ASCII Communication

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program allows import and export of data in ASCII format. This can be done both via local data media and via online data communication with a background processor via the ASCII-COM interface. In both cases the binary data is adapted to ASCII format and is converted to the required format (record layout).

Please note the following information and bear this in mind with ASCII data import.

The standard version of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program contains the data for conversion regulations of the POS systems ADS 48 and ADS 53 for the application program SB 3.3, RS 2.4 and for MICROS Retail OSCAR POS standard.

It is imperative that the conversion table is read in for the required application program before it is put into operation in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS database.
As this is normally only necessary once it can be done manually. The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program should, however, be stopped.

The following call-up sequence applies to application programs SB3.3 and RS 2.4:

Oscar init AsciiClass

Oscar init AsciiField

Enter the following command Oscar dofgl.fgl Deutsch (or English or French)

Oscar InitAscStd.fgl creates the data record description for the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS standard files. This command should be executed after command Oscar dofgl.fgl (language).

A repeat call-up of the commands mentioned above would generate new conversion tables and would thus overwrite any changes made.

Importing and Exporting of Basic Data

It is also possible to import and export the basic data in ASCII format. During the importing and exporting of data from and to the hard disk, the binary data is converted into ASCII format and vice versa. Importing and exporting ASCII data is called up from menu Report in program ASCII-GROUP.

Procedure for importing and exporting to hard disk:

Data Communication via the ASCII-COM Interface

For each of the data files to be accessed via the ASCII-COM interface, a record type description has to be defined in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS System. The conversion instructions are maintained using the programs ASCII Group, ASCII Class and ASCII Field.

If necessary, the record descriptions have to be additionally adapted to the requirements of the different record types.

The setting up of the ASCII data exchange is as follows:

  1. Set up a process unit of the type Oscar-Client. This MICROS Retail OSCAR POS-Client requires neither the graphic database nor the X-Server. Only the program name of the conversion program (AscRS, AscSB oder AscST) has to be entered as the program name.
  2. Set up a device for the transmission protocol, so that MICROS Retail OSCAR POS can communicate with a connected external system. At the moment, the following protocols can be installed: B-Protocol, BSC-Asynchronous Protocol, PP-ADS, or TCP/IP.
  3. Assign the device transmission protocol (B-Protokoll, BSC-Asynchronous, PP-ADS, or TCP/IP) to the Oscar-Client.
  4. The database communication is normally started up by the background system.

ASCII data import

When ASCII data is imported only individual data records can be read as per the record description. However, there are numerous references (links) in each database object (e.g. item). These must remain intact for the database integrity of the whole MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application.

The import of a single data record to the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS database is in most cases not usually sufficient to comply with the database integrity. In most cases, further data records have to be imported.

For example, the data record Item is linked to other data records such as Department, Recipes, VAT, etc.. Some links, e.g. Department, are enforced whereas others such as Recipe, Menu, etc. are optional.

When a new item data record is imported it must always be ensured that all references for this object comply with the database integrity, i.e. references such as Department, Recipe, VAT, etc. must be imported in addition.

The references of the linked data records must also be complied with. For example, the department must have a reference to the main department, etc..

A data record description has been defined as an ASCII import. The record description includes a field for the recipe linked to the item. If a new item is imported with an ASCII import into the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS database and the data record for the recipe no. is missing, the data integrity is no longer guaranteed. In such a case, an error would occur during the sale of such an item.

After ASCII import the user should check the references of a data record as per the check list below to ensure that the references are correct and that the data integrity of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS database is retained.

  1. Select one or more of the data records to be imported, e.g. Item.
  2. Change the value of any field, e.g. Text 1; the status change is shown.
  3. Exit this data record or try to save it
  4. If the references of this data record are not complied with, an error message will be shown on the screen (e.g. "No department”).
  5. Correct the record layout of the data records to be imported and repeat the ASCII import.

A future version of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program will include a program which will help the user to check the attributes and references and consequently ensure the data integrity of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS database. This program will print a list of all errors found.

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MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin