Active Procedure Log

Purpose: The system generates this report if you attempt to submit a job when another instance of the job (such as membership generation job) is already active within your company. For example, the system generates this report when you select Generate Orders at the Generate Membership Orders Screen if a GEN_ORDERS job is already running.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


• Co # (Company number): The number identifying the company where the job was running when you attempted to run the same job.

• User: The user who generated the job. This is the User from the Job Management (My Jobs) screen.

• Job #: The Job ID from the Job Management (My Jobs) screen.

• Date: From the Date on the Job Management (My Jobs) screen.

• Time: From the Date on the Job Management (My Jobs) screen.

CS16_05r OROMS 17.0 2018 OTN