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Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Prebuilt Business Services

Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) includes the following prebuilt business services:

Use Siebel Tools to review specific details on business services, including user properties, methods, and method arguments. For information on using Siebel Tools, see Using Siebel Tools. See also About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Architecture.

UCM Account Source Data and History Service

UCM Account Source Data and History service synchronizes the account record with the UCM Account Source Data and History record.

UCM Batch Manager

UCM Batch Manager processes insert requests queued in the Source Data History (SDH) table in batch mode. It also processes data in batch mode during the initial loading through Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager.

You can enable UCM Batch Manager to allow multiple view modes, such as viewing records across multiple organizations, by setting the ViewMode User Property in the UCM Batch Manager. For configuration instructions, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.

UCM Contact Source Data and History Service

UCM Contact Source Data and History service synchronizes the Contact record with the UCM Contact Source Data and History record.

UCM Converter

The UCM Converter converts Siebel Master Data Applications messages received to a property set for inbound communication. The converter iterates through the requests and responses in the message to construct error information (if any) and also constructs the envelope and header section of the message.

UCM Cross-Reference Service

The UCM Cross-Reference Service handles different operations on the UCM Cross-Reference records.

UCM Data Decay Service

The UCM Data Decay Service handles data decay related operations. It resets the decay metrics when a field is updated. It prepares inputs to invoke the rules engine and parses the rule outputs, and it prepares the inputs to notify the data steward about decayed data.

UCM Data Governance Manager

This service provides an interface to support the handling of Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations on the cross-reference information for the primary business objects (Account, Contact).

UCM Data Governance Manager Service

UCM Data Governance Manager Service is a business service that provides an interface and also the implementation for the handling of the requests from Oracle Data Governance Manager which is based on Oracle Application Development Framework. The methods of this business service address the categories of Master, Consolidate, Share, Cleanse and Govern areas. These methods have been registered in the Siebel Web Service framework as Inbound Web service operations for the following Web services:

  • MasterService
  • ConsolidateService
  • ConsolidateListImportService
  • ShareService
  • GovernService
  • CleanseCompletenessService
  • SystemsRegistrationService

For more information on these Web services, see Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) and Data Governance Manager Web Services Reference.

UCM Data Mgmt Util Service

The UCM Data Mgmt Util Service is invoked for Guided Merge tasks. It validates customer inputs from Task Based UI applets and prepares inputs for UCM Merge service.

UCM Data Quality Manager

UCM Data Quality Manager is responsible for cleansing and matching records before processing a transaction.

UCM Data Quality Business Services

UCM Data Quality includes the following business services:

    • DataEnrichment
    • ISS System Services
    • ISS Utility Services
    • TestDqSync

UCM Data Steward UI Service

The UCM Data Steward UI Service handles UI operations that the data steward performs, including preparing for Merge and Unmerge requests and removing the Pending status from suspect records.

UCM Dispatcher

The UCM Dispatcher is responsible for receiving and dispatching inbound messages. It receives the inbound message and scans the message for any operations specified in its rule sets dispatcher map and associates the integration objects for the connector components. It then does the following actions:

  • Parses the envelope of the message
  • Converts the envelope to the header property set
  • Passes the integration objects for the specified action, the envelope layer property set, and the XML message to the connector components for further processing

UCM FINCORP Account Source Data and History Service

UCM FINCORP Account Source Data and History service synchronizes the financial account record with the UCM FINCORP Account Source Data and History record.

UCM Household Source Data and History Service

UCM Household Source Data and History service synchronizes the Household record with the UCM Household Source Data and History record.

UCM List Import Services

Provides the main functions for the List Import service to process import jobs, validate data, and handle errors. This business service also includes functions to process List Import Web service requests.

UCM File Manager Service

Use in List Import to process import files and write records into Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) staging tables (SDH tables).

UCM Merge Service

The UCM Merge Service handles all the UCM Merge related operations. It validates merge requests, submits valid merge request for further merge processing, prepares a History record to be stored in the Source Data and History tables, calls survivorship to decide on the winning fields, prepares inputs for merging child objects, and purges merge requests on a user specified status.

UCM Publish/Subscribe Service

The UCM Publish/Subscribe Service supports both near real-time publish operations, and daily batch publish operations.

The near real-time publish module takes the Siebel Connector for Master Data Applications output message, which could include heterogeneous body segments with different business object types, as an input message. It dynamically constructs a unique output message for each system. The output is based on the Business Object type that is registered in the Publish/Subscribe administration view. The near real-time publish module sends the constructed messages to the registered systems through a registered protocol type.

Similarly, the daily-batch publish module publishes the synchronization information of registered Business Object types. The module constructs messages according to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) message specification and sends them to the registered system through registered protocol types.

Both publish modules then update the Last Publish time to the database in the Publish/Subscribe table.

The UCM Publish/Subscribe Service has the following default user properties:

  • EnableCrossReference[FALSE]
  • ReloadSystemsCounter[10]
  • WorkflowName[UCM Async Realtime Publish Workflow]

You can enable UCM Publish/Subscribe Service to allow multiple view modes, such as viewing records across multiple organizations, by setting the ViewMode User Property in the UCM Publish/Subscribe Service. For configuration instructions, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.

UCM Security Manager

The UCM Security Manager acts as the gatekeeper of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Application. It verifies the System ID in the message header against the System Registrations in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) before it can perform the operations. After a system passes the registration verification process, the UCM Security Manager cycles through the heterogeneous commands in the body. The UCM Security Manager checks the privilege of the individual operations in the body sections against the privileges in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) for the particular object and operation. Any fail operation instances in the body are removed from the XMLHierarchy and attached to the FailSecurityHierarchy.

UCM Source Data and History Service

The UCM Source Data and History Service is responsible for most of the operations performed against the UCM Source Data and History tables, including saving the source record, deleting the history record, and so on.

UCM Survivorship Engine

UCM Survivorship Engine is a prebuilt business service to execute survivorship logic defined by data administrators. For background information on administering survivorship, see About Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Survivorship Rules.

UCM System Task Service

Used in List Import to create the import job status or update the import job status or both.

UCM Transaction Manager

The UCM Transaction Manager executes operations specified in Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Application message instances as Siebel database transactions. The UCM Transaction Manager also:

  • Evaluates heterogeneous commands and executes the transactions.
  • Invokes business services, including Siebel EAI, that are configured in its user properties. These business services can be invoked multiple times.
  • Translates Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Application command elements to Siebel Adapter actions and combines return results as a single property set.

You can add additional business logic or processing to take place in the UCM Transaction Manager after an inbound XML message is received and processed, but before it is committed.

You can enable UCM Transaction Manager to allow multiple view modes, such as viewing records across multiple organizations, by setting the ViewMode User Property in the UCM Transaction Manager. For configuration instructions, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.

UCM UI Interaction Service

UCM UI Interaction Service creates a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) during the insert process. It captures attribute group data for survivorship during the user interface insert or upsert. It also captures the source data history records during the update or delete process.

NOTE:  When this service is enabled, UCM survivorship rules are not initiated, and data entered by users is not corrected. Users are responsible for accurate data entry.

UCM Unmerge Service

The UCM Unmerge Service is the interface that calls the UCM Unmerge functionality.

UCM Utility Service

The UCM Utility Service contains the utility functions that Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) operations require, including Integration Object to Business Component Hierarchy conversion utilities, constructing Hierarchy property set based on the row ID, and a method to retrieve an Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Customer Data Management (CDM) parameter, and so on.

Transport Adapter

Transport Adapter is a prebuilt business service providing an interface between Siebel Business Applications and external applications. Transports allow Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) to exchange data with external applications, using standard technologies for both synchronous and asynchronous communication protocols. Transports provide connectivity to virtually any communication protocol that can represent data as text or binary messages, including MQSeries from IBM and HTTP. For information on transport adapters, see Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager and Integration of Oracle Customer Hub (UCM)

Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager is an important component of Oracle Customer Hub. It performs bulk imports and exports data residing in other back-office systems into Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) and consolidates and replicates information from these sources. Unlike Siebel Enterprise Application Integration, Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager does not go through an application object manager, but the data moves from the EIM_UCM_ORG interface table directly into the SDH (S_UCM_ORG) tables. Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager also provides a schema abstraction and has high throughput. Some features of Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager include:

  • Denormalized interface tables
  • Declarative mapping defined in Siebel Tools
  • Automated SQL generation
  • Support for parallelized import

For batch integration with external applications, Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) provides the following Customer Hub-specific EIM tables to facilitate the loading of selected master objects into Oracle Customer Hub's Source Data and History tables. These records can then be processed by Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) data management tasks later:


For more information about Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager, see Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide.

Generation of Party_UID

Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager and Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) workflow processes generate the Party_UID field based on the value in the UCM_EXT_ID field. The process for generating this field occurs by either of the following means:

  • Loading data to UCM SDH table using UCM Customer Profile Integration Process. In this scenario, the user must populate the <ID> integration object component field value in the CRMML message, which maps to UCM_EXT_ID field in the UCM SDH table. Additionally, the <PartyUId> field, which maps to PARTY_UID, must be empty or not sent with the CRMML message. The UCM Customer Profile Integration Process then generates the PARTY_UID based on UCM_EXT_ID.
  • Loading data to UCM SDH table using Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager. In this scenario, users must populate the UCM_EXT_ID column value in the EIM interface table and the UCM_PARTY_UID field value must remain empty. The EIM interface table value populates the UCM_EXT_ID field in the SDH table. The UCM Batch Data Management workflow then generates the PARTY_UID based on the UCM_EXT_ID.

For more information on the PARTY_UID, see Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide.

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