Track Customer History at Entity Level (F89)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether to break out customer history based on the entity associated with each order.

Yes/no field: Select this field to have the system track customer history at the entity level. You might want to track history at the entity level if you offer more than one catalog with distinct identities, yet you want to share the same customer list and inventory for each.

Entity relationship: The system identifies the entity for each order based on the division defined for the source code on the order header. Each division points to an entity. Similarly, the system identifies the entity for a catalog request based on the source code defined for the catalog request.

Customer-level vs. entity-level: The system tracks information at both the customer level and the entity level if this system control value is selected.

Entity-related tables: The system uses these entity-related tables to track customer order history if this system control value is selected:

• Customer Sold To Entity

• Customer Ship To Entity

• Customer Sold To Item Class Entity

If this system control value is unselected, the system uses these tables only:

• Customer Sold To Order History

• Customer Ship To Order History

• Customer Sold To Item Class History

Screen Differences Related to Entity

Selecting this system control value produces the following screen differences.

Entity-related customer history: These additional screens are available in Work with Customers (fast path =WCST) to review customer history at the entity level:

• Display Customer Order/Entity History

• Display Customer Entity History

• Display Customer Item Class Entity

• Display Customer Item Class Entity Details

• Display Ship To Order/Entity History

• Display Ship To Entity History

For more information:

• working with customers and reviewing customer order history: Reviewing Customer History

• working with catalog requests: Entering Catalog Requests (WCAT)

• entering orders: Introducing Order Entry

• working with entities: Working with Entities (WENT)

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