Smart card payment type (CHIP & PIN)

The Smart card differs from the magnetic card in that the Smart card is a chip card with integrated microprocessor and storage space for identification.

The Smart card is activated after placing it in the card reader. The Smart card remains in the card reader for the duration of the transaction. The magnetic card is swiped at the beginning of the transaction and then removed.

The PIN of the card owner is checked on the Smart card by the Retail Logic software whereas the magnetic card is only checked online or by the terminal software.

System prerequisites

Smart card transactions (CHIP & PIN) are only used at present in England. This credit card payment type assumes that the following software packages for the credit card transactions have been installed.

·        Retail Logic Solve/SE,
A server software package for credit card transactions handling.

·         Retail Logic SmartSwitch,
Software components for the POS client for communication with CHIP & PIN hardware with EMV Level 2 functionality.

·         Anker Card Services,
Software components for support of a generic interface for communication with the Retail Logic software and the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS terminal application.

Both software packages, Card Services and Retail Logic software, are configured and administered separately by the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application. The payment types with the appropriate parameters and the credit card parameters for the CHIP & PIN usage are only configured in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program.

MICROS Retail OSCAR POS parametering

The following parameters have to be updated for all credit card transactions:

One or two of the parameters listed above are not required for configuration of Smart card (CHIP & PIN) transactions.


Issuer (for CHIP card transactions)

A data record in which the option "CHIP card" must have been programmed under Parameter -> Payment -> Issuer if the card is to be used for CHIP card transactions. Please note that only one issuer can be stored with this option.

If a CHIP card reader is used in conjunction with Retail Logic software, one issuer must be programmed for all credit card transactions. This means that it is no longer necessary to program various issuers for a variety of card nos. This setting is overwritten if an issuer is identified on the basis of the card no. range stored in the system.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin