Managedomain command reference


This topic describes how to run managedomain in the following modes:

  • Command interpreter mode—enter commands from a list using tab completion (default mode)

  • Interactive mode—follow instructions at the command prompt

  • Command mode—enter specific commands and parameters

The managedomain command is available in the following directory:

Windows INSTALL_DIR\apigateway\Win32\bin
UNIX/Linux INSTALL_DIR/apigateway/posix/bin

For an overview of the managedomain command, see Configure an API Gateway domain.

Managedomain command interpreter mode

To run in default command interpreter mode, enter managedomain, and press Tab to view and select options. For example:

Running in command interpreter mode. Enter 'quit' to exit.
Enter 'help' to view help topics. Enter 'help topic' to view help for a topic.
Press TAB to view and complete commands.

add                        add_service_only           add_tag
change_domain_passphrase   change_passphrase          create_archive
create_instance            delete_group               delete_host
delete_instance            delete_tag                 deploy
download_archive           edit_group                 edit_host
edit_instance              help                       initialize
list_deployments           print_topology             quit
regen_certs                remove_service             reset
sign_csr                   submit_cert                topology_check
topology_compare           topology_merge             topology_synch

View help for a command

You can view detailed help for each command and its parameters by entering help followed by the command name. The following example shows the help for the change_passphrase command:

> help change_passphrase

*** Command Description ***

Change group configuration passphrase.

*** Usage ***

      change_passphrase old_passphrase "" new_passphrase "12345"

*** Command Parameters ***

group : name of API Gateway's group. Required.

old_passphrase : the old passphrase.

new_passphrase : the new passphrase.

anm_host : host name for Admin Node Manager that managedomain connects to in order to execute 
commands. This must be specified for the --add command, otherwise a default Admin Node 
Manager will be automatically discovered if none is specified. Note that managedomain may 
connect to a remote or local Admin Node Manager in order to execute commands.

anm_port : port of Admin Node Manager that managedomain connects to in order to execute
commands. Defaults to 8090.

username : username for authenticating to Admin Node Manager. Defaults to 'admin'.

password : password for authenticating to Admin Node Manager.

truststore_file : the filename for the truststore which holds all trusted Admin Node Manager 
SSL certs. Default to trusting all.

truststore_password : the truststore file password which holds all trusted Admin Node Manager 
SSL certs.

debug : enable debugging.

Run a command

You can run a command using tab completion to specify parameters. The following example shows the available parameters for the create_instance command:

> create_instance <press TAB>

name                       group                      host
instance_management_port   instance_services_port     passphrase
sign_with_generated        sign_with_user_provided    sign_with_external_ca
domain_passphrase          sign_alg                   ca
key_passphrase             add_service                service_user
debug                      anm_host                   anm_port
username                   password                   truststore_file

The following example creates a new API Gateway instance with a specific name and group:

> create_instance name APIServer1 group Group1

Requesting CSR from Admin Node Manager...

CSR received from Admin Node Manager.

Requesting signed certificate from Admin Node Manager...

Signed certificate received from Admin Node Manager.

Requesting Admin Node Manager to create new API Gateway...

New API Gateway SSL certificate details:

   dname: CN=instance-1,OU=group-2,DC=host-1

   expires: Fri Apr 27 16:36:37 BST 2114

   thumbprint: E6:C5:B5:6D:52:1D:74:3E:CD:3E:8B:B5:82:24:3A:78:1B:C9:27:F9

   issuer dname: CN=Domain

   issuer thumbprint: B5:68:73:7A:7B:ED:6D:B0:04:40:CF:E3:BC:36:6D:84:F7:49:29:12

The new API Gateway 'APIServer1' in group 'Group1' has been successfully created and 

Start the new API Gateway by executing the following command:

C:\Oracle-\apigateway\Win32\bin\startinstance -g "Group1 " -n "APIServer1"

You can alternatively add C:\Oracle-\apigateway\Win32\bin\ to your path and 
use "startinstance -g "Group1" -n "APIServer1"".

You can test the connection by visiting the URL:


Tab completion is also available for some parameter values (instance names, group names and host names) The following example shows available instances for the delete_instance command:

> delete_instance name <press TAB>

APIServer1   APIServer2
> delete_instance name APIServer

Managedomain interactive mode

To run in interactive mode, enter managedomain --menu, and follow the instructions at the command prompt. The following options are available:

Host Management

The managedomain --menu options for host management are as follows:

Option Description Why Use this Option
1 Register host Add a new host that runs an API Gateway to a domain topology. You must ensure that the host is registered in order to create and run API Gateways. For example, you can specify the following:
  • If the host is an Admin Node Manager

  • Host name

  • Node Manager name

  • Node Manager port

  • Node Manager passphrase

  • Windows/UNIX service for Node Manager

  • Trust store details

When registering a Node Manager (Admin or not) in an existing domain, you must specify host details of a running Admin Node Manager in the domain. This is not required when registering the first Admin Node Manager in a new domain because this is always an Admin Node Manager.
2 Edit a host Edit the details for a host registered in a domain topology (used occasionally). You can update the following:
  • Host name

  • Node Manager name

  • Node Manager port

  • Node Manager passphrase

  • Windows/UNIX service for Node Manager

  • Change admin capabilities

  • Enable metrics

Changing admin capabilities enables you to change a Node Manager to Admin Node Manager, or an Admin Node Manager to Node Manager. You can only change admin capabilities of the Node Manager running on the same machine. You cannot remove admin capabilities of the last Admin Node Manager in a domain, or from an Admin Node Manager that has the domain key and certificate used to sign CSRs.

When you get a license for an evaluation mode API Gateway, you must use this option to change the host from to a network reachable address or host name. You must also restart the Node Manager to pick up any changes.

3 Delete a host Delete a registered host from a domain topology (used occasionally). You must first stop and delete all API Gateways running on the host. You can use this option to delete an Admin Node Manager or Node Manager. The Admin Node Manager that services this request is not allowed to delete itself from the domain, ensuring the domain always has at least one Admin Node Manager.
4 Change Admin Node Manager and/or credentials, currently connecting as: user admin with truststore None By default, you connect to an Node Manager using managedomain with the credentials specified at installation time. You can override these at startup by passing the --username --password command line parameters, or reset while running managedomain with this option. This username/password refers to an admin user configured in Policy Studio.

You can also use this option to select which Admin Node Manager managedomain connects to. managedomain must talk to an Admin Node Manager, which can be local or remote. By default, managedomain connects to the local running Admin Node Manager, otherwise it searches the topology and uses the first running Admin Node Manager that it finds.

API Gateway Management

The managedomain --menu options for API Gateway management are as follows:

Option Description Why Use this Option
5 Create API Gateway instance Create a new API Gateway instance. You can also do this in Policy Studio and API Gateway Manager. You can create API Gateway instances locally or on any host configured in the topology.
6 Edit API Gateway (rename, change management port) Rename the API Gateway instance, or change the management port. This functionality is not available in Policy Studio and API Gateway Manager.
7 Delete API Gateway instance Delete an API Gateway instance from the topology, and optionally delete the files on disk. You can also do this in Policy Studio and API Gateway Manager. You must ensure that the API Gateway instance has stopped.
8 Add a tag to API Gateway Add a name-value tag to the API Gateway. The Topology view on the API Gateway Manager Dashboard displays tags and enables you to filter for API Gateway instances by tag.
9 Delete a tag from API Gateway Delete a name-value tag from the API Gateway. The tag will no longer be displayed in the API Gateway Manager Dashboard.
10 Add or remove a Windows/UNIX service for existing local API Gateway Must be run by a user with permission to create a service on the host operating system (root on Linux, or Administrator on Windows). When run on Linux, adds an init.d script.

Group Management

The managedomain --menu options for group management are as follows:

Option Description Why Use this Option
11 Edit group (rename it) Rename an API Gateway group. This functionality is not available in Policy Studio and API Gateway Manager.
12 Delete a group Delete all API Gateways in the group and the group itself. You must ensure that all API Gateways in the group have been stopped first.

Topology Management

The managedomain --menu options for topology management are as follows:

Option Description Why Use this Option
13 Print topology Output the contents of the deployed domain topology. This includes the following:
  • Topology version

  • Hosts

  • Admin Node Managers

  • Node Managers

  • Groups

  • API Gateway instances (tags)

14 Check topologies are in sync For advanced users. Check that all Node Managers are running the same topology version. Useful only in multi-host environment. Topologies should be in sync if everything is running correctly.
15 Check the Admin Node Manager topology against another topology For advanced users. Compare the two topologies and highlights differences. There should be no differences if everything is running correctly.
16 Sync all topologies For advanced users. Forces a synchronization of all topologies.
17 Reset the local topology For advanced users. Delete the contents of the apigateway/groups directory. This means that you must re-register the host and recreate a local API Gateway instance. Alternatively, you can manually delete the contents of this directory to prevent issues if the host has been registered with other node managers.


The managedomain --menu options for deployment are as follows:

Option Description Why Use this Option
18 Deploy to a group Deploy a configuration (.fed file) to API Gateways. This functionality is also available in Policy Studio and API Gateway Manager.
19 List deployment information List the deployment information for all API Gateways in a topology. This functionality is also available in Policy Studio and API Gateway Manager.
20 Create deployment archive Create a deployment archive from a directory that contains a federated API Gateway configuration.
21 Download deployment archive Download the .fed file deployed to an API Gateway. This functionality is also available in Policy Studio.
22 Update deployment archive properties Update the manifest properties relating to the deployed configuration only. This functionality is also available in Policy Studio. Enables you to update the properties without performing a new deployment.
23 Change group configuration passphrase The default passphrase for the API Gateway configuration is “”. Use this option to set a more secure password. This functionality is also available in Policy Studio.

Domain SSL certificates

The managedomain --menu options for group management are as follows:

Option Description Why Use this Option
24 Regenerate SSL certificates on localhost Regenerate the SSL certificates used to secure API Gateway components in the domain (for example, Node Manager and the API Gateway instances that it manages). You must restart the Node Manager on the localhost after running this option. You must run this option on all hosts in the domain.
25 Sign CSR Specify a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to send to the Certificate Authority (CA) when applying for an SSL certificate for a Node Manager or API Gateway instance.

You can use this option when managedomain acts as the CA, and is passed the CSR to create a signed certificate. You will most likely use an external CA in production. However, this option facilitates testing of certificates signed by an external CA. You can install the API Gateway on a locked-down host, and use this feature only (no license required). You would typically only do this when using a system-generated self-signed domain certificate, and do not wish to store the domain private key on an Admin Node Manager host, and do not wish to use an external CA.

26 Submit externally signed certificate Specify an SSL certificate signed by an externally signed Certificate Authority (CA) to be used by a Node Manager or API Gateway instance. Use this option after registering a host or creating an API Gateway using a certificate signed by an external CA. Submitting the certificate with this option completes the host registration or API Gateway creation.

Managedomain command mode

You can also enter managedomain commands and parameters directly on the command line. For example, the following command creates an Admin Node Manager on the first host in the domain and signs with a user-provided domain key:

managedomain -i --sign_with_user_provided --ca=/home/keys/test.p12

For more details and examples of using managedomain in command mode, see the following: