Display Customer Action Notes/Messages in RA (F64)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the Edit Customer Actions pop-up window and an indicator that there are order messages should display when you select an order in Work with Return Authorizations.

Yes/no field: Select this field if you would like the system to display the Edit Customer Actions pop-up window, and identify whether there are any order messages, when you select an order in the Work with Return Authorizations (fast path = WRTA) menu option.

This system control value works the same way in both standard and streamlined return authorization processing. However, this system control value does not affect the Work with Return Authorization Receiving (fast path = WRAR) or Work with Return Authorization Credits (fast path = WRAC) menu options.

Edit Customer Actions pop-up window: This window displays when you select an order for return authorization processing if there are open any customer action notes for the customer.

If there are order messages: The text SEE MSGS appears in the upper right corner of the screen if there are any order messages for the order you selected. This text appears on the:

• Work with Returns for Order screen (streamlined process)

• Work with Return Authorization Detail or Work with Return Authorizations screen (standard process)

To review order messages:

Streamlined process: select Order Inquiry to advance to order inquiry and select Messages to display the messages.

Standard process: advance to order inquiry, select the order at a scan screen, and select Messages to display the messages.

Leave this system control value unselected if you do not want the pop-up window and message indicator to appear in Work with Return Authorizations.

For more information:

• working with return authorizations: Introducing Return Authorizations (WRTA)

• working with customer action notes: Displaying More Options in OIOM

• reviewing order messages: Reviewing Order-Level Properties

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