Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Overview of Installing Siebel Business Applications >

Installation-Related Changes for Siebel Innovation Pack 2014

Siebel Innovation Pack 2014 and later include several product changes and requirements that affect your installation tasks and the overall flow of these tasks. See also all of the relevant references in What's New in This Release and see previous versions of this guide. The Siebel Installation Guides for prior Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x and version 8.2.2.x releases are available on My Oracle Support, at 1461732.1 (Article ID).

  • Documentation is for Siebel Innovation Pack 2014. The Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using is for installing the Siebel CRM software for Siebel Innovation Pack 2014. This term is used for the following Siebel CRM releases:
    • Siebel CRM version
    • Siebel CRM version

      References to the current release usually refer to either of these releases or the particular release you are installing. This term might also refer to functionality that changed relative to previous releases or other functionality that applies to the latest release. Some version references might indicate the Siebel database version. The current release includes new functionality and the functionality from previous Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x and version 8.2.2.x releases (including Siebel Innovation Packs or Siebel Fix Packs).

      Separate versions of the Siebel Bookshelf are no longer provided for Siebel CRM. However, previous versions of the Siebel Bookshelf are still available. The Siebel Installation Guides for prior Siebel CRM version 8.1.1.x and version 8.2.2.x releases are available on My Oracle Support, at 1461732.1 (Article ID).

  • Installing Siebel Patchset 1 or later is strongly recommended. It is strongly recommended that customers installing Siebel Innovation Pack 2014 also install Siebel Patchset 1 or later, where available. For the readme documents for individual Siebel Patchset releases, see Siebel Patchset Installation Guide for Siebel CRM, 1614310.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. See also 1600520.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support and see About Siebel CRM Releases.
  • Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support is no longer provided for the current release. You can obtain versions of this guide for Siebel Innovation Pack 2013 or earlier releases in case the information provided is useful for your situation. The versions of this guide for prior releases are provided here:
    • Version 8.1.1.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 880452.1 (Article ID)
    • Version 8.2.2.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 1441523.1 (Article ID)
  • You can enable Siebel Open UI during initial installation and configuration. For new installations of the current release, a new option in the Siebel Server Configuration Wizard and in the Siebel Web Client installer lets you specify whether to enable Siebel Open UI or high interactivity for Siebel Business Applications. For more information, see Configuring the Siebel Server and Installing the Siebel Web Client. See also Enabling Siebel Open UI.
  • Siebel Configuration Wizards have changed. The Siebel Configuration Wizards have been updated in several ways, including the following:
    • The wizard screens are larger.
    • Some controls appear on screens differently than before, and some of the task flows and options have changed.
    • Where available, you can view option descriptions by clicking the Help button.
    • The wizards support saving response files from the GUI, for unattended configuration. You can perform unattended configuration for all of the supported configuration modes.
    • To help you to verify that the configuration completed successfully, the log file is referenced at the end of the configuration task.
    • The Siebel Server Configuration Wizard provides the ability to specify whether to enable Siebel Open UI or high interactivity for applicable employee applications.
    • You can enable a new component group, Disconnected Mobile Synchronization (MobileSync), by using the Siebel Server Configuration Wizard. See also Enabling and Disabling Server Component Groups.

      For more information, see Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension and Installing the Siebel Database.

  • Customers no longer need to obtain updated Siebel Repository (SRF) files. For the current release, updated Siebel Repository files are provided with new installations and migration installations of Siebel CRM. Customers do not have to obtain updated SRF files separately, as was required for Siebel Innovation Pack 2013.
  • Siebel Web Client and Siebel Tools installers have changed. For Siebel Web Client and Siebel Tools, the installers for the current release have changed significantly, as follows:
    • The user interface has been updated for these installers.
    • Installing the current release as a new installation is a one-step task, using only the installer for the current release. Installing the current release as a patch installation uses the same installer. Network images for these modules are needed for the current release only. (The media for CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2 is no longer needed for these modules.)
    • Patch installations for these modules are now migration installations, similar to those for Siebel Enterprise Server and Siebel Web Server Extension. (This type of installation was introduced in Siebel Innovation Pack 2013.)
    • Performing unattended installation for these modules has changed.
    • Installing new languages for these modules has changed.
    • Uninstallation and rollback for these modules have changed.
    • The Siebel Web Client installer provides the ability to specify whether to enable Siebel Open UI or high interactivity for applicable employee applications.

      For more information, see Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools. See also Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications and Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network.

  • License keys are in seed data. In the current release, the license keys for Siebel CRM base applications do not need to be entered manually. The license keys are provided in the seed data that is imported into a new Siebel database. For more information, see Installing the Siebel Database. See also Logging in to Your Siebel Application.

    The license keys are also part of the seed data that is imported into an existing database as part of Incremental Repository Merge or database upgrade operations. For more information about performing these operations, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

  • Siebel Management Server and Siebel Management Agent are no longer provided. Siebel Management Server and Siebel Management Agent, which were formerly used with Siebel Application Deployment Manager, are no longer provided or supported for the current release. For more information, see the statement of direction on My Oracle Support, 1640801.1 (Article ID). For more information about Siebel Application Deployment Manager, see Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide on Siebel Bookshelf.
Related Topics

Installation-Related Changes for Siebel Innovation Pack 2015

Installation-Related Changes for Siebel Innovation Pack 2013

Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Components and the Siebel Web Server Extension

Enabling Siebel Open UI

Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS

Installing Siebel Web Clients and Siebel Tools

Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications

About Siebel CRM Releases

Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the Network

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