Update Programs

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With the update programs of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program you can access the data stored in the system. You can insert new records, edit , delete, or print the existing ones. The data is stored in different files (Item File, Operator File, etc.) in the system. Within the files, the data is stored in tables, where the data is stored in records (Item Record, Operator Record, etc.).

Running Update Programs

The update programs can be called for execution using different methods:

  1. The update programs which are most commonly accessed can be run by clicking the respective buttons in the Dispatcher.
  2. All update programs can be accessed as a program in the menu of the Menu bar at the top of the input screen.
  3. Within respective update programs, there are buttons and menus where you can branch to other update programs.

Input Masks of the Update Programs

When an update program is called, an input mask will be displayed on the screen.

Example: Item Maintenance

All the input masks of the different update programs have a similar screen layout. Almost in all the input masks, the recurring elements (input fields, controls, buttons, etc.) are organised, as much as possible, in the same area of the screen. Standard input masks enable quick familarisation with the system.

Input masks may contain the following elements:

Access Restrictions to Update Programs

The access to each update program is subject to specific restrictions. Normally each user has to be defined individually which update programs he/she can have access to. Additionally, the execution of the update program is dependent on the operator status and the key position of the connected terminal unit.

Print Programs

For almost each update, there is a print program, with which the basic data can be printed. Print programs are also subject to specific access restrictions.

Report Programs

With the report programs you can evaluate the stock and financial statistics. Through the different selection criteria within each report program, you can define the statistics according to your requirements.

The access to these records can be achieved by using the update programs, where each record in the system can be selected using its unique number (key).


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MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin