Deletion of Basic Data

The deletion of already existing data in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application is to be carried out by use of various Update Programs. Update programs are to be started directly from the Dispatcher or via one of the various menus of the dispatcher or of other update programs. Furthermore, update programs can be started via the appropriate buttons in the corresponding code programs.

Deleting data records within a relational database is not usual and either impossible or very difficult in most cases. Data records are generally linked to multiple tables and can only be deleted from the database after the links have been deleted, in order to guarantee the integrity of the database.

For example, items are linked to various statistic files in which the turnover data and the item turnovers are recorded. An item could only be deleted after deleting the various statistic files which are necessary for other reports.

In a relational database, generally no data is to be deleted.

Deletion of existing Data

In order to delete data of an already existing record, you have to call up the data record by use of the corresponding update program by entering at least the data of the key fields. The data record key consists of a unique identification number that is composed of one or more numbers, e.g. the company and item numbers.

Primary keys identify the data record as unique. In the input masks of the update programs, the primary keys are marked in bold lettering (e.g. Company, Item No., - but not Description).

Every data record is in a certain state while being edited.

This State is displayed in the input mask of an update program in the lower section of the input mask.

After you called up the data record, the message State: Unchanged appears in the status section.

tbdelete.gif Delete

index.gif Click on the image to return to the Table of Contents.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin