

creating Admin - Loan promotion   1

creating Admin - Lounge Purchase promotion   1

creating Admin - Manual Credit promotion   1

creating Admin - Manual Debit promotion   1

creating Admin - Membership Renewal promotion   1

creating Admin - Point Transfer promotion   1

creating Admin - Points Purchase promotion   1

creating Admin - Points Reactivation promotion   1

creating Admin - Promotion Enrollment promotion   1

creating Admin - Redemption promotion   1

creating Admin - Transfer Points promotion   1

creating Admin - Voucher promotion   1

creating Admin - Voucher reissue promotion   1

creating assumptions   1

creating goals   1

creating joint loyalty promotions   1

displaying in calendar format   1

incorporating social profile data   1

integrating with external target lists   1

marketing information   1

process of approving   1

rejecting   1

submitting for approval   1

viewing approvals   1

viewing members   1

viewing members' promotion attributes   1

promotions, creating

promotions that apply on member anniversary   1

promotions that apply the day the member enrolls   1

promotions, setting up

activating   1

applying tiers   1

checking available point blocks   1

comparing attributes to attributes   1

comparing attributes to values   1

creating a joint accrual promotion example   1

creating a joint promotion example   1

creating a partner promotion example   1

creating a reward referrals promotion   1

creating a social rewards promotion   1

creating action-based promotion example   1 ,  2 ,  3

creating actions for rules   1

creating an accrual package promotion, example   1

creating an order-level accrual promotion example   1

creating assign points action   1 ,  2

creating attributes   1

creating complex promotion example   1

creating criteria for rules   1

creating frequency promotion example   1

creating member, member tier, or transaction attributes   1 ,  2

creating point blocks   1

creating point totals attributes   1

creating promotion record   1

creating promotion specific attributes   1

creating records   1

creating roundtrip promotion example   1

creating rules   1

creating simple promotion example   1

creating tier promotion example   1

creating update attributes action   1

deactivating   1

evaluating roundtrips   1

excluding products   1

including products   1

modifying   1

process of creating   1

types of promotions   1

types of reward promotion records   1

ways to provide point blocks   1

purchase requests, adding to promotions   1

Back to top


queued transactions, allowing manual processing   1

Back to top



about eLoyalty Process Engine - Realtime   1

running in synchronous and asynchronous mode   1

setting up realtime server component   1

reason codes, defining   1


creating loyalty promotion record   1

creating member record   1

reward promotion types   1

redeeming a service product, scenario   1

redeeming a tangible product, scenario   1

redeeming with conversion pricing, scenario   1

redemption base price list

creating the list   1 ,  2

setting up the list   1

redemption for a bid, scenario   1

redemption loans   1

redemption packages

about   1

defining   1

redemption process, about   1

redemption product

adding to a catalog   1

associating with a program partner   1

bidding on   1

creating for a nonairline product   1

creating for an airline   1

redemption promotion, setting up   1 ,  2

redemption transactions, about   1

redemption vouchers   1 ,  2

cancelling   1

partner use   1

setting up   1

referrals, entering   1

rejected transactions, managing   1

relationship tier assessment, about   1

repayment   1

retroactive tier changes

about   1

creating Admin - Retro Accruals base promotion   1

creating retroactive tier member attributes   1

creating retroactive tier member tier attributes   1

creating retroactive tier transaction attributes   1

setting up   1

setting up retroactive tier rules   1

retroactive tier rules, setting up   1

revenues from voucher   1

reward promotions

about defining and types   1

types of records used   1

reward referrals promotion, creating example   1

rewards, redeeming points   1

roundtrip promotions, creating example   1

roundtrips, evaluating   1


changing attributes   1

creating actions for promotion rules   1

creating for loyalty promotion   1

rules libraries

action library sets   1

advanced options   1

criteria library sets   1

managing   1

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overview of Siebel eLoyalty   1

setting up self-service redemption   1

using scenario   1

selling points to post-paid partners   1

selling points to prepaid partners   1

sending accrual disputes to partner for review   1

server architecture   1

server components

list   1

setting up realtime server component   1

setting up the batch component   1

setting up the interactive component   1

starting the batch component   1

starting using workflow   1

server keys

assigning to members   1

reasons for using   1

setting up   1

using for load balancing   1

service products

associating   1

defining associations   1

scenario for redeeming   1

service requests, entering and modifying   1

setting up a bundled product   1

setting up a redemption promotion   1 ,  2

setting up nonairline redemptions   1

setting up partner billing rates   1

setting up points-to-pay conversion   1

setting up voucher revenues   1

setting up voucher status changes   1

Siebel eLoyalty

about   1

applying tiers to promotions   1

deactivating loyalty promotions   1

entering member transactions   1

overview of member use   1

setting up customer access   1

using scenario   1

Siebel Loyalty

about   1

configuring   1

defining lists of values   1

defining product offering   1

getting started   1

lifecycle phases   1

list of members   1

list of users   1

member services   1

partner and employee applications   1

setting up partner access   1

setting up server components   1

setting up server keys   1

use by host organization   1

Web services for social media   1

Siebel Loyalty engine

setting parameters   1

specifying objects processed by   1

Siebel Loyalty objects, specifying how often objects run   1

Siebel Loyalty Partner Portal

about use by partners   1

charging fees in currency   1

charging fees in points   1

creating joint loyalty promotions   1

managing fees   1

managing point balances   1

refunding fees in points   1

selling loyalty points   1

sending transactions to partners   1

setting up precalculated accruals   1

setting up product offerings   1

types of functionality   1

types of tasks performed   1

using redemption vouchers   1

using scenario   1

Siebel Loyalty redemption process, about   1

Siebel Marketing, using with Siebel Loyalty   1

Siebel remote   1

simple promotions

about defining   1

creating example   1

social media channels for Siebel Loyalty   1

social profile data, using in Siebel Loyalty   1

social rewards promotion, creating example   1

special tier status

entering and submitting   1

rejecting   1


printing   1

viewing   1

status changes, requiring approval   1

steps in the redemption process   1

SubmitObjectForProcessing Method   1

synchronous mode, running Realtime component   1

Back to top


tangible product, scenario for redeeming   1

task flows, activating   1

tier assessment

about   1

models   1

processes   1

tier assessment models

anniversary   1

creating   1

creating a fixed date based   1

creating a rolling period based   1

creating an anniversary based   1

fixed date   1

rolling period   1

tier attributes, viewing members'   1

tier classes

defining   1

defining vouchers as tier rewards   1

entering notes   1

tier promotions

about defining   1

activity promotions   1

applying to promotions   1

checking available point blocks   1

comparing attributes to attributes   1

comparing attributes to values   1

crating point totals attributes   1

creating   1

creating actions for promotion rules   1

creating an update attributes action   1

creating assign points action   1 ,  2

creating attributes   1

creating criteria for rules   1

creating example   1

creating member, member tier, or transaction attributes   1 ,  2

creating point blocks   1

creating promotion record   1

creating promotion specific attributes   1

creating rules   1

evaluating roundtrips   1

excluding products   1

including products   1

process of creating   1

setting up   1

ways to provide point blocks   1


approving manual tier change   1

defining   1

defining vouchers as tier rewards   1

entering and submitting special tier status   1

entering notes   1

manually changing members' status   1

manually creating a membership card   1

qualifying members   1

rejecting special tier status   1


approving   1

cancelling   1

creating transaction attributes   1 ,  2

entering   1

rejecting   1

restricting based on membership status   1

sending to partners   1

submitting for approval   1

viewing approvals   1

viewing members' transaction histories   1

Transfer Member Id transaction attribute, creating   1

transient variables

assign points   1

defining   1

discount points   1

discount points plus (+) pay   1

overview   1

scenarios   1

track and assign points   1

using   1

travel profile, entering members'   1

Back to top


UpdateCache method   1

user name, assigning   1


adding   1

list   1

Back to top


viewing generated bills   1

voucher revenue   1

voucher status changes   1


configuring   1

configuring to expire in days   1

creating   1

defining as rewards   1

giving to members   1

giving to members for a tier upgrade   1

giving to members for registering   1

reissuing   1

setting up for redemption   1

using   1

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about use by partners   1

eLoyalty using scenario   1

overview of Siebel eLoyalty use   1


activating   1

LOY ABB New Member Process   1

LOY ABB Web Update Process   1

LOY ABB Web Update Shell Process   1

LOY Action Based Bonus Referral SubProcess   1

LOY Action Based Bonus Subprocess   1

LOY Approval Process   1

LOY Batch Redemption Process   1

LOY Bulk Action Process   1

LOY Bulk Import Accrual Process   1

LOY Bulk Simulation Process   1

LOY Cancel Transaction Process   1

LOY Cannot Copy Promotion Process   1

LOY Change Member Tier   1

LOY Deactivate Promotion Process   1

LOY EAI Export Program   1

LOY EAI Export Promotions   1

LOY EAI Export Transactions   1

LOY EAI Import Program   1

LOY EAI Import Promotion   1

LOY eMember - Checkout Process   1

LOY Engine - Process Batch   1

LOY Engine - Process Expired Accruals   1

LOY Engine - Process Object   1

LOY Engine - Process Promotion Bucket   1

LOY Engine - Process Tier   1

LOY Engine - Process Transaction   1

LOY Engine - Simulate Object   1

LOY Engine - Start Engine   1

LOY Engine - Update Cache   1

LOY Engine - Update Program Cache   1

LOY Get Txn Enhanced Log New   1

LOY Loan Repayment   1

LOY Member Enrollment Process   1

LOY Modify Promotion Process   1

LOY Optin Promotion Process   1

LOY Optin Promotion Sub Process   1

LOY Point Transfer Process   1

LOY PreAlloted Membership Generation   1

LOY Return Points to Parent Point Block   1

LOY Update Parent Point Block Reserved Points   1

LOY Update Program Process   1

LOY User Registration Member Process   1

using to start servers   1

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creating for airline flight redemptions   1

mapping to airports   1

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Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.