Window Changes for the SB Interface Adjustment

In the following, you will be informed about which window changes are useful for the SB screen adjustment. Modifications in the menus will be described in the chapter Menu Changes for the SB Interface Adjustment.


  1. Window Company
  2. Window Branch
  3. Window Profit Centers
  4. Sub-Window Add. Data
  5. Window Terminals
  6. Window Operator
  7. Sub-Window Details 1
  8. Sub-Window Report
  9. Window Item
  10. Sub-Window Sales
  11. Sub-Window Devices
  12. Sub-Window Linkage
  13. Window Departments
  14. Sub-Window Sales
  15. Window Main Department
  16. Window Printer Parameter
  17. Window Terminal Type, Sub-Window Add. Data
  18. Menu Application
  19. Menu Application - Organisation
  20. Menu Application - Employee
  21. Menu Application - Item
  22. Menu Application - Employee
  23. Menu Application - Department
  24. Menu Application - Stock
  25. Menu parameters - Misc. Params.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin