Assisted Service Application Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Enterprise Metric Reports >

Use Case: Viewing the Billing Files Report

This use case lets a Merchant user view the Billing Files report, which shows a list of billing data files that were loaded during a selected time period, along with the load status, date, time elapsed, file size, and number of transactions in the file.

Main Path for Viewing the Billing Files Report

The main path occurs when a Merchant clicks the Reports option on the Main Menu, clicks the Billing Metrics tab, and Billing Files to display the Billing Files page.

Alternate Paths for Viewing the Billing Files Report

The following alternate paths can occurs in this use case:

  • A user clicks the Billing Metrics tab, and Billing Files.
  • A user clicks Billing Files on the Billing Metrics page.
Billing Files Page Elements

Table 43 describes the elements of this page.

Table 43. Billing Files Page Elements
Page Element

Page Title Text

Billing Files

Prompt Module

This module displays the following elements:

  • Text and drop-down list: Billing Period From List
  • Text and drop-down list: To List
  • Button: Submit
    Action: Displays the selected report.
  • Download and printer-friendly elements

Billing Files Report Module

This module displays the following elements:

  • Module title text and data: Billing Files (Number items)
  • Column titles:
    • Text and sorting link: Status
    • Text and sorting link: Billing File Name
    • Text and sorting link: Load Date
    • Text and sorting link: Elapsed Time
    • Text and sorting link: File Size (MB)
    • Text and sorting link: No. Transactions
  • Column content:
    • Status icon
    • Data and link (if the load failed): Billing file name
      Link target: Displays the Billing File Error Log dialog. For details, see Table 44.
    • Data: Load date
    • Data: Elapsed time
    • Data: File size
    • Data: Number of transactions
Billing File Error Log Dialog Box Elements

Table 44 describes the elements of this page.

Table 44. Billing File - Error Log Page Elements
Page Element

Page Title Text

Billing File - Error Log

Report Module

This module displays the following elements:

  • Module title text: Billing Files - Error Log
  • Column titles:
    • Text: Billing File Name
    • Text: Error(s)
  • Column content:
    • Graphic: Status icon
    • Data: Load date
    • Data: Elapsed time
    • Data: File size
    • Data: Number of transactions

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