Statuses (MDR)

The current status of a data record is displayed by activated switches. The statuses cannot be edited, they are defined in the various application windows after the ending of the corresponding function.

  1. File created for PDT
    The function Create File in the windows Inventory, Delivery, Outgoing Goods, Order and Price Change (MICROS Retail OSCAR POS -> MDR) leads to the activation of this status.
  2. File loaded from PDT
    This status is received by files after the function (Menu MDR -> MICROS Retail OSCAR POS) " read xx" has been carried out. The following windows and functions are involved:
    1. Load Inventory Positions in the window Inventory ,
    2. Load Delivery Positions in the window Delivery,
    3. Load Outgoing Positions in the window Outgoing Goods,
    4. Load Order Positions in the window Orders,
    5. Load Price Change Positions in the window Price Change.
  3. Data is taken over
    This status is set after the function Take over has been carried out in the windows
    1. Inventory
    2. Delivery
    3. Outgoing Goods
    4. Order and
    5. Price Change.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin