Inventory Procedure

With the inventory, the in-stock quantity values ( (Stock Item State) determined by the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS system for single or for all items of a stock location are compared with the actually counted quantities in stock.

In order to be able to take inventory for stock items, a stock item state for every stock item has to be stored in the system. A stock item state is usually stored in the system after the first goods reception or after the first sale. If an opening inventory is to be taken for particular reasons without any goods having been received before, you can call up the report Generate Opening Inventory in the update program Application -> Stock -> Inventory (Menu Report) in order to generate a stock item state for all items that are characterized as stock items and for which no stock item state has been stored in the system, yet. In addition, the "Calc Cost Price" will be determined by use of the Preferred Supplier.

During the inventory, i.e. from the inventory start until the end, there must not be any item movements, i.e. the sales must definitely be stopped. Item movements like production, deliveries and stock movements are not allowed, too, during the inventory.

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application offers the opportunity to save the quantity in stock for all stock items at the time of the inventory start. By use of this function, you can start the sale before the counted quantities have been entered in the system for the inventory closure.

This procedure offers an advantage: The sale must be stopped for the time of counting only. The input of the counted quantities in stock, the comparison to the calculated values in the system and the printing of the results can be carried out when the sales have already started again.

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The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application offers the following ways to take inventory:

Generating and Processing an Inventory

An inventory is to be taken in the following steps:

  1. Generation of an Inventory.
  2. Generation of one or more Inventory Lists for this Inventory.
  3. Stopping the sale.
  4. Update of the Inventory Lists or Update of the Inventory (all lists at once).
  5. Counting the quantities in stock (by use of the inventory lists).
  6. Starting the sale again (after all quantities in stock have been counted).
  7. Input and Storage of the counted Quantity in Stock.
  8. Confirmation of the inventory (for all related inventory lists).
  9. Printing of the Inventory Results.

This order is required for all inventory variants. The function Update Inventory does not have to be carried out if you generally start the sale only after the inventory has been confirmed.

In order to take inventory, you have to call up the update program  Application -> Stock -> Inventory. You can also call this program from the update program Stock Item.

After calling up the update program, you receive an empty input mask.

Decide now:

In contrast to other update programs, you will enter no data here to create a new inventory. The input of data is only necessary if you want to select a particular inventory that has already been stored in the system in order to view or modify its data.

Every inventory will be stored in the system by use of a unique inventory number. With a new generation of an inventory, the number will be given automatically by the system. In addition, the state confirmed, not confirmed and the state Quantity in stock frozen will be displayed.

Via the pre-selection Search status, you can decide which inventories, the confirmed or the not confirmed, are to be displayed in the selection list.

The confirmation of an inventory and all the inventory lists assigned to this inventory is only closed correctly after you click on the button Execute after saving.

 Button Execute

The inventory (incl. all related inventory lists) receives the state confirmed afterwards.

If you have not confirmed an inventory, you can still view the data but you cannot modify it.

Inventory Creation

In order to create a new inventory, enter the company, the branch, the stock location no. and a descriptive text in the update program Inventory. Do not enter anything in the field Inventory no.; this number will be generated automatically by the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS system after the inventory has been saved.

Click on the button Inventory creation to generate an  Inventory List for this inventory.

Inventory Update

By activation of this button, the current in-stock quantity will be transferred to the inventory, i.e. to all assigned inventory lists.

At this point in time, the sale must already have been stopped. If further item movements are carried out, e.g. through sales, another inventory update will have to be carried out and the quantities in stock have to be counted again.

Inventory Result

Via the button Inventory Result in the update program Inventory, you can print a report of the confirmed inventory and the assigned inventory lists.

Generating and editing Inventory Lists

Via the button Inventory Creation, you enter the update program for the creation of inventory lists. Create the inventory lists for selected or for all items in a stock location. This kind of inventory requires that the sale is stopped during the inventory, i.e. that no change of the quantities in stock takes place.

If there were item movements after the inventory start, i.e. due to sales, you have to carry out an Inventory Update and start counting again.

  1. After calling up the update program Inventory, you receive an empty input mask.
  2. Click on the button Inventory Creation and enter the appropriate data in the subsequent selection mask. According to your data, a count list of the stock items will be printed and stored automatically in the system with a new inventory list number.
    During the storage procedure, the system automatically generates the smallest free number for the inventory list.
    If you activate the option With quantity in the selection list, the current stock quantities of all items on this list will be printed.
  3. By use of this count list, you can collect the actually extant quantities in this stock location.
  4. Call up the update program Inventory Sheet after the count and select the appropriate number for this Inventory List. Click on the button Inventory Position to enter the update program Inventory Position in order to enter the counted item quantities according to the count list.
  5. In the update program Inventory, click on the button Execute to confirm this inventory and all assigned inventory lists.
  6. Then click on the button Inventory Result to print the inventory report.

Inventory Position

In this update program, the quantities in stock of an already generated inventory will be entered or further items can be added.

This update program can also be used for the manual inventory collection of single items for a particular stock location, i.e. you want to take inventory for single items of a particular stock location or add items to an already extant inventory list.

  1. After clicking on the button Inventory Position, you can enter the relevant item numbers with their quantity in stock in this update program.
  2. Leave the update program Inventory Position then and click on the button Store in the toolbar in order to save the inventory list.
  3. In the update program Inventory, click on the button Execute in order to confirm this inventory and the related inventory lists. The quantities in stock will be modified according to the entered values.
  4. Then click on the button Inventory Result to print the inventory report..

Create Inventory List

Via the button “Create Inventory List” in the update program Inventory Sheet, you can generate an inventory list for a particular inventory.

  1. Open the update program Inventory List.
  2. Click on the button Create Inventory List and enter the appropriate data in the input fields. Please note that you have to select the number of the inventory to which the inventory list is to be added. The system generates the smallest free number for this inventory list during the subsequent storing procedure.
  3. Click on the button Screen or Printer to print the inventory list.
  4. The inventory list will then be stored with a number the system assigned automatically.

Update Inventory List

Via this button, the current in-stock quantity of all items on this inventory list will be transferred into the inventory.

At this point in time, the sale must already have been stopped. If further item movements are carried out, e.g. through sales, another inventory update will have to be carried out and the quantities in stock have to be counted again.

Inventory Sheet Result

Via the button Inventory Sheet Result in the update program Inventory Sheet, you can print a report for the confirmed inventory lists.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin