Screen Adjustment for the SB Interface

In the following, the windows in which changes are to be made will be listed. Help on how to make these changes can be found e.g. in the chapters Form Maintenance, Form Fields, Menu Items etc. An overview of the various fields, options etc. can be found in the Graphical Overview: Forms/Screen Masks.

All modifications listed below are to be understood as proposals. You can make these changes, but you do not have to. Of course, you can make other or additional changes and adjust your system to your individual requirements. In this context, the parameter Update Mode in the program Form Maintenance which is of particular importance. Via this parameter, you can define how to deal with customer-specific adjustments in the case of a possible release update.

In a first step, the Adjustments in Windows will be described, a second step will deal with the Adjustments in Menus.

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