Configuration of the Finance Type Voucher

In the following, the essential parameter settings necessary for the confirmation of a voucher distribution are listed. Further information, particularly the field descriptions, can be found in the corresponding program descriptions.



  1. Program Finance Type
    Go to Parameters -> Misc. Params -> Finance Type. Define a finance type by
  2. Program Finance Parameter
    Enter the sub-window Finance Parameter, and assign the appropriate terminal type.
  3. Program Keyboard
    Go to System -> Configuration -> Keyboard. Assign the keyboard.
  4. Program Keys
    Open the program Keys.
  5. Program Keyboard
    Save your entries in the window Keyboard.
  6. The entries will only become effective after the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application has been closed and started again.
  7. Booking in the Sales program
    The voucher issuance is carried out via the corresponding finance type key. Every voucher is given a voucher number automatically by the system and this is entered and checked when the voucher is cashed in. The exact procedure can be found in the user manual.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin