Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide > Setting Up Siebel Loyalty Promotions > Process of Creating Loyalty Promotions >

Creating Actions for Loyalty Promotion Rules

If a rule qualifies, then Siebel Loyalty executes the actions for that rule.

The following actions are used in promotions:

  • Assess Next Tier. Assesses the member's qualification for moving up to the next tier.
  • Assign Points. Gives points to the member.
  • Assign Voucher. Assigns an electronic voucher for redeeming a product or a service.
  • Calculate Base Price. Calculates the base price derived from the distance table, using the airport as inputs. The distance is then converted to given point type in the promotion. This action is available only for the base promotion where the Base flag field was selected at the promotion level.
  • Cancel Transaction. Cancels a transaction.
  • Discount Points. This action can be used to apply discounts on point prices in a redemption promotion. The action can only be used with promotions that are Promotion-Designer enabled and that use a transient variable. For more information, see Transient Variables.
  • Discount Points plus (+) Pay. This action can be used to apply discounts on point-and-pay prices in a redemption promotion. The action must be used with a transient variable. For more information, see Transient Variables.
  • Downgrade Tier. Downgrades the member to a lower tier. You must specify the tier to which the member is downgraded.
  • Gift Points. Assigns gift points to the member.
  • Invoke Custom Action. Invokes a method that you create to perform custom actions.
  • Issue Bulk Voucher. Assigns an electronic voucher for redeeming a product or service when you are using bulk redemptions. This action converts points to a currency value, so you can assign members a voucher with currency values that are based on the number of points they have. For more information, see Batch Redemption Process.
  • Points Reactivation. Reactivates the member's expired points.
  • Promotion Enrollment. Enrolls the member in a promotion.
  • Qualify Tier. Qualifies the member for a tier. This can be used when the member has enough points to move to this tier, but is not in qualifying period of the tier and the member's present tier is not expired.
  • Redeem Points. Redeems the member's points.
  • Requalify Tier. Requalifies the member for a tier. This can be used when the member is in the qualifying period and the member's tier is expired.
  • RTC Automatic. RTC stands for Retro Tier Change. RTC automatic means the retro tier change is done automatically based on the past accrual transactions that are valid and qualified. This action is called if the promotion performs this automatic tier change.
  • RTC Manual. The retro tier change is done manually. This action is called if the user performs the tier change manually.
  • RTC Adjust Qualifying Points. Adjusts the qualifying points to the new tier.
  • Track and Assign Points. Adds the value of the transaction points to the transient variable associated with the point type. The action can only be used with promotions that are Promotion-Designer enabled and that use a transient variable. For more information, see Transient Variables.
  • Update Attribute. Changes the value of an attribute.
  • Upgrade Relationship Tier. The tier of the member's relationship changes whenever the member reaches a specific tier. This applies only if the member's relationship is already a member. Otherwise, no action is taken.
  • Update Roundtrip Info. Updates information about the segments of a roundtrip that have been completed. This action is only used when you create a criterion of the type Evaluate Roundtrip.
  • Upgrade Tier. Upgrades the member to a higher tier. You must specify the tier to which the member is upgraded.

This task is a step in Process of Creating Loyalty Promotions.

Creating an Assign Points Action

Use the following procedure to create an assign points action.

To create an assign points action

  1. Navigate to the Loyalty Promotions Administration screen.
  2. In the Promotions list, find the promotion for which you want to create an action and click the hyperlink in its Promotion Number (#) field.
  3. If the promotion form's Active check box is selected, then click Modify.
  4. Click the Rules view tab.
  5. Select a rule and click its Name field hyperlink, and click the Actions view tab.
  6. Add a new record to the Actions list, and in the Type field, select Assign Points.
  7. In the record's Detail form, complete the necessary fields, described in the following table.

    Use from Transaction

    If you select this check box, then the promotion uses the same point type and qualifying or nonqualifying value as the transaction. The Point Type and Qualifying fields become read-only.

    You can select this check box only for rules that apply to transactions.

    Point Type

    Select the point type to assign.


    Select or clear this check box to make the points qualifying or nonqualifying. Both qualifying and nonqualifying points are assigned to a member.

    Object, Attribute, Operator, Value, Range

    Use these fields to build the expression that specifies how many points the member receives:

    • Use Object and Attribute to specify the attribute that the number of points is based on. For example, you can specify Transaction.Points to give a bonus equal to the number of base points.
    • Use Operator and Value with Object and Attribute to base the points on a calculation. For example, you can specify Transaction.Points * 0.2 to give a bonus equal to 20% of the base points.
    • Use Value alone to give a constant bonus. For example, you can enter 500 as the Value and leave the other three fields blank to give a bonus of 500 points.
    • Use Range to give points according to defined multiplication factors.

    Expiration Length, Expiration UoM

    Use these fields to specify when the points expire. For example, enter an Expiration Length of 2 and an Expiration UoM of Years for the points to expire in two years.

    NOTE:  The expiration values you specify for points in the Expiration Length and Expiration UoM fields apply only if you have not specified point expiry values at the tier level or the point type level. If you have specified point expiry values at the point type level or at the tier level, then those values take precedence and the points that are given as a result of this promotion expire based upon the values defined at the tier level or the point type level.

    Expiration Snap To

    (Optional) Specify that the expiration occurs on the nearest month, year, and so on to the expiration date determined by Expiration Length and UoM.

Creating an Update Attributes Action

Use the following procedure to create an update attributes action that changes the value of an attribute.

To create an update attributes action

  1. Navigate to the Loyalty Promotions Administration screen.
  2. In the Promotions list, find the promotion for which you want to create an action and click the hyperlink in its Promotion Number (#) field.
  3. If the promotion form's Active check box is selected, then click Modify.
  4. Click the Rules view tab.
  5. Select a rule and click its Name field hyperlink, and click the Actions view tab.
  6. Add a new record to the Actions list, and in the Type field, select Update Attribute.
  7. In the Detail form, and complete the necessary fields, described in the following table.

    Update this attribute

    Object and Attribute

    Use these fields to specify the attribute to be updated.

    Update this attribute


    Select the action to be performed on the attribute.

    With this attribute

    Object, Attribute

    Use these fields to build the expression that calculates the value with which to act on the attribute. These fields are used the same way here as they are for assign points actions, described in Creating an Assign Points Action.

    And/Or this value

    Operator, Value

Creating an Assign Voucher Action

Use the following procedure to create an assign voucher action that assigns an electronic voucher for redeeming a product or service.

Before you create a promotion that uses this action, you must create the voucher. For more information, see Creating Vouchers for Loyalty Members.

To create an assign voucher action

  1. Navigate to the Loyalty Promotions Administration screen.
  2. In the Promotions list, find the promotion for which you want to create an action and click the hyperlink in its Promotion Number (#) field.
  3. If the promotion form's Active check box is selected, then click Modify.
  4. Click the Rules view tab.
  5. Select a rule and click its Name field hyperlink, and click the Actions view tab.
  6. Add a new record to the Actions list, and complete the necessary fields, described in the following table.


    Select Assign Voucher.


    Select the voucher that is assigned.

    The list displays all the products that are set up as electronic vouchers.

    Voucher Quantity

    Select a number to specify how many of these vouchers are assigned. The default is 1.

    Use From Transaction

    Select this check box if either of the following statements applies:

    • The redemption transaction uses an electronic voucher for the product and a promotion is applied on the transaction to assign the voucher.

      NOTE:  If this transaction is set up with a product of type of electronic voucher, then the promotion must have the Use From Transaction flag checked so that, when the member redeems this product, Siebel Loyalty automatically issues a voucher to the member.

      To assign more than one voucher to a member, specify the required number in the Quantity field of the transaction record. The Quantity field is not displayed in the user interface by default so you must use Siebel Tools to expose the field in the transaction applet, then compile the changes to the Siebel Repository File (SRF). For additional information on configuring applets, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

    • The transaction has a bundled product which includes an electronic voucher. For example, if a member redeems a one day Compact Car, then the product selected is: 1-Day Compact Car.
  7. Complete the optional fields in the Discount Type area, described in the following table, only if you want to create a voucher that is a discount amount, such as $20 discount or 10% discount.

    Discount Type

    Select Absolute Value or Percentage to determine whether the discount gives a cash voucher or a percentage discount.


    Optional. Specify the object that the discount is calculated from. Possible objects are Transaction, Member, Promotion, Formula or Custom. Do not use Distance, Member Tier, Partner or Product attributes.


    Optional. Specify the attribute of the object that the discount is calculated from. The attribute must be of the number or integer type.


    Optional. Select the operator used to calculate the discount. If the discount is an absolute value, then the valid operators are Add, Multiply, Divide, or Subtract. If the discount is a percentage, then the operator must be Multiply.


    Select one of the following:

    • The value by which the Attribute is modified based on the operator, if you have entered the Object, Attribute, and Operator.
    • The absolute value of the voucher if the Object, Attribute and Operator are null.

    This field is available and is required if the Discount Type is Absolute Value.

    Voucher Discount Value

    Select one of the following:

    • The value by which the Attribute is modified based on the operator, if you have entered the Object, Attribute, and Operator.
    • The absolute value of the voucher if the Object, Attribute and Operator are null.

    This field is available and is required if the Discount Type is Percentage.

Using Invoke Custom Action

You can define your own custom actions for promotions. Supported custom actions include:

  • CancelTxnAttributes
  • SetLoanBalance
  • DebitVoucher
  • CancelRedmptionVoucher
  • ReIssueVoucher
  • PurchasePoints
  • TransferPoints
  • LoungePurchase
  • RenewMembership

To create an action of the type Invoke Custom Action, you must create a method that performs the custom action. The method must be implemented on the LOY Customer Action Business Service. The following arguments are passed in to the method. Some of these arguments might not be present, depending on the processing context.

Context Where It Is Specified

Member Id


Transaction Id

Only for Rules that apply to transactions

Bucket Id

Only for rules that apply to attributes and for rules that apply to transactions that a promotion bucket has been created for

Promotion Id


Promotion Rule Id


Tier Id

Only for tier promotions

Example of Using Invoke Custom Action

This topic gives one example of how to create a method and use it in Invoke Custom Action. You might use this feature differently, depending on your business model.

An airline wants to calculate the redemption price for flights dynamically. This price varies depending upon the load factor of each flight, information that is outside Siebel Loyalty.

The example creates a custom attribute in Siebel Loyalty, with a method that retrieves the load factor data from outside, uses this data to modify the transaction attribute and returns the value to Loyalty. This attribute can be used in Loyalty promotion criteria and actions. It is used to calculate the final redemption price at the time the transaction is processed.

To implement this functionality, perform the following steps:

  • Write a Siebel eScript in the LOY Customer Action Business Service. The sample eScript follows:

    function Service_PreInvokeMethod

    (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs)


    if (MethodName == "GetValue")


    var ActiveBO = TheApplication().GetBusObject("LOY Transaction");

    var myBusComp = ActiveBO.GetBusComp("LOY Transaction");

    var txnId = "";

    txnId = Inputs.GetProperty("Transaction Id");


    myBusComp.SetSearchSpec("Id", txnId);


    var points = 0;

    points = myBusComp.GetFieldValue("Load Factor");

    points = points * 1000;

    Outputs.SetProperty("Field Value",points);

    return (CancelOperation);



  • Compile the eScript in the SRF file.
  • In the Loyalty Program Administration, Programs, Program Level Attributes, Custom Attributes view, create a new custom attribute named Load Factor of type integer.
  • Give the method the name GetValue.
  • Use this custom attribute in a promotion's action. In the Loyalty Promotions Administration, Promotion, Rules, Actions view, in the Assign Points form, select Custom as the Object and GetValue as the Attribute.

Using Redeem Points

This type of action is similar to Apply Points, described earlier, except for the following differences:

  • The Expression section is used to calculate the number of points redeemed, not the number assigned.
  • You do not specify whether the points are qualifying or nonqualifying.
  • You do not specify when the points expire.

This type is used only in base promotions, not in promotions that are made visible to customers. For more information about base promotions, see Creating Base Loyalty Promotions.

Using Cancel Transactions

This type of action is used only for promotions where Apply To has the value Cancellation.

This type is used only in Admin Promotions, not in promotions that are made visible to customers. For more information about base promotions, see Creating Admin Promotions.

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