Self-Service Application Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Viewing Standard Analytic Reports >

Use Case: Viewing the Find Calls Report

This use case lets a user view the Find Calls report, showing service calls for various search criteria, including period or date range, service number, usage type, called number, memo content, disputes, call volume, and total charges.

Main Path for Viewing the Find Calls Report

The main path occurs when a user clicks Analytics, then Find Calls to display the Find Calls page.

Alternate Paths for Viewing the Find Calls Report

No alternate paths occur in this use case.

Find Calls Page Elements

Table 49 describes the elements of this page.

Table 49. Find Calls Page Elements
Page Element

Page Title

Find Calls

Prompt Module

This module displays the following elements:

  • Tabs:
    • Find
      Target: Displays the Search Criteria module.
    • Report
      Target: Displays the Report Details module.
  • Text: Please enter search criteria to find calls.
  • Text and radio button: Relative Period Range Button
  • Text and drop-down list: Previous List Reporting Periods
  • Text and radio button: Period Range Button
  • Text and drop-down list: From List
  • Text and drop-down list: To List
  • Text and radio button: Date Range Button

Prompt Module, continued

  • Text and blank field for data entry: From Field
  • Icon and link: Calendar
    Link target: Popup Calendar Selector
  • Text and blank field for data entry: To Field
  • Icon and link: Calendar
    Link target: Popup Calendar Selector
  • Text and drop-down list: Service Number List
  • Text and drop-down list: Usage Type List
  • Text and blank field for data entry: Called Number Field
  • Text and blank field for data entry: Memo Field
  • Text and drop-down list: Disputed List
  • Text and drop-down list: Volume List
  • Text and blank fields for volume range entries: Field and Field
  • Text and drop-down list: Total Charges List
  • Text and blank fields for total charges range entries: Field and Field
  • Text: *Please input amount in format #,##0.00 (e.g. 1,000.00)

Prompt Module, Continued

  • Button: Find
    Action: Displays the report details.
  • Button: Reset
    Action: Clears the form fields.
  • Button: Cancel
    Action: Cancels the action.

Report Details Module

This module displays the following elements:

  • Module title text and data: Find Calls Report Details (Number items)
  • Column headings:
    • Text and sorting link: Date
    • Text and sorting link: Time
    • Text and sorting link: Service Number
    • Text and sorting link: Name
    • Text and sorting link: Number Called
    • Text and sorting link: Category
    • Icon: Memo
    • Icon: Dispute
    • Text and sorting link: Tariff
    • Text and sorting link: Usage Type
    • Text and sorting link: Destination
    • Text and sorting link: Volume
    • Text, data, and sorting link: Total Charges (Currency)
  • Column content:

Find Calls Report Details Module, continued

    • Data: Tariff
    • Data and link: Usage Type
      Link target: Displays the Service Transaction Detail dialog box. For details, see Service Transaction Detail Dialog Box Elements.
    • Data: Destination
    • Data: Volume
    • Data: Total Charges (Currency)
  • Download and printer-friendly elements
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