ExTech Printer

The program description is divided up as follows:

Remarks on program function

The data for an ExTech printer can be updated, i.e. created, changed or deleted, with this program. Data which has already been stored can also be displayed.

The portable ExTech printer is connected up as a standard via the bluetooth interface, but it can also be operated via a serial cable as the serial port emulation (RFCOMM) of the bluetooth stack is used.

Remarks on data fields

The following description deals with all available options for update of this basic data.

As with nearly all other programs the following also applies here:


Field with firmly defined selection options

Select one of the debug levels offered by opening the selection menu and clicking on the option required.

The system offers the following debug levels:

Please note:
Only select a value higher than "0" for the debug level if a communications log of the device is required for error analysis.


Field with firmly defined selection options

Select one of the offered baud rates by clicking on this field and with a second click confirming the option required.

The system offers the following baud rates:


Field with firmly defined selection options

Select one of the parity settings offered by clicking on th is window and then confirming the selection with a second click.

The system offers the following parity settings:


Field with firmly defined selection options

Select one of the settings offered for sychronisation with serial data transfer by clicking on this window and with a second click confirming the required option.

The system offers the following handshake settings:

Request timeout

Entry range permitted: numeric 1 – 65535 (default 2000 milliseconds)

Enter a value in milliseconds to define the maximum response time before a timeout signal is sent.

Print delay

Entry range permitted: numeric 0 – 99999


Default: 1000 milliseconds.

Valid timeout

Entry range permitted: numeric 0 – 99999


Default: 1000 milliseconds.

Cut off

Entry range permitted: numeric 0 –30


Default = 3 lines.

NV Logo

Entry range permitted: numeric 0 –8


Enter a value in this field to define the logo for receipt print which is stored in the printer. The software provided by the printer manufacturer should be used to load the maximum of 8 logos which can be up to 8544 bytes in size each.

Batterie warning

Entry range permitted: numeric 0 –9999


Default = 0

Out of paper

Entry range permitted: numeric 0 –250


Default = 40 milliseconds

Card reader

Button active:.The integrated magnetic card reader is active
Button deactivated: The integrated magnetic card reader is not active

Inverse Logo

Button active: The logo from the flash RAM of the printer is printed invertedly.
Button deactivated: The logo from the flash RAM of the printer is printed normally.

BMP file

Path and name of the BMP file for logo print

A logo can be printed on the receipt instead of the receipt head. If a logo is required the name of the BMP file and, if applicable, the path to the current work directory (e.g. work directory = work.10, BMP file in directory "bmp"; entry = ../bmp/BMP file name) should be entered in t his field.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin