Service Charge Maintenance

Different programs are used to calculate the service charge:

All calculations are based on the assignment of a service charge code at the company level. In the maintenance program of company, there is the Service charge calc. window, where the different calculation methods according to the different countries are available for selection. The options listed are:

Note that the above rule applies only to those departments and items which are defined accordingly (see the description below).

With the program VAT the tax records are created. Service charges are considered as a type of special tax in the system and have also to be defined using this program. They also get a code with all the relating percentage values.

The service charge records defined in the VAT program will be accessed by the Operator program. In the Service charge input field, a service charge code is defined for the operator. The percentage rate of this code will be used for calculation for this operator. In the Operator program, there is also the Item service charge button. If this button is activated, the normal percentage is not used for calculating the service charge, but the one defined in the Department program.

In the Department program is the Service charge button. This button has to be activated if the Item service charge button in the Operator program is to be activated and valid. There is also the Service charge input field. The code number, which you can enter here, originates from the VAT program (see above). That means: If the Item service charge button in the Operator program and the Service charge button in the Department program are activated, the normal percentage assigned to the operator will not be used for calculating the service charge, but the one assigned for the department ("special" has priority over "general").

The same applies in the case of items. If a service charge code is defined to an item in the Item maintenance program, the percentage rate of this code has priority over the one assigned for the department.

Compare the overview graphics Calculating the Item Service Charge.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin
